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Code Block
func createNamespace(logicalCloudName Namespace string)  error  //Stores the namespace for the logical cloud in the database

func createUser(user logicalCloudName string permissions []map[string]map[string][]string) error //Stores the user details for the logical cloud in the database

func createKVpair(name description string userData map[string]string kvPair []map[string]string) error  //Stores a new key value pair in the database

func addCluster(cluster logicalCloudName string) error //Associates a new cluster with the logical cloud

func addUserPermissions(user permissionName string apiGroups resources verbs []string) error

func applyConfig(logicalCloudName string) error //Talks to the Resource Synchronizer to start the actual creation of all the resources for the logical cloud

func getKVPair(name string) ([]map[string]string error)

func getClusterConfig(cluster logicalCloudName string) ([]byte, error) //Returns Kubeconfig for the cluster in JSON format

func getNamespace(logicalCloudName string) (string error)

func getUser(logicalCloudName string) (string error)

func getClusters(logicalCloudName string) ([]string error)

func getUserPermissions(user string) (([]map[string]map[string][]string)  error) //Sample output [{"permission-1": {"apiGroups": [""], "resources" : ["secrets", "pods"], "verbs" : ["get", "watch", "list", "create"] }}, 
                                                                                              {"permission-2": {"apiGroups": [""], "resources" : ["configmaps"], "verbs" : ["*"] }}]
