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  • Adopt the approach to create a repo for new use cases / simulators
  • Add linters to all the new repositories
  • Add new linters (tobotrobot, bashate, rst)
  • How to get a consistent view on all the repositories, shall we tag all the repositories,..
  • update xtesting repo and put in place the build chain in ONAP (move from to ONAP)
  • update javejava/python3.8 in ONAP (move from to ONAP)



nb people interested

(add a "|" if you think it is valuable)


maintain java11


create python 3.8 baseline||

maintain oparent|

RepositoriesFinalize generalization of linters||

Create new repo (simu/use cases)||

reinsource build chain for java||mediumit is working very well in gitlan..but it is better to reinsource if we want to have contributors only allowed to contribute to ONAP. it is cleaner

reinsource xtesting build chain||lowsame than for java
testsuiteadopt microservice approach|

we missed it in Frankfurt to be done with the python3 final step + OOM chart back to helm

finalize python3 migration|

Move OOM chart back to helm|

use casecreate a starting guide|
can be based on the slide deck shared with use case people

create overide.yaml per use case / to dedicated automatic deployment|
will depend if issue on windriver (slow access through python client) is fixed
testsupdate/maintenance of existing tests||all

component coverage

good idea but how to do that...

discussions with projects to improve healthcheck|
status to be shared with PTLs + discussed with RM to set a milestone criteria?

update security tests - check versions of upstream components|

update security tests check java11/python3.8||

update security tests - check certificates validity|
there was a script somewhere..need to find it, create a test and integrate it in CI

update security tests - check limits||
test already exists and in CI => not valid for daily (unlimited) but good in gating to be used for Guilin criteria

update existing security tests (review xfail list, cist,..)||
the xfail lists of the different security tests  will be reset for guilin

archive CIST?|

current CSIT = functional tests => must be reinsourced by the project

real CIST must be in CI

move CIST to E2E tests in CI|

to be discussed with the projects maintaining their CIST tests

deprecate onap-tests / use python-onapsdk||

Support OOM for a migration|

stress tests|

long duration tests|

update integration web page|


Create a ops guideline (with OOM?)|

infra gate (functest)?|

CI/CDIntegrate vFW Cl test|

Integrate CDS tests|

Integrate GUI tests|

Create 5G xtesting dockers and integrate in CI?|

finalize windriver pipelines|

introduce a weekly pipleine (for long duration tests)|
