Versions Compared


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Code Block
titleOrchestration Flow Reference Table Updates
from rancher

root@sb00-nfs:~# kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-mariadb-galera-0 bash

bash-4.2$ mysql -uroot -pTepsMavaFota9+
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 172842
Server version: 10.1.24-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use catalogdb
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

MariaDB [catalogdb]> select * from orchestration_flow_reference where COMPOSITE_ACTION='Service-Macro-Create' order by seq_no;
+------+-------FLOW_NAME like '%Config%';

MariaDB [catalogdb]> update orchestration_flow_reference set FLOW_NAME='ControllerExecutionBB', scope='vnf', action='config-assign' where id in (1465);

MariaDB [catalogdb]> update orchestration_flow_reference set FLOW_NAME='ControllerExecutionBB', scope='vnf', action='config-deploy' where id in (1495);

MariaDB [catalogdb]> select * from orchestration_flow_reference where COMPOSITE_ACTION='Service-Macro-Create' order by seq_no;
| id   | COMPOSITE_ACTION     | SEQ_NO | FLOW_NAME                   | FLOW_VERSION | NB_REQ_REF_LOOKUP_ID | SCOPE | ACTION        |
| 1447 | Service-Macro-Create |      1 | AssignServiceInstanceBB     |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1450 | Service-Macro-Create |      2 | CreateNetworkCollectionBB   |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1453 | Service-Macro-Create |      3 | AssignNetworkBB             |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1456 | Service-Macro-Create |      4 | AssignVnfBB                 |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1459 | Service-Macro-Create |      5 | AssignVolumeGroupBB         |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1462 | Service-Macro-Create |      6 | AssignVfModuleBB            |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1465 | Service-Macro-Create |      7 | ControllerExecutionBB       |            1 |                  262 | vnf   | config-assign |
| 1468 | Service-Macro-Create |      8 | AssignPnfBB                 |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1471 | Service-Macro-Create |      9 | WaitForPnfReadyBB           |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1474 | Service-Macro-Create |     10 | ActivatePnfBB               |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1477 | Service-Macro-Create |     11 | CreateNetworkBB             |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1480 | Service-Macro-Create |     12 | ActivateNetworkBB           |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1483 | Service-Macro-Create |     15 | CreateVolumeGroupBB         |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1486 | Service-Macro-Create |     16 | ActivateVolumeGroupBB       |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1489 | Service-Macro-Create |     17 | CreateVfModuleBB            |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1492 | Service-Macro-Create |     18 | ActivateVfModuleBB          |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1495 | Service-Macro-Create |     19 | ControllerExecutionBB       |            1 |                  262 | vnf   | config-deploy |
| 1498 | Service-Macro-Create |     20 | ActivateVnfBB               |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1501 | Service-Macro-Create |     21 | ActivateNetworkCollectionBB |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
| 1504 | Service-Macro-Create |     22 | ActivateServiceInstanceBB   |            1 |                  262 | NULL  | NULL          |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [catalogdb]>


Code Block
titleOrchestration Flow Reference Table Updates
from rancher

root@sb00-nfs:~# kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-mariadb-galera-0 bash

bash-4.2$ mysql -uroot -pTepsMavaFota9+
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 172842
Server version: 10.1.24-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use catalogdb
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

select * from orchestration_flow_reference where COMPOSITE_ACTION='VFModule-Delete'; order by seq_no;

insert into orchestration_flow_reference (id, COMPOSITE_ACTION, SEQ_NO, FLOW_NAME, FLOW_VERSION, NB_REQ_REF_LOOKUP_ID, SCOPE, ACTION) value ("1164", "VFModule-Delete", "1", "ControllerExecutionBB", "1", "135", "vnf", "HealthCheck");

insert into orchestration_flow_reference (id, COMPOSITE_ACTION, SEQ_NO, FLOW_NAME, FLOW_VERSION, NB_REQ_REF_LOOKUP_ID, SCOPE, ACTION) value ("1165", "VFModule-Delete", "2", "ControllerExecutionBB", "1", "135", "vfmodule", "ScaleInReconfiguration");

insert into orchestration_flow_reference (id, COMPOSITE_ACTION, SEQ_NO, FLOW_NAME, FLOW_VERSION, NB_REQ_REF_LOOKUP_ID, SCOPE, ACTION) value ("1174", "VFModule-Delete", "6", "ControllerExecutionBB", "1", "135", "vnf", "HealthCheck");

MariaDB [catalogdb]> select * from orchestration_flow_reference where COMPOSITE_ACTION='VFModule-Delete' order by id;
| id   | COMPOSITE_ACTION | SEQ_NO | FLOW_NAME             | FLOW_VERSION | NB_REQ_REF_LOOKUP_ID | SCOPE    | ACTION                 |
| 1164 | VFModule-Delete  |      1 | ControllerExecutionBB |            1 |                  212 | vnf      | HealthCheck            |
| 1165 | VFModule-Delete  |      2 | ControllerExecutionBB |            1 |                  212 | vfmodule | ScaleInReconfiguration |
| 1166 | VFModule-Delete  |      3 | DeactivateVfModuleBB  |            1 |                  212 | NULL     | NULL                   |
| 1169 | VFModule-Delete  |      4 | DeleteVfModuleBB      |            1 |                  212 | NULL     | NULL                   |
| 1172 | VFModule-Delete  |      5 | UnassignVfModuleBB    |            1 |                  212 | NULL     | NULL                   |
| 1174 | VFModule-Delete  |      6 | ControllerExecutionBB |            1 |                  212 | vnf      | HealthCheck            |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [catalogdb]>

CDS Bootstrap command for preloading the CDS Catalog Data for Data Dictionary, Node Types, and CBA:  

Step 1:

Edit the blueprint processor HTTP service and change the ClusterIP to NodePort. This shall expose an http external node port need to execute the curl command in step 2. 


Step 2:

Execute the Curl Command to preload the CDS Catalog Data for Data Dictionary, Node Types and CBA.  Substitute k8s and cds_http_port with the right information. 

Code Block
titleCDS CBA & DD Bootstrap
curl --location --request POST 'http://{{k8s}}:{{cds_http_port}}/api/v1/blueprint-model/bootstrap' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' \
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [catalogdb]>

data-raw '{
"loadModelType" : true,
"loadResourceDictionary" : true,
"loadCBA" : true