see also running vFW Demo on ONAP Amsterdam Release

see F2F vetted/merged/collaborated rewrite on Vetted vFirewall Demo - Full draft how-to for F2F and ReadTheDocs

see als vFWCL instantiation, testing, and debuging

ONAP Deployment Videos

ONAP VersionUndercloudDescriptionVideo

1.1 R1

Nov 2017

Openstack OPEN-LABEnd to End vFirewall from SDC to Closed Loop testing

Pending upload Nov 2017 by Integration team for R1

INT-333 - Getting issue details... STATUS


pre Aug 2017

Rackspace vFirewall E2E

3 - 1.6G 32min 17:11-17:43 (Run vFirewall demo including closed-loop DMaaP TCA/Measurement stats)

(there is a swap of the vLB during onboarding that only affects the service icon - both vLB and vFW are layer 4)


pre Aug 2017

Rackspace ONAP installation (before DCAE)1 - 2.2G 23min 16:33-16:57 (bootstrap rackspace ONAP VMs - before 5 DCAE boot up)


pre Aug 2017

Rackspace ONAP installation (DCAE 1.0)

2 - 1.2G 10min 17:00-17:10 (Observe 5 DCAE VMs come up - wait for ONAP to be stable) - only for timing - does not show much!

DCAE 1.0.0 takes up to 26 min to get the dcae-controller docker container up and another 7 min to start orchestration of the cdap cluster

check progress by watching the dcae-controller "docker ps" - the collector instance is first to come up,

pstg may take up to 24 min after container start and 48 min after VM start, cdap02 is last


Oct 2017

OOM Kubernetes on Rancher on EC2

1.0.0OOM Kubernetes on Rancher on Openstack

Mike's presentation where the vFirewall comes up - ONAP Operations Manager Project#DemoVideo see min TDB

OOM User Guide

ONAP on Kubernetes

VNF Onboarding, Instantiation, and Closed-loop Operations

ONAP VersionOperationDescriptionVideo

Amsterdam Release

Nov 2017

(still good for Beijing Release)

VNF Onboarding via SDCStep-by-step presentation that illustrates how to onboard a VNF via SDC and create a new service

Amsterdam Release

Nov 2017

(still good for Beijing Release)

vFirewall closed loop

Step-by-step presentation that illustrates how to run closed-loop operations for the vFW use case.

Amsterdam Release

Nov 2017

(still good for Beijing Release)

vLoadBalancer/vDNS closed loop

Step-by-step presentation that illustrates how to run closed-loop operations for the vLB/vDNS use case



vCPE demoVideo that shows vCPE closed loop

Amsterdam Release

Nov 2017


vFirewall closed loop / Vanilla Openstack Private Cloud

Step-by-step presentation of vFW use case and closed-loop operations on a Vanilla Openstack (Newton) private cloud; service and VNF instantiated with SO APIs.

service-Demo7vfwcl-template.yml vFWCL_robot_heat.zipdemo_preload.robot

Amsterdam Release

Nov 2017


vLB/DNS closed loop / Vanilla Openstack Private Cloud

Step-by-step presentation of vLB/DNS use case and closed-loop operations on a Vanilla Openstack (Newton) private cloud; service and VNF instantiated with SO APIs. service-Demo13vlb-template.yml demo_preload.robot

ONAP VF Templates


vFirewall VF Heat Template 

Example zip on reference page

or build your own zip with a manifest.json

containing the repo

vFirewall heat template zips

vFirewall SSH key

/testsuite/robot/assets/keys/robot_ssh_private_key.pvtssh key for the demo instances (fwl, sink, traffic generator)

Quickstart Instructions

(The following are a short form of the full demo instructions)

User workflow

Duration: 5 min until robot init/preload - 10 min after that.

Tutorial: Verifying and Observing a deployed Service Instance#vFirewallFlow



License Model

as cs on SDC onboard | new license model | license key groups (network wide / Universal) | Entitlement pools (network wide / absolute 100 / CPU / 000001 / Other tbd / Month) | Feature Groups (123456) | Available Entitlement Pools (push right) | License Agreements | Add license agreement (unlimited) - push right / save / check-in / submit | Onboard breadcrumb 


Onboard | new Vendor (not Virtual) Software Product (FWL App L4+) - select network package not manual checkbox | select LA (Lversion 1, LA, then FG) save | upload zip | proceed to validation | checkin | submit

Onboard home | drop vendor software prod repo on "top right" | select, import vsp | create | icon | submit for testing


as jm | start testing | accept 

as cs | sdc home | see firewall | add service | cat=l4, 123456 create | icon | composition, expand left app L4 - drag both vsps | submit for testing 

as jm | start testing | accept 

as gv | approve 

as op | distribute


License Model

as cs on SDC onboard | new license model | license key groups (network wide / Universal) | Entitlement pools (network wide / absolute 100 / CPU / 000001 / Other tbd / Month) | Feature Groups (123456) | Available Entitlement Pools (push right) | License Agreements | Add license agreement (unlimited) - push right / save / check-in / submit | Onboard breadcrumb 


Onboard | new Vendor (not Virtual) Software Product (FWL App L4+) - | select network package not manual checkbox | select LA (Lversion 1, LA, then FG) - ignore warning - save | upload vFWSink attachments zip proceed to validation | checkin | submit | 2nd VSP - same above expept | proceed validation, checkin submit |

Onboard home | drop vendor software prod repo on "top right" | select, import vsp | create | icon | submit for testing - do twice for each vFWSNK, vFWPG


as jm | start testing | accept  - for both vFWSNK, vFWPG

as cs | sdc home | see firewall | add service | cat=l4, 123456 create | icon | composition, expand left app L4 - drag both vsps | submit for testing 

as jm | start testing | accept 

as gv | approve 

as op | distribute | monitor

Robot operations

./ init_robot


example health check results

./ init (verify cloud-region in AAI set)

todo: incorporate

todo: add "cli" alternatives to gui/rest commands -


  1. Notes: 20170804 Rackspace install of 1.1.0 - nexus repo not resolved - investigating

    Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 running 'modules:config' at Fri, 04 Aug 2017 16:30:08 +0000. Up 14.31 seconds.

      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current

                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

      0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

    chmod: cannot access '': No such file or directory

    /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001: line 23: ./ No such file or directory

    Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 running 'modules:final' at Fri, 04 Aug 2017 16:30:11 +0000. Up 16.58 seconds.

    2017-08-04 16:30:11,249 -[WARNING]: Failed running /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001 [127]

    2017-08-04 16:30:11,252 -[WARNING]: Failed to run module scripts-user (scripts in /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts)

    2017-08-04 16:30:11,253 -[WARNING]: Running module scripts-user (<module 'cloudinit.config.cc_scripts_user' from '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/'>) failed

    Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 finished at Fri, 04 Aug 2017 16:30:11 +0000. Datasource DataSourceConfigDrive [net,ver=2][source=/dev/xvdd].  Up 16.84 seconds

    root@vm1-mso:/var/log# cat cloud-init-output.log

    could be a proxy issue

    root@vm1-mso:/var/log# ping

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=20.1 ms

    2nd time around we are looking OK

    Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ...

      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current

                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

    100   617    0   617    0     0   2919      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2924

    100 7857k  100 7857k    0     0  16.9M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16.9M

    Cloning into 'test_lab'...

    Already up-to-date.

    docker command: local docker using unix socket

    tName": "AUTO" } }, "mso-po-adapter-config": { "cloud_sites": [ { "id": "Dallas", "aic_version": "2.5", "lcp_clli": "DFW", "region_id": "DFW", "identity_service_id": "RAX_KEYSTONE" }, { "id": "Northern Virg

    root@vm1-mso:~# docker ps

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                              NAMES

    06cf1d40c875        openecomp/mso       "/opt/mso/scripts/..."   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>3904-3905/tcp,>8080/tcp,>9990/tcp   testlab_mso_1

    685df48e1e66        mariadb:10.1.11     "/docker-entrypoin..."   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>3306/tcp                                                            testlab_mariadb_1

    nexus is experiencing periodic DNS issues - perhaps due to the redirect to

    obrienbiometrics:onap michaelobrien$ dig

    ; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>>

    ;; global options: +cmd

    ;; Got answer:

    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 21803

    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0


    ; IN A

    ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3599 IN CNAME 10799 IN A

    ;; Query time: 60 msec

    ;; SERVER:

    ;; WHEN: Sat Aug  5 00:00:59 2017

    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 68

    Was the fact AAI in 1.1 needs a master gerrit_branch not the 1.0.0-RELEASE branch in the env templates (aai/test-config) was introduced post 1.0.0 on May 3

    AAI-136 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    Checked history - was fixed on June 30 by Marco.  My branch is from Aug 3rd though - so for some reason I was still seeing the openecomp folder instead of the renamed onap

    docker moves from 1.0 to 1.1, dcae moves to 1.1, gerritt moves to master from 1.0

    a pull fixed it

    obrienbiometrics:demo michaelobrien$ git pull

    Warning: Permanently added '[]:29418,[]:29418' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

    First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...

    Fast-forwarded master to a94e309943d51a2d56e9aa19a582ac9eb40966e6.

    This tree was removed after 20170804 - it is now onap not openecomp;a=tree;f=heat/OpenECOMP;hb=HEAD


  2. Michael O'Brien - (deprecated as of 20170508) - use obrienlabsDaniel RoseRich BennettMarco PlataniaAvi ChapnickBorislav GlozmanLuke Parker

    Hi All,

    I have a couple of questions regarding message-router initial data - topics, topic ACLs and DMaaP keys.

    Right now I see that the demo uses zookeeper and kafka binary dump files with pre-populated initial data. DMaaP consumer configuration files have the DMaaP keys matching the data in the dump files.

    So the questions are:

    1. How the zookeeper and kafka dump files are created?
    2. Are there already plans to change this approach? If yes, is there story for it?
      1. I see that there is also script for creating the initial DMaaP configuration, but looks like it is not in use because it will create new DMaaP keys and then the keys must be distributed to the clients.



    1. Lusheng Ji, can you please shed light on this?

      1. In long term, authentication should be done through a framework such as the AAF.  But before that really happens, there are components still use legacy mechanisms for topic access authentication such as API keys.  So what you see is a work-around for supporting preconfigured API keys for authentication.  The way it was done was pretty hacky, driven by the deadlines and the lack of proper API support on the Message Router for this use model.  Basically I took a snapshot of the running container's directories.  I never had the time to get back to this to do it properly, and secretly I also hope that the problem will go away after everybody comes onto the same page of using an authentication framework such as AAF.

        Now DMaaP is its own project, I am no longer involved.  Perhaps Varun Gudisena from the DMaaP team can comment on the plan?

  3. DMaaP Message Router currently supports both APIKEY and AAF Authentication. If clients have migrated  to start using AAF authentication, they can start disregarding API keys.I recommend using AAF for Authentication

    1) The zookeeper and kafka “data log” directories are created under the directories that are specified in kafka’s and zookeeper’s zoo.cfg  (“log”) configuration file.

    That are done by zookeeper and kafka service itself when the topic is created or accessed.

    I believe they reuse those directories (where the topics, ACL etc are stored in zookeeper / kafka directories) so they don’t have to recreate the topics and ACLs again in the new environment (cluster) from scratch.

    API keys are specific to cluster so we cannot create the same values/credentials by extracting outside and use it for another env/cluster.

    The application team can choose to recreate the topics in new env and add new keys for those topics, if they are not willing to create dump the binaries/data directories from previous clusters. It is being done for quick activity.

    2) We don't have plans for now to change this approach. 

  4. In the Vanilla OpenStack Heat Template for ONAP 1.1.0 there are references to the dnsaas parameters used for deployment of the DCAE (Gen2).;a=blob_plain;f=heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env;hb=master

    Some of the descriptions of the dnsaas parameters are self-explanatory, however, would any of you have a list of example values? One such parameter: dnsaas_config_enabled, suggests a value of "true", "enabled", or perhaps "yes", but it's not entirely clear from the description what values can be set here.

  5. In the Amsterdam release version, not able to add VNF from VID. Clicking "Add VNF" button does not display the list of VNFs to select from. Tried on IE11 (Update versions: 11.048), chrome v62.0.3202.94 and Mozilla v57.0.1.

    Which browser and version was used during demo recording of vFW closed loop?

    The browser console log is given below. 

    Error: [$compile:nonassign] Expression 'undefined' used with directive 'attTable' is non-assignable!$compile/nonassign?p0=undefined&p1=attTable minErr/<@ nodeLinkFn/</parentSet<@ parentValueWatch@ $digest@ $apply@ done@ completeRequest@ createHttpBackend/</xhr.onreadystatechange@

    The VID API invocation seems to be successful.

    GET Request


        "service": {
            "uuid": "02072d82-a9a4-47b9-945e-20db187de02f",
            "invariantUuid": "813a8960-dcc2-4a9b-a1c7-a3437499f055",
            "name": "vFW-vSINK-service",
            "version": "1.0",
            "toscaModelURL": null,
            "category": "Network L4+",
            "serviceType": "",
            "serviceRole": "",
            "description": "vFW-vSINK-service",
            "serviceEcompNaming": "true",
            "inputs": {}
        "vnfs": {
            "vPacketGen 0": {
                "uuid": "a21af8a1-daa9-48f7-8e30-f9b269a253ba",
                "invariantUuid": "ee9c0c36-82a8-4a9f-9b44-1098993421ae",
                "description": "vPacketGen",
                "name": "vPacketGen",
                "version": "1.0",
                "customizationUuid": "3915b8fc-8a9e-4ab9-84e7-7f7ba424620d",
                "inputs": {},
                "commands": {},
                "properties": {
                    "vf_module_id": "vTrafficPNG",
                    "repo_url_blob": "",
                    "unprotected_private_subnet_id": "zdfw1fwl01_unprotected_sub",
                    "public_net_id": "b545be62-83e0-4175-bf8b-b62b24de669b",
                    "vfw_private_ip_0": "",
                    "onap_private_subnet_id": "b9e02ca7-7574-4528-b3e4-fcfb9efbe9f9",
                    "onap_private_net_cidr": "",
                    "image_name": "Ubuntu_1404",
                    "flavor_name": "m1.small",
                    "vnf_id": "vPNG_Firewall_demo_app",
                    "vpg_name_0": "zdfw1fwl01pgn01",
                    "vpg_private_ip_1": "",
                    "vsn_private_ip_0": "",
                    "vpg_private_ip_0": "",
                    "protected_private_net_cidr": "",
                    "unprotected_private_net_cidr": "",
                    "nf_naming": "{ecomp_generated_naming=true}",
                    "onap_private_net_id": "bb63f6e3-db77-421e-a03c-d5deb4e002d1",
                    "unprotected_private_net_id": "zdfw1fwl01_unprotected",
                    "availability_zone_max_count": "1",
                    "demo_artifacts_version": "1.1.0",
                    "pub_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDzcrXoGg1dh981vXPbztg3Ae5EwfzUOYaZG0gqozBNRsJwDNkZUHO3vnWJ27WjTYCWvvmK+mT5Oc2YnfD+6B2q9cvfknWV/k9lnDvi58ynt2I4vwrcy47A2eTu/QcW5+yEVxpkFYQvKNKgTYRLwlPft5/80AZ05zEY/EdDuNmGAwG/ACuRWcZCEK5rO3THqjc5PBBfmGCP60aVNDAX/kIrtcBDyQ+8lWCFxcoWFbBaQIS7RgnamIQ6J6SCORk3m1NWP4jQ9PC7EXjrfRGe0LKg0iQDIgdlmdj1GdmfYH2B9Se26d6ggtRHFyxxSEuTHW3UxWFTBBxkYkNg+8vk7aHL mj004520@INPUSCLP05278",
                    "key_name": "vfw_key",
                    "repo_url_artifacts": "",
                    "install_script_version": "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
                    "cloud_env": "openstack"
                "modelCustomizationName": "vPacketGen 0",
                "vfModules": {
                    "vpacketgen0..Vpacketgen..heat_vFWCL_vPKG_base_vpkg..module-0": {
                        "uuid": "78547e32-dddf-4d82-8ba6-d6b42c70583c",
                        "invariantUuid": "60b622eb-09bd-4f71-8417-239d2cc2c86a",
                        "customizationUuid": "79553d47-b9c9-4071-a4d0-aa11f711a635",
                        "description": null,
                        "name": "Vpacketgen..heat_vFWCL_vPKG_base_vpkg..module-0",
                        "version": "1",
                        "volumeGroupAllowed": false,
                        "commands": {},
                        "modelCustomizationName": "Vpacketgen..heat_vFWCL_vPKG_base_vpkg..module-0"
                "volumeGroups": {}
            "vFW-vSINK 0": {
                "uuid": "c111e594-298b-4ae5-bc3e-288ea4e35890",
                "invariantUuid": "979d28df-2d0f-4066-9f6e-717c8e4dc6d6",
                "description": "vFW-vSINK",
                "name": "vFW-vSINK",
                "version": "1.0",
                "customizationUuid": "fe5cbc9e-9e29-4212-940c-2018aedbdee1",
                "inputs": {},
                "commands": {},
                "properties": {
                    "vf_module_id": "vFirewallCL",
                    "repo_url_blob": "",
                    "vfw_private_ip_1": "",
                    "unprotected_private_subnet_id": "zdfw1fwl01_unprotected_sub",
                    "public_net_id": "b545be62-83e0-4175-bf8b-b62b24de669b",
                    "vfw_private_ip_0": "",
                    "onap_private_subnet_id": "b9e02ca7-7574-4528-b3e4-fcfb9efbe9f9",
                    "vfw_private_ip_2": "",
                    "vfw_name_0": "zdfw1fwl01fwl01",
                    "onap_private_net_cidr": "",
                    "image_name": "Ubuntu_1404",
                    "flavor_name": "m1.small",
                    "dcae_collector_ip": "",
                    "vnf_id": "vFirewall_demo_app",
                    "dcae_collector_port": "8080",
                    "protected_private_subnet_id": "zdfw1fwl01_protected_sub",
                    "vsn_private_ip_0": "",
                    "vsn_private_ip_1": "",
                    "vpg_private_ip_0": "",
                    "protected_private_net_cidr": "",
                    "unprotected_private_net_cidr": "",
                    "nf_naming": "{ecomp_generated_naming=true}",
                    "vsn_name_0": "zdfw1fwl01snk01",
                    "onap_private_net_id": "bb63f6e3-db77-421e-a03c-d5deb4e002d1",
                    "unprotected_private_net_id": "zdfw1fwl01_unprotected",
                    "availability_zone_max_count": "1",
                    "demo_artifacts_version": "1.1.0",
                    "pub_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDzcrXoGg1dh981vXPbztg3Ae5EwfzUOYaZG0gqozBNRsJwDNkZUHO3vnWJ27WjTYCWvvmK+mT5Oc2YnfD+6B2q9cvfknWV/k9lnDvi58ynt2I4vwrcy47A2eTu/QcW5+yEVxpkFYQvKNKgTYRLwlPft5/80AZ05zEY/EdDuNmGAwG/ACuRWcZCEK5rO3THqjc5PBBfmGCP60aVNDAX/kIrtcBDyQ+8lWCFxcoWFbBaQIS7RgnamIQ6J6SCORk3m1NWP4jQ9PC7EXjrfRGe0LKg0iQDIgdlmdj1GdmfYH2B9Se26d6ggtRHFyxxSEuTHW3UxWFTBBxkYkNg+8vk7aHL mj004520@INPUSCLP05278",
                    "key_name": "vfw_key",
                    "repo_url_artifacts": "",
                    "install_script_version": "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
                    "protected_private_net_id": "zdfw1fwl01_protected",
                    "cloud_env": "openstack"
                "modelCustomizationName": "vFW-vSINK 0",
                "vfModules": {
                    "vfwvsink0..VfwVsink..heat_vFWCL_vFWSNK_base_vfw..module-0": {
                        "uuid": "f6692e2d-88ad-42d9-826c-c20acc2b3449",
                        "invariantUuid": "9174b688-cab5-4452-909b-4d5d1fb681b8",
                        "customizationUuid": "024a6115-ebe4-4dbc-b978-e33a918a0172",
                        "description": null,
                        "name": "VfwVsink..heat_vFWCL_vFWSNK_base_vfw..module-0",
                        "version": "1",
                        "volumeGroupAllowed": false,
                        "commands": {},
                        "modelCustomizationName": "VfwVsink..heat_vFWCL_vFWSNK_base_vfw..module-0"
                "volumeGroups": {}
        "networks": {},
        "vfModules": {
            "vfwvsink0..VfwVsink..heat_vFWCL_vFWSNK_base_vfw..module-0": {
                "uuid": "f6692e2d-88ad-42d9-826c-c20acc2b3449",
                "invariantUuid": "9174b688-cab5-4452-909b-4d5d1fb681b8",
                "customizationUuid": "024a6115-ebe4-4dbc-b978-e33a918a0172",
                "description": null,
                "name": "VfwVsink..heat_vFWCL_vFWSNK_base_vfw..module-0",
                "version": "1",
                "volumeGroupAllowed": false,
                "commands": {},
                "modelCustomizationName": "VfwVsink..heat_vFWCL_vFWSNK_base_vfw..module-0"
            "vpacketgen0..Vpacketgen..heat_vFWCL_vPKG_base_vpkg..module-0": {
                "uuid": "78547e32-dddf-4d82-8ba6-d6b42c70583c",
                "invariantUuid": "60b622eb-09bd-4f71-8417-239d2cc2c86a",
                "customizationUuid": "79553d47-b9c9-4071-a4d0-aa11f711a635",
                "description": null,
                "name": "Vpacketgen..heat_vFWCL_vPKG_base_vpkg..module-0",
                "version": "1",
                "volumeGroupAllowed": false,
                "commands": {},
                "modelCustomizationName": "Vpacketgen..heat_vFWCL_vPKG_base_vpkg..module-0"
        "volumeGroups": {}


  6. Why is the service name vFW-vSINK ? the service should hve two vnf's in it - the vfw/vsink and the vpg traffic generater ?

  7. We found that Google chrome on 32-bit machine (v62.0.3202.94) does not have this issue. But the issue persists for the same chrome version (Both 32-bit and 64-bit) on a 64-bit machine.

  8. Getting current ram count openo=64 + dcae (21 x 4 = 84) + 120 = 268G


    Integration-SB-01 20171207

    vm1-multi-service12160GB64GB3 weeks
    nokia_jumphost120GB2GB2 weeks
    vm1-aai-inst18160GB16GB3 weeks
    vm1-aai-inst28160GB16GB3 weeks
    vm1-portal480GB8GB3 weeks
    vm1-policy8160GB16GB3 weeks
    vm1-dcae-bootstrap120GB2GB3 weeks
    dcaepgvm00240GB4GB13 hours, 15 minutes
    dcaedokp00240GB4GB13 hours, 30 minutes
    dcaedoks00240GB4GB13 hours, 24 minutes
    dcaecdap02480GB8GB13 hours, 18 minutes
    dcaecdap06480GB8GB13 hours, 18 minutes
    dcaecdap05480GB8GB13 hours, 18 minutes
    dcaecdap01480GB8GB13 hours, 18 minutes
    dcaeorcl00240GB4GB13 hours, 56 minutes
    dcaecdap03480GB8GB13 hours, 18 minutes
    dcaecnsl02240GB4GB13 hours, 46 minutes
    dcaecdap00480GB8GB13 hours, 18 minutes
    dcaecdap04480GB8GB13 hours, 18 minutes
    dcaecnsl01240GB4GB13 hours, 46 minutes
    dcaecnsl00240GB4GB13 hours, 46 minutes
    vm1-so480GB8GB3 weeks
    vm1-sdc8160GB16GB3 weeks
    vm1-dns-server120GB2GB3 weeks
    vm1-robot240GB4GB3 weeks
    vm1-message-router480GB8GB3 weeks
    vm1-clamp240GB4GB3 weeks
    vm1-vid240GB4GB3 weeks
    vm1-sdnc480GB8GB3 weeks
    vm1-appc480GB8GB3 weeks
  9. Warning : 1.1.0 is no longer available on

    If you  instantiate the usecase  in version 1.1.0, then the "cloud-init" part will not be able to collect the required files...

  10. Facing issue while distributing the VNF

    2018-01-25T02:59:31.123Z|4b435717-a12b-4cea-a579-9d66501f0a31|pool-2-thread-4|ModelLoader|Event-Bus|org.onap.aai.modelloader.entity.model.ModelArtifactParser||INFO|MDLSVC0003I|MDLSVC0003I Distribution event: Model parsed =====>>>> Model-invariant-Id: 24ade981-138e-4e21-a6fc-f67ad3751ce9 Model-Version-Id: 6d044ba2-4117-4846-ae90-40948ed3a243|
    2018-01-25T02:59:32.110Z|4b435717-a12b-4cea-a579-9d66501f0a31|pool-2-thread-4|ModelLoader|Event-Bus|org.onap.aai.modelloader.restclient.AaiRestClient||INFO|MDLSVC0004I|MDLSVC0004I Sent GET request to  Response: 404|
    2018-01-25T02:59:37.353Z|4b435717-a12b-4cea-a579-9d66501f0a31|pool-2-thread-4|ModelLoader|Event-Bus|org.onap.aai.modelloader.restclient.AaiRestClient||INFO|MDLSVC0005I|MDLSVC0005I Sent PUT request to  Response code: 404, Response message: 
                Failed to make edge to missing target node of type %3 with keys %4 performing %1 on %2 (msg=%5) (ec=%6)
                    Error making edge to target node:Node of type model-ver. Could not find object at: /service-design-and-creation/models/model/3f4c7204-739b-4bbb-87a7-8a6856439c90/model-vers/model-ver/f6a038c2-820c-42ba-8c2b-375e24e8f932
  11. hi all

    now,I'm trying to validate vFW onboarding and instantiating using heat on openstack on AWS.

    then which vFWfiles(yaml,env,jsonetc)
    on this page shoud I use.

    I'm now referencing running vFW Demo on amsterdam release page.

    in that page, vFWCLfiles suggested to use,is that collect?

    best regards