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MethodEndpointParameterReturned values

NameIs required?Transfer methodDescriptionNameAlways returned?Transfer methodDescription


CA nameYesPath parameterName of Certificate Authority which should sign sent CSR. Must match CertService's CMPv2 servers configuration.Error messageNo, only if error occurred on server sideBody (JSON)Verbose information what wrong happened on server side.
Base64 encoded CSR (Certificate Signing Request)YesHeaderCertificate Signing Request for given componentCertificate chainNo, only in success case.Body (JSON)Base64 encoded (question) signed certificate with whole certificate chain (intermediate CA certificates). Signed certificate should be returned first and then all intermediate certificates in following order: singer of previous certificate till certificate which is signed by root CA. All certificates are in PEM format.
Base64 encoded private keyYesHeaderPrivate key. Needed to create proof of possession (PoP)Trusted certificatesNo, only in success case.Body (JSON)Base64 encoded (question) list of trusted certificates. In other words list of root CAs which should be treated as trust anchors. Must contain root CA which was used to sign certificate and may contain other root CAs. Order doesn't matter. All certificates are in PEM format. 

Return HTTP codes:

HTTP codeDescription
200 (OK)Everything is ok. Certificate chain and trusted certificates returned
400 (Bad Request)Incorrect/missing CSR and/or private key
401 (Unauthorized)Missing client certificate or presented certificate is not trusted
404 (Not found)Invalid CA name in REST API call or wrong endpoint called
500 (Internal Server Error)In case of exception on server side.


As the successful result of running CertService's client (exitCode = 0) following artifacts are created:

keystore.jksKeystore with certificate chain. Protected by random generated password.
keystore.passFile with password to keystore
truststore.jksTruststore with all trusted certificates. Protected by random generated password.
truststore.passFile with password to truststore

In case of error CertService's client returns other exit codes (errorCode != 0). 
