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 Time (est) Topics Requester/Assignee Notes/Links



Project Status

DCAE Blockers/High priority


DCAE Outstanding Jira & MED priority bugs 

DCAEGEN2-2219 - DFC's SFTP client doesn't protect from MITM attacks  - Moved to Guilin

Open items from last meeting

  • DCAEGEN2-2141 - Documentation warning 
DCAE bootstrap updates

05/06/2020 - Bootstrap 1.12.6 (frankfurt) - Released (OOM update pending)

  • SON_handler - 2.0.2  (released)

Further blueprint updates will be assessed case by case if bootstrap version release is required

  • DataFileCollector - TBA

4/7 - onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.k8s-bootstrap-container:1.12.5  released.

  • Datalake Handler (1.0.2)
  • PMSH 1.0.3

Reference :  Blueprint management for Frankfurt - DCAEGEN2-2041


Review recent discussion on : and identify next step

Confluence:TLS support for CBS - Migration Plan

link to the source

k8splugin version 2.0.0will automatically mount the CA certificate, in PEM and JKS formats, in the directory /opt/dcae/cacert. It is not necessary to add anything to the blueprint. To get the CA certificates in a different directory, add a tls_info property to the blueprint, set use_tls to false, and set cert_directory to the directory where the CA certs are needed.Whatever directory is used, the following files will be available:

  • trust.jks:A Java truststore containing the AAF CA certificate. (Needed by clients that access TLS-protected servers.)
  • trust.pass: A text file with a single line that contains the password for thetrust.jks keystore.
  • cacert.pem: The AAF CA certificate, in PEM form. (Needed by clients that access TLS-protected servers.)

k8splugin version 2.0.0 uses an init container to supply the CA certificates.

4/29, 4/1 -tested on HV-VES 1.4.0-not workingException in thread "main" not read password from /etc/ves-hv/ssl/jks.pass   

    - jks.pass is distributed only when use_tls is set to true; need to be checked if app expects cert as server? Piotr Wielebski

5/13/ - after my investigation:

  • CBS client works with k8s 2.0.0 plugin (attached logs show log shows it)
  • HV-VES requires the following certificates: trust.jks & trustrust.pass, cert.jks & cert.pass
  • When certs are missing HV-VES is throwing an error ( | ERROR | Failed to create configuration: Could not read password from /etc/ves-hv/ssl/jks.pass )


  • HV-VES is a server app (just like PRH) 
  • use_tls: true, is already set for Frankfurt (so everything should work)
  • I think we can close this case

View file

Repo Branching 

All repository branched including documentation (dcaegen2).  Committer must ensure new submissions are cherrypicked into Frankfurt branch

  • dcaegen2/analytics/tca
  • dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2
  • dcaegen2/collectors/datafile
  • dcaegen2/collectors/hv-ves
  • dcaegen2/collectors/restconf
  • dcaegen2/collectors/snmptrap
  • dcaegen2/collectors/ves
  • dcaegen2/deployments
  • dcaegen2/platform
  • dcaegen2/platform/blueprints
  • dcaegen2/platform/configbinding
  • dcaegen2/platform/deployment-handler
  • dcaegen2/platform/inventory-api
  • dcaegen2/platform/plugins
  • dcaegen2/platform/policy-handler
  • dcaegen2/platform/servicechange-handler
  • dcaegen2/services
  • dcaegen2/services/heartbeat
  • dcaegen2/services/mapper
  • dcaegen2/services/pm-mapper
  • dcaegen2/services/prh
  • dcaegen2/services/sdk
  • dcaegen2/services/son-handler
  • dcaegen2/utils
AAF change impact

aaf_agent (2.1.20) changed in Frankfurt generates cert as non-root; need to assess impact to dcae TLS init (currently uses 2.1.15)

  • one option is for separate truststore for external (discussed under CMPv2)
  • resolve the ownership for current cert/truststore to non-root user (common onap usergroup + and add into separate container)
    • change aaf_agent to default to non-root

DCAE change to be assessed based on CMPv2 proposal; generic onap/usergroup to be discsussed with AAF team - Vijay Venkatesh Kumar

Certificate for components/instance (wild card support)>Frankfurt

PMSH may need to support multiple instance per different usecase. The certificate generation should be supported at instance level (possible AAF dependency

4/29 - Policy may be using wildcard - *.pdp, *.pdp.onap.svc.cluster.local ; to be confirmed if supported from AAF currently Vijay Venkatesh Kumar

2/20  - DCAEGEN2-2084 - support certificate generation at instance level for DCAE services OPEN to track this request for DCAE; AAF dependency will be discussed post Frankfurt and corresponding AAF Jira to be created

Guilin Items

DCAE Guilin Priorities


  • Plugin migration from CCSDK to DCAE (CCSDK-2325 & DCAEGEN2-2207 )
  • K8S plugin optimization   (DCAEGEN2-2215DCAEGEN2-1791)
  • Plugin/type file import (DCAEGEN2-1789)

Requirments from OOM team to be discussed with team

  • All logs to STDOUT
  • AAF integration must be configurable
