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Description: - Connect two microservices belonging to stateless applications which are deployed on the same clusterThe services hosted behind

nd Istio service mesh has the sidecar proxy installed with each pod of the service.



In the below diagram, 

SERVER - httpbin (If TLS Mode is "SIMPLE", it will accept both traffic for tls and plain text. TLS Mode must be ISTIO_MUTUAL for talking to other istio clients


.  MUTUAL when talking to other external services) istio service which use different rootca

CLIENTS - sleep (TLS Mode can be "SIMPLE" (for services with no sidecars) or ISTIO_MUTUAL(services with sidecars)).  MUTUAL when talking to other external services) or istio service which use different rootca

Diagram Diagram
diagramNameus-to-us intent


Code Block
URL: /v2/projects/{project-name}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/traffic-intent-set/us-to-us-intents/

	"metadata": {
	"name": "<>" // unique name for each intent
    "description": "connectivity intent for stateless micro-service to stateless micro-service communication"
	"userdata1": <>,
	"userdata2": <>

	"spec": { // update the memory allocation for each field as per OpenAPI standards
	"application": "<app1>",
	"servicename": "httpbin" //actual name of the client service
	"protocol": "HTTP",
	"headless": "false", // default is false. Option "True" will make sure all the instances of the headless service will have access to the client service
	"mutualTLS": "ISTIO_MUTUALSIMPLE", // Support 24 modes. DISABLE, SIMPLE and ISTIO_MUTUAL, For external Client, it is SIMPLE and MUTUAL (caCertificate required)
	"port" : "80", // port on which service is exposed as through servicemesh, not the port it is actually running on
	"serviceMesh": "istio", // get it from cluster record
	"istio-proxy": "yes", // The features (mTLS, LB, Circuit breaking) are not avaialble to services without istio-proxy. Only inbound routing is possible.

	// Traffic configuration - Loadbalancing is applicable per service. The traffic to this service is distrbuted amongst the pods under it.
	"loadbalancingType": "ConsistenHash", // "Simple" and "consistentHash" are the two modes
	"loadBalancerMode": "httpCookie" // Modes for consistentHash - "httpHeaderName", "httpCookie", "useSourceIP", "minimumRingSize", Modes for simple - "LEAST_CONN", "ROUND_ROBIN", "RANDOM", "PASSTHROUGH" // choices of the mode must be explicit
	"httpCookie": "user1" // Name of the cookie to maitain stick sessions

	// Circuit Breaking
	"maxConnections": 10 //connection pool for tcp and http traffic
	"concurrenthttp2Requests": 1000 // concurent http2 requests which can be allowed
	"httpRequestPerConnection": 100 //number of http requests per connection. Valid only for http traffic
	"consecutiveErrors": 8 // Default is 5.  Number of consecutive error before the host is removed from load balancing pool
	"baseEjectionTime" : 15 // Default is 5, time for which the host will be removed from load balancing pool when it returns error for no of times more than "consecutiveErrors" limit
	"intervalSweep": 5m, //time limit before the removed hosts are added back to the load balancing pool.

	// credentials for mTLS. Not required in this scenario since the services are in one logical cloud with common rootCA. ISTIO_MUTUAL is enabled by default.
	"Servicecertificate" : "" // Present actual certificate here.
	"ServicePrivateKey" : "" // Present actual private key here.

	// Access Control
	namespaces: [] // Workloads from this namespaces can access the inbound service

  "name": "<name>"
  "Message": "inbound service created"


Code Block
URL: /v2/projects/{project-name}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/traffic-intent-set/us-to-us-intents/

	"metadata": {
	"name": "<>" // unique name for each intent
    "description": "connectivity intent for stateless micro-service to stateless micro-service communication"
	"userdata1": <>,
	"userdata2": <>

	"spec": { // update the memory allocation for each field as per OpenAPI standards
	"application": "<app1>",
	"servicename": "bookinfo-productpage" //actual name of the client service
	"protocol": "HTTP",
	"headless": "false", // default is false. Option "True" will make sure all the instances of the headless service will have access to the client service
	"mutualTLS": "ISTIO_MUTUALSIMPLE", // Support 24 modes. DISABLE, SIMPLE and ISTIO_MUTUAL, For external Client, it is SIMPLE and MUTUAL (caCertificate required)
	"port" : "80", // port on which service is exposed as through servicemesh, not the port it is actually running on
	"serviceMesh": "istio", // get it from cluster record
	"istio-proxy": "yes", // The features (mTLS, LB, Circuit breaking) are no avaialble to services without istio-proxy. Only inbound routing is possible.

	// Traffic configuration - Loadbalancing is applicable per service. The traffic to this service is distrbuted amongst the pods under it.
	"loadbalancingType": "ConsistenHash", // "Simple" and "consistentHash" are the two modes
	"loadBalancerMode": "httpCookie" // Modes for consistentHash - "httpHeaderName", "httpCookie", "useSourceIP", "minimumRingSize", Modes for simple - "LEAST_CONN", "ROUND_ROBIN", "RANDOM", "PASSTHROUGH" // choices of the mode must be explicit
	"httpCookie": "user1" // Name of the cookie to maitain stick sessions

	// Circuit Breaking
	"maxConnections": 10 //connection pool for tcp and http traffic
	"concurrenthttp2Requests": 1000 // concurent http2 requests which can be allowed
	"httpRequestPerConnection": 100 //number of http requests per connection. Valid only for http traffic
	"consecutiveErrors": 8 // Default is 5.  Number of consecutive error before the host is removed from load balancing pool
	"baseEjectionTime" : 15 // Default is 5, time for which the host will be removed from load balancing pool when it returns error for no of times more than "consecutiveErrors" limit
	"intervalSweep": 5m, //time limit before the removed hosts are added back to the load balancing pool.

	// credentials for mTLS. Not required in this scenario since the services are in one logical cloud with common rootCA. ISTIO_MUTUAL is enabled by default.
	"Servicecertificate" : "" // Present actual certificate here.
	"ServicePrivateKey" : "" // Present actual private key here.

	// Access Control
	namespaces: [] // Workloads from this namespaces can access the inbound service

  "name": "<name>"
  "Message": "inbound service created"
