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As we are leveraging the xtesting framework, the results will be managed consistantly whatever the test framework used (robot, python, bash,..) and optionnaly it is possible to push the results in

We may distinguish 2 big families

1) the tests run with docker from outside the clusteryou need ONAP + the kube config

3 categories are run from outside the cluster:




  • 10003/onap/xtesting-security


These tests will be run through a docker run command with the needed volumes associated to the different tests. As an example infrastructure tests will need the kube config file, the pyhtonsdk tests will require the openstack project credentials..

Each docker includes a README file detailing the mandatory and optional options.

DockerREADME link




docker run -v <kube config>/root/.kube/config -v <result directory>:/var/lib/xtesting/results



2) the tests run from inside the cluster

Some tests (the historical robot tests) are run from inside the cluser thanks to a kubernetes job


  • 10003/onap/xtesting-



  • 10003/onap/xtesting-smoke-usecases-


  • robot

This docker are consumed by k8s job in the ONAp namespace. See also the README section in job triggers a pod executing the robot tests. The configuration is provided by the testuise configmap but the testsuite pod is not needed.

Please read the different README associated with the docker to get the mandatory/optional parameters to be adapted.

DockerREADME link



A demo has been done on how to run healthcheck full, onap-k8s and basic_vm on an ONAP lab
