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Test Cases


Test Case Id

Test Case

Test Type


Invoke External Service Creation API with the payload for Partner Service Definition

POST URL - /sdc/v1/catalog/services

Pre-requisites -


Local SDC deployment: COMPLETE

TEST-CASE-2Test new category for Partner Domain Service in the service creation UIManualLocal SDC deployment: COMPLETE
TEST-CASE-3Test service distribution for Partner Domain ServiceManual

Local SDC deployment: COMPLETE

Test Cases Details

Test Case ID
Test Case NameInvoke External Service Creation API with the payload for Partner Service Definition
DescriptionThis test will create new Partner domain service 
  • Input headers same as the ones used by NBI for GET /sdc/v1/catalog/services
  • Input payload for Partner Domain Service
  • SDC master/frankfurt build containing changes for tickets SDC-2382, SDC-2383 and SDC-2385

Expected Response - 201 Created

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Testing Steps

Create Partner Domain Service payload. Example payload at createPartnerService-PayloadToSDC-Sample.json

POST request (using postman or similar) to URL /sdc/v1/catalog/services

Check if new Partner Domain service is created

Status (Pass/Fail)

Local SDC deployment: COMPLETD

Testing LabLocal SDC deployment

Test Case ID
Test Case NameTest new category for Partner Domain Service in the service creation UI
DescriptionIn Service creation page, new Category named Partner Domain Service should be available
PreconditionsLocal SDC or ONAP deployment available and running
Testing Steps

Open SDC app ( standalone or ONAP deployment)

Open new service creation page

Check the Category dropdown for the presence of Partner Domain Service option is available

Status (Pass/Fail)

Local SDC deployment:COMPLETD

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Testing LabLocal SDC deployment

Test Case ID
Test Case NameTest service distribution for Partner Domain Service
DescriptionService distribution for Partner Domain Service 
PreconditionsSDC up and running. Partner Domain Service is created for distribution
Testing Steps

Once the service is created via the API, it can be submitted for verification and distribution. 

This can be done by logging into the SDC portal or by invoking the SDC internal APIs.

Once the Service is Distributed, it can be used as a component within a composite service.

A Partner Service is a unitary service and it cannot add other services as its components. It can only be added as a component of other composite services or it can be instantiated as a single service

Status (Pass/Fail)

Local SDC deployment: COMPLETD

Testing LabLocal SDC deployment

Sample Payloads

Payload to SDC service creation API -  createPartnerService-PayloadToSDC-Sample.json

Postman collection for Onboard service - SDC-2383-Onboard_Service.postman_collection.json

Usage guidelines of Partner Service

Please ensure testing follows the guidelines on how to create a valid Partner Service.

Valid and Invalid usage depicted below

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Refer - Sample Internet Service - Service Specifications  on Third-party Operational Domain Manager  for an example of Partner Domain ServiceThe Postman collection for the tests has been uploaded to the ticket SDC-2385