Versions Compared


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ONAP needs to support various types of xNF commercial licensing models: simpler, more complex, vendor specific and operator specific models. To support these, two optional solutions exist for ONAP.

Alternative Solution 1: ONAP Native License Management

ONAP includes a built-in xNF license management solution. For a description of this solution, please refer to the License information model.

Alternative Solution 2: License Management Solution External to ONAP

In this solution, the ONAP native license management solution is not used. None of the ONAP components participates in any of the xNF license management use cases, but the only actors are the xNF and the License Service external to ONAP. The external License Service (e.g. vendor specific solution) will vary with the installed network elements of a vendor and service provider. For more information see the Licensing Management Use Case page.

The following sequence diagrams describe the interactions at VNF instantiation and PNF Plug and Play.

Service and HEAT-based VNF instantiation and the License Management Interactions

PlantUML Macro
skinparam classFontColor automatic

participant VID
participant SO
participant AAI
participant OOF
participant SDNC
participant Multicloud
participant OpenStack
participant Controller
participant VNF #LightCyan
participant LicenseService #LightCyan

VID -> SO : Instantiate service	
activate SO
SO <-> AAI : Create service and VNF instance records
SO <-> OOF : Homing
SO <-> SDNC : VNF network resource assignment

SO -> Multicloud: Instantiate VNF
activate Multicloud
Multicloud <-> OpenStack: Instantiate VNF
OpenStack --> VNF ** : VNF instantiated

note over VNF, LicenseService #LightCyan: License request is optional and\n could be before or after configuration

group opt
	VNF -> LicenseService : License request
	activate LicenseService
	LicenseService --> VNF : Response with licenses
	deactivate LicenseService

Multicloud --> SO
deactivate Multicloud

SO -> AAI : Update VNF instance record

SO -> Controller : Configure VNF
activate Controller
Controller -> VNF : Configure
Controller --> SO
deactivate Controller

SO --> VID
deactivate SO


Service and SOL003-based VNF instantiation and the License Management Interactions

PlantUML Macro
skinparam classFontColor automatic

participant VID
participant SO_BPMN
participant SOL003_Adapter
participant AAI
participant SVNFM #LightCyan
participant OOF
participant Controller
participant VNF #LightCyan
participant LicenseService #LightCyan

VID -> SO_BPMN : Instantiate service	
activate SO_BPMN

SO_BPMN -> SOL003_Adapter : Instantiate VNF
activate SOL003_Adapter

SOL003_Adapter <-> AAI : Get VNFMs
SOL003_Adapter <-> SVNFM : Create VNF
SOL003_Adapter -> AAI : Create service and VNF instance records
SOL003_Adapter <-> SVNFM : Instantiate VNF
activate SVNFM

SVNFM -> SOL003_Adapter : Request grant
activate SOL003_Adapter
SOL003_Adapter <-> OOF : HPA homing
SOL003_Adapter --> SVNFM : Response with grant
deactivate SOL003_Adapter

SVNFM --> VNF ** : Instantiate VNF on VIM
note over VNF, LicenseService #LightCyan: License request is optional and\n could be before or after configuration
group opt
	VNF -> LicenseService : License request
	activate LicenseService
	LicenseService --> VNF : Response with licenses
	deactivate LicenseService

SVNFM --> SOL003_Adapter : Notify operation completed
deactivate SVNFM

SOL003_Adapter <-> AAI : Update VNF instance record
SOL003_Adapter --> SO_BPMN : Status complete
deactivate SOL003_Adapter

SO_BPMN -> Controller : Configure VNF
activate Controller
Controller -> VNF : Configure
Controller --> SO_BPMN
deactivate Controller

SO_BPMN --> VID : Create VNF finished


PNF Plug and Play and the License Management Interactions

The below sequence diagram shows license management interactions as part of a simplified 5G PNF PnP flow.

PlantUML Macro
skinparam classFontColor automatic

participant ONAP
participant PNF #LightCyan
participant LicenseService #LightCyan

group Stage 1 - Design time PnP

group Stage 2 - Run time service instantiation

group Stage 3 - PNF bootstrapping

note over PNF, LicenseService #LightCyan: License request is optional and can happen\n during PNF bootstrapping or any time after it.
group opt
	PNF -> LicenseService : License request
	activate LicenseService
	LicenseService --> PNF : Response with licenses
	deactivate LicenseService

group Stage 4 - Run time PNF registration
	PNF -> ONAP : PNF registration

group Stage 5 - Run time PNF activation
	ONAP -> PNF : Configure PNF
	activate PNF
	deactivate PNF
