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Software Status

CPS Mapper Service

  • Presented from krishna moorthy
  • Discussion of Mapper Service
  • CPS engage Slice Teams (Mon slicing weekly)

Release R8



Martin Vezeau

Software Status

Release R8

  • CPS Release tasks: 
    serverONAP JIRA

    Propose to be closed for new features/requirement. Already committed to:
    • E2E Network Slicing. Sync up with PTL
    • Son (Stretch)
    • Temporal DB (no REQ yet?)

E2E Network Slicing

  • Presentation from Tony Finnerty on E2E NW  integration with CPS (, PPT)
  • E2E Needs 2 sets of data 
    1. Slicing specific model. Fred Feisullin has a diagram describing that data S9tored in CPS)
    2. Needs some CM data but not depending on notifications (available through xNF Proxy)
  • This mean the 'current' model provided by Sandeep Shah needs to be split?
  • Data will be pre-loaded using 'config' files or something similar by xNF Proxy
  •  Resourcing
    • xNF Proxy not resourced (need to explore, ask on onap discuss, swami will consider too)
    • DES-Like Data model transformers will be resourced by E2E Team
  • CPS engage Slice Teams (Mon slicing weekly) ?

Release R8



Software Status

Software Quality

  • Sonar Report
  • Silver Badge (Niamh) Need some further investigation
    Bruno Sakoto  can find out maybe from Policy Framework project

M2 Milestones


Swami, planning next

Support for Vertical Industry

E2E Network Slicing

  • Discuss current API ie. what data and queries are required
    1. CPS Interface
    2. xNfProxy interface (for data owned by xNfProxy)
    3. API Mapping DES-Like interface  (query templates)
      1. Where to host code? temporary in CPS Repo
      2. proposal: CPS APIs  and API Mapper Service
      3. query/template will be link to a schema-set(id)
      4. network call information about multiple xNF instances, this needs to be addressed
        For Honolulu it is preferred to keep 1 singel instance?!
      5. Even if 1 anchor (with agreed id) we have add that to interfaces
  • Will continue in Monday E2E Network Slicing Meeting:


Introduction New team Member:  Hanif Kukkalli

DB Schema

Software Status

M2 Milestones

  • CPS R8 Release Planning
  • Deployment in ONAP and related requirements such as documentation were agreed to be a major risk/unknown impact for this new team. Task investigating what is required need to be prioritized
  • Benjamin Cheung kindly agreed to present detail about  ONAP documentation/process in next week meeting 
  • Toine Siebelink will works with swam to identify E2E Network Slicing related user stories such as those required for the new models mentioned below.
  • Bruno Sakoto will work with Toine to define a list of user stories for the Temporal DB aspects
  • One all user stories have been identified a team meeting is required to agree what is feasible in the Honolulu time frame

Architecture Update

  • Short Presentation by Tony Finnerty  CPS-MVP-Component-Responsibility.pptx
    • CPS consist of 3 main components
      1. DB   Generic Yang data store
      2. CPS (core) CRUD access control, ownership
      3. xNF Proxy. Cache for CM data
    • Additional we will have  
      1. Model-Transform (DES Like modified view)
    • Suggested name for API Mapp/DES like transformer: TemplateBasedDataModelTransformer
    • TemplateBasedDataModelTransformer will be separate service from CPS and XNF Proxy. for reason of scalability and segregation of responsibilities

E2E Network Slicing Use Case

  • Sandeep Shah has presented an overview 'new model' that will represent the 'external; data' not captured in the RAN Network model. Thing like Near RTRIC mapping.:
    • 4 models are proposed, all of them contain at least E2E NW Slicing data and some also contain SON data.
    • Approx. 15-20 queries are being proposed. However is is expected these can all be executed using the same core CPS and xNF Proxy functionality:
      • qualified cpsPath query (get). assuming each model is stored/associated with its own Anchor. Or the models are tied together using an overarching parent model (yang module). To be discussed!
  • Swaminathan Seetharaman and Toine Siebelinkagreed to track each model as a user story under 
    serverONAP JIRA
  • The queries can be subtasks of a single query user story assuming all queries need the same basic CPS Cor and xNF Proxy functionality



Software Status


M3 :'code freeze' Thurday  !!!

E2E Network Slicing Use Case

  • Agree name for  API Mapp/DES like transformer: TemplateBasedDataModelTransformer
  • Progress on models and query details...
    • Jira
      serverONAP JIRA
       E2E Slicing team will provide data sample and query information when ready
    • Jira
      serverONAP JIRA
       E2E Slicing team will provide query and 'update' information when ready
    • Jira
      serverONAP JIRA
       E2E Slicing team will provide query and 'update' information when ready

Breakdown of user stories discussion:

  • New function: retrieve DataNode WITHOUT children, do we need this?
  • Do we need separate user stories for:
    • Store & retrieve (keyed) Lists
    • Store & retrieve leaves (standard attributes)
    • Store & retrieve leafLists
  • Alternatively work on E2E Slicing models and handle 'bugs' for what is not workingworking
    Team agreed to handle functionality through bugs as issues with E2E Models and Data samples arise
    Tests wil need to be added for specific functionality like stores leaves, leafLists etc
  • Update functionality (no epic or user stories yet!)
    • E2E network slicing only required CSP updates (no forwarding of updates to NF required as this is done elsewhere already)
    Update user stories

(TBD) Modeling Discussion

Jacqueline Beaulac

what was done (Ted J.),  Deep Dive on Proposal; API I/F.

(TBD) Joint Discussion with ONAP-ORAN Harmonization Team

(TBD) Joint Discussion with A1 Policy Extensions
