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Software Status

CPS Mapper Service

  • Presented from krishna moorthy
  • Discussion of Mapper Service
  • CPS engage Slice Teams (Mon slicing weekly)

Release R8



Martin Vezeau

Software Status

Release R8

  • CPS Release tasks: 
    serverONAP JIRA

    Propose to be closed for new features/requirement. Already committed to:
    • E2E Network Slicing. Sync up with PTL
    • Son (Stretch)
    • Temporal DB (no REQ yet?)

E2E Network Slicing

  • Presentation from Tony Finnerty on E2E NW  integration with CPS (, PPT)
  • E2E Needs 2 sets of data 
    1. Slicing specific model. Fred Feisullin has a diagram describing that data S9tored in CPS)
    2. Needs some CM data but not depending on notifications (available through xNF Proxy)
  • This mean the 'current' model provided by Sandeep Shah needs to be split?
  • Data will be pre-loaded using 'config' files or something similar by xNF Proxy
  •  Resourcing
    • xNF Proxy not resourced (need to explore, ask on onap discuss, swami will consider too)
    • DES-Like Data model transformers will be resourced by E2E Team
  • CPS engage Slice Teams (Mon slicing weekly) ?

Release R8



Software Status

Software Quality

  • Sonar Report
  • Silver Badge (Niamh) Need some further investigation
    Bruno Sakoto  can find out maybe from Policy Framework project

M2 Milestones


Swami, planning next

Support for Vertical Industry

E2E Network Slicing

  • Discuss current API ie. what data and queries are required
    1. CPS Interface
    2. xNfProxy interface (for data owned by xNfProxy)
    3. API Mapping DES-Like interface  (query templates)
      1. Where to host code? temporary in CPS Repo
      2. proposal: CPS APIs  and API Mapper Service
      3. query/template will be link to a schema-set(id)
      4. network call information about multiple xNF instances, this needs to be addressed
        For Honolulu it is preferred to keep 1 singel instance?!
      5. Even if 1 anchor (with agreed id) we have add that to interfaces
  • Will continue in Monday E2E Network Slicing Meeting:


Introduction New team Member:  Hanif Kukkalli

DB Schema

Software Status

M2 Milestones

  • CPS R8 Release Planning
  • Deployment in ONAP and related requirements such as documentation were agreed to be a major risk/unknown impact for this new team. Task investigating what is required need to be prioritized
  • Benjamin Cheung kindly agreed to present detail about  ONAP documentation/process in next week meeting 
  • Toine Siebelink will works with swam to identify E2E Network Slicing related user stories such as those required for the new models mentioned below.
  • Bruno Sakoto will work with Toine to define a list of user stories for the Temporal DB aspects
  • One all user stories have been identified a team meeting is required to agree what is feasible in the Honolulu time frame

Architecture Update

  • Short Presentation by Tony Finnerty  CPS-MVP-Component-Responsibility.pptx
    • CPS consist of 3 main components
      1. DB   Generic Yang data store
      2. CPS (core) CRUD access control, ownership
      3. xNF Proxy. Cache for CM data
    • Additional we will have  
      1. Model-Transform (DES Like modified view)
    • Suggested name for API Mapp/DES like transformer: TemplateBasedDataModelTransformer
    • TemplateBasedDataModelTransformer will be separate service from CPS and XNF Proxy. for reason of scalability and segregation of responsibilities

E2E Network Slicing Use Case

  • Sandeep Shah has presented an overview 'new model' that will represent the 'external; data' not captured in the RAN Network model. Thing like Near RTRIC mapping.:
    • 4 models are proposed, all of them contain at least E2E NW Slicing data and some also contain SON data.
    • Approx. 15-20 queries are being proposed. However is is expected these can all be executed using the same core CPS and xNF Proxy functionality:
      • qualified cpsPath query (get). assuming each model is stored/associated with its own Anchor. Or the models are tied together using an overarching parent model (yang module). To be discussed!
  • Swaminathan Seetharaman and Toine Siebelinkagreed to track each model as a user story under 
    serverONAP JIRA
  • The queries can be subtasks of a single query user story assuming all queries need the same basic CPS Cor and xNF Proxy functionality


Software Status


  • The schedule for the LFN Developer & Testing Forum is now live here.

M3 :'code freeze' Thurday  !!!

E2E Network Slicing Use Case

  • Discuss implications of multiple models for 'external data' when querying data. Possible options
    1. CPS need to try all all possible model-trees
    2. A separate Anchor for each model
    3. an overarching yang-module that ties them together (
  • Agree name for  API Mapp/DES like transformer: TemplateBasedDataModelTransformer
  • progress on models nd query details...

(TBD) Modeling Discussion

Jacqueline Beaulac

what was done (Ted J.),  Deep Dive on Proposal; API I/F.

(TBD) Joint Discussion with ONAP-ORAN Harmonization Team

(TBD) Joint Discussion with A1 Policy Extensions
