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Date 12  

Table of Contents

Meeting Logistics

DayTimeMeeting IDZoom LinkJoin by phone
Monday[sdc] Team ONAP3, Mon UTC 11:00 / China 19:00 / Eastern 06:00 / Pacific 03:00 calendar invite

See Calendar Invite

Note that a Waiting room has been added to the meeting room, the host will let you join once identified

Meeting Attendees

TBD - see recording

Agenda & Minutes

Review open action items from last week

AgendaMinutes (Draft to be updated during call)
Call for Committers

If you are interested in becoming SDC committer

Fill in the template located : Committer Promotion Request for [SDC]

Just re use a sample of already approved entries

JIRA Updates

  • High priority defects
  • Open Reviews
  • Defects & tasks backlog
  • Others

High priority defects for Guilin:


jqlQueryproject = "Service Design and Creation" AND issuetype = Bug AND status not in (closed) AND priority in (High, Highest) ORDER BY priority DESC

  • Helm issue just merged
  • Other High priority ticket to discuss ?

Open Reviews :

oom reviews:

[SDC] Support setting SDC-BE configuration at deployment time → Sylvain investigating, new patch uploaded but still fails (strange error in Certinitializer template secret resolution)

Pod limits and timeouts → minor comments → Merged

Gerrit REVIEW can proceed with auto test in verify job

  • Reminder of merge conditions : Verify must pass AND tests must be provided for new features (SONAR metrics are important but can only be checked AFTER code is merged)

Important : for new features, please provide explanation of changes and API/UI/unit testing, it is also advised to present changes at SDC weekly

we have a plan to add SONAR test to the verify job, will work on this in the coming months

Note : SONAR rules have changed (TS profile) and we've lost about 1% coverage, will work on increasing this

Defect & Tasks Backlog :


jqlQueryproject = "Service Design and Creation" AND labels = Documentation AND status != Closed

  • Use the AID (Architecture integration documentSDC Data model also for new comers


Amir status :

In progress, working on SNAKEYAML upgrade

Discussed with Amy and she is OK to move rest of the work to H release

Amir is working through some logging issue with SNAKEYAML

Plan on Branching Guilin after RC0

Preparing RC1 release (delayed due to DDF meeting last week + Issue for HELM type)

Automated Rolling Upgrade and Data Migration

No Update this week

Support of automated upgrade from version X to version X+1

Needed for every change that breaks existing data validity : Have a strategy to handle data migration

  • Create a wiki page, details for every feature and its impact on data for migration / schema changes -  check the wiki page: Upgrade plan
    • Feature X: All services metadata must have new property Y
  • Implementing a "task" for migrating data accordingly.
    • Example: asdctool mig2002

Epic created

→ Discuss further and create User stories along with Bell Canada, Amdocs, Tata communications

Will need to prioritize VS Guilin Requirements →

this may shift to next release due to low commitment

Learn from SDNC experience;

"Normatives" types: challenging

Important Jira tasks we need to pick up

Long Term tasks

No Update this week, most tickets defered to next release

  • Aligning SDC dependencies -  high priority → tracked under Guilin Reqs
  • SDC-2708 Add assertions for unit tests  - #NewComers
  • SDC-2812Refactor all usage of Eithers - Guilin R7, #NewComers
  • SDC-2844 JUnit 5 unit test  - on going for new UT
  • Jira
    serverONAP JIRA
    Migrate all TestNG tests to Junit5 , #NewComers
  • SDC-2688Upgrade Selenium - Guilin R7, André

Security  - Guilin

Looking at these and this will significantly impact SDC APIs, since SDC does not have password it has to defer request to portal/aaf

exception for this in Guilin requested , though PORTAL provided Credentials validation API so that SDC can check users - will see if we have time to do something about these  

OJSI tickets open on SDC

jqlQueryproject = OJSI and cf[10400] = OJSI-SDC and resolution != Done and resolution != "Not a Bug"

Guilin requirements

M1 commitments reviewed with tSC → M1 is approved implementation in progress, Any progress update ?

See M1 tracking table :

SDC R7 M1 Release Planning

    Testing in progress on Windriver lab


  • ETSI changes, most of reviews are merged ? waiting to see if more changes required following Integration tests
  • Test Topology Auto Design - waiting review for test code

Remaining items :

review container licenses and origin, some issues with Tern tool

Documentation update

Non Functional progress :

All is implemented, looking towards H release requirements

Status of Pair wise testing :

SDC Pair Wise Testing for Guilin Release

One issue identified with VNFSDK (fixed and merged already, will be part of RC1 build)

Optional - No Update this Week:

Amdocs/YoppWorks to work on Multi-Tenancy (Stretch Goal For Guilin) → did not get news about this

Cucumber api ci - TBD

New Profile Feature

SDC Type Management

Configuring UI tabs (R6 backlog)

Reviewing last week's action items

see below

Discuss Degug Environment

will spend some time after RC0 to work on documentation (it would be good to create a wiki describing how to debug etc..)

SDC Troubleshooting

Also Seb did update SDC README file with more details, will focus on more doc updates during Oct/Nov

Healthcheck improvements

Some improvements submitted in integration repo

Q&AIf you have time, pay attention to SDC mailing list questions
Honolulu Requirements

New requirements for H release are now open,

See : Honolulu Release Requirements

and impact per components : Honolulu Impact View per Component

Action Items ()

  • Bin to send an updated AID document for publish (including changes for Guilin) → Done, discussed last Week- Chris to update/wiki and Doc to reflect it - In progress

... - updated to  1.7.1 (STAGING latest) and installed most of ONAP components.


