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The goal of this requirement is to implement new adapter within AAF's Certificate Manager (aka CertMan) micro-service called CertService which will request certificates signed by external Certificate Authority (CA) using CMPv2 CMP over HTTP protocol. New adapter can be used together with already existing adapters: LocalCA and JScepCA. To proof that new adapter Uses CMPv2 client to send and receive CMPv2 messages. 

CertService's client will be also provided so other ONAP components (aka end components) can easily get certificate from CertService. End component is an ONAP component (e.g. DCAE collector or controller) which requires certificate from CMPv2 server to protect external traffic and uses CertService's client to get it.

CertService's client communicates with CertService via REST API, while CertService with CMPv2 server via CMP over HTTP.

To proof that CertService works Open Source CMPv2 server (EJBCA) will be deployed and used in E2E tests.

It is planned that Network Functions (aka xNFs) will get certificates from the same CMPv2 server and the same Certificate AuthorityCA hierarchy, but will use own means to get such certificates. Cause xNFs and ONAP will get certificates signed by the same root CA and will trust such root CA, both parties will automatically trust each other and can communicate with each other.

Architecture sketch

Gliffy Diagram

Components description



CMPv2 adapter properties:

MethodEndpointParameterReturned values

NameIs required?Transfer methodDescriptionNameAlways returned?Transfer methodDescription


CA nameYesPath parameterName of Certificate Authority which should sign sent CSR. Must match CertService's CMPv2 servers configuration. Certificate chainYesBody (JSON)Signed certificate with whole certificate chain.
Base64 encoded CSR (Certificate Signing Request)YesHeaderCertificate Signing Request for given componentTrusted certificatesYesBody (JSON)Trusted certificates. In other words list of root CAs which should be treated as trust anchors. Must contain root CA which was used to sign certificate and may contain other root CAs.
Base64 encoded private keyYesHeaderPrivate key. Needed to create proof of possession (PoP)

CMPv2 server properties

CertService contains configuration of CMPv2 servers. To enroll certificate at least one CMPv2 server has to be configured. Section holds all properties which are planned to be supported by CertService for CMPv2 based CA. Some parameters are planned to be processed before sending to CMPv2 clientserver.

Parameter nameRequired
Validation rules
CA NameYes
IPv4PortYes8080Port number (1-65535)PathYes/pkix
String (1-128)The CA name should include the name of the external CA server and the issuerDN, which is the distinguished name of the CA on the external CA server that will sign our certificate.
  1. String (1-128)
URLYesSchema + IPv4/FQDN + port + path

Url to CMPv2 server; includes mandatory parts: schema (http://) and IPv4/FQDN and optional parts: port and path (alias); e.g. or

NOTE: If FQDN is given ONAP must be able to resolve it

  1. Must be correct URL
  2. Must start with http:// schema
  3. If port given, port from 1-65535 range
Issuer DNYesString (
4-256)Distinguished Name of the CA that will sign the certificate on the
external CA
CMPv2 server side. When creating an end entity on the external CA server for client mode this IssuerDN will be passed through as the ca to sign for that user.
  1. String (4-256)
  2. Correct DN
CA ModeYesEnum (CLIENT|RA)Issuer mode (either Registration Authority (RA) or client mode)
  1. Value from predefined set
Authentication data::IAKYesString (1-256)Initial authentication key, used, together with RV, to authenticate request in CMPv2 server
  1. String (1-256)
Authentication data::RVYes
CA NameNo
String (1-256)Reference value, used, together with IAK, to authenticate request in CMPv2 server
  1. String (1-
128)The Ca Name should include the name of the external CA server and the issuerDN, which is the distinguished name of the CA on the external CA server that will sign our certificate.CA ModeNoString from predefined set: CLIENT_MODE and RA_MODE
  1. 256)

Simplified certificate enrollment flow from CertService's perspective

CMPv2 client

CertService's client

CertService's client properties:

GroupParameter nameRequiredDefaultSyntaxDescriptionOrigin

Timeout for REST API callsApplication helm chart


Path where client will output generated keystore and truststore. Normally this path should be on a volume which is used to transfer keystore and truststore between CertService's client and main applicationApplication helm chart

CA nameYes

Name of CA which will enroll certificate. Must be same as configured on server side. Used in REST API callsOOM global value

CSR details

Common NameYes

Common name for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issuedApplication helm chart

Organization for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issuedOOM global value
Organization UnitNo

Organization unit for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issuedOOM global value

Location for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issuedOOM global value

State for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issuedOOM global value

Country for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issuedOOM global value

Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for which certificate from CMPv2 server should be issuedApplication helm chart

Simplified certificate enrollment flow from CertService's client perspective:

Input Table for CMPV2 client:
