Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Ultimately this will ensure consistency across ONAP projects, and free individual projects from redundant work whenever the standard configurations need to be changed.

Release Notes


See the current versions and release notes for O-Parent at https://docs.onap.readthedocs.ioorg/enprojects/latestonap-integration/submodulesen/integration.gitfrankfurt/docs/release-notes.html#ohtml#release-parent.notes

How to Implement for Your Project


Set the parent POM in your pom.xml as follows using the appropriate version:

Code Block
titleoparent master (Honolulu) JDK 11




Formatting Plugin Now Available Starting in guilin-  

Oparent now has a formatting plugin available for projects that need to get their source code formatted to meet checkstyle guidelines. Instructions are in the pom.xml on how to use it.

Code Block
# Clone oparent somewhere local
> git clone 

# 1st - your project should be inheriting from this oparent java dependency
> cd <my-repo>
> vi pom.xml

# ensure pom.xml is pointing to 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT or later

# 2nd - go into your project's source directory you wish to reformat
> cd <my-repo-to-reformat>

# 3rd - type in the following and make sure you set the path to where you have oparent cloned and its
              onap-java-formatter.xml file

> mvn formatter:format spotless:apply process-sources -Dproject.parent.basedir=<oparent-clone-location>

# formatter will re-format your source files

# check that the source compiles
> mvn clean install

# the source changes can now be uploaded via git review process

CVE Profile Now Available starting in guilin-  

This profile can be used offline to check a repository for CVE issues in the codebase. Useful for contributors to check a new dependency without waiting for code to be merged and a CLM report job to be run.

NOTE: Downloading the CVE database can take awhile and require some bandwidth.

Code Block
# Be sure your project is inheriting from oparent java dependency
> mvn verify -P cve

# should start seeing the following output:
[INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - 2019  (50630 ms)
[INFO] Download Started for NVD CVE - Modified
[INFO] Download Complete for NVD CVE - Modified  (594 ms)
[INFO] Processing Started for NVD CVE - Modified
[INFO] Processing Complete for NVD CVE - Modified  (592 ms)
[INFO] Begin database maintenance
[INFO] Updated the CPE ecosystem on 661 NVD records


# Look for these types of messages
apache-log4j-extras-1.2.17.jar (pkg:maven/log4j/apache-log4j-extras@1.2.17, cpe:2.3:a:apache:log4j:1.2.17:*:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2019-17571, CVE-2020-9488
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/ (pkg:maven/, cpe:2.3:a:google:guava:19.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2018-10237
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/com.hazelcast/hazelcast-client-protocol/pom.xml (pkg:maven/com.hazelcast/hazelcast-client-protocol@1.2.0, cpe:2.3:a:hazelcast:hazelcast:1.2.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2016-10750
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/com.hazelcast/hazelcast/pom.xml (pkg:maven/com.hazelcast/hazelcast@3.7.2, cpe:2.3:a:hazelcast:hazelcast:3.7.2:*:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2016-10750
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils/pom.xml (pkg:maven/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils@1.9.2, cpe:2.3:a:apache:commons_beanutils:1.9.2:*:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2019-10086
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/commons-collections/commons-collections/pom.xml (pkg:maven/commons-collections/commons-collections@3.2.1, cpe:2.3:a:apache:commons_collections:3.2.1:*:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2015-6420, CVE-2017-15708, Remote code execution
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-core/pom.xml (pkg:maven/org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-core@9.0.0.M2, cpe:2.3:a:eclipse:jetty:9.0.0:m2:*:*:*:*:*:*, cpe:2.3:a:jetty:jetty:9.0.0:m2:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2017-7656, CVE-2017-7657, CVE-2017-7658, CVE-2018-12536
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server/pom.xml (pkg:maven/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server@9.3.12.v20160915, cpe:2.3:a:eclipse:jetty:9.3.12:20160915:*:*:*:*:*:*, cpe:2.3:a:jetty:jetty:9.3.12:20160915:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2017-7656, CVE-2017-7657, CVE-2017-7658, CVE-2017-9735, CVE-2018-12536, CVE-2018-12545, CVE-2019-10241, CVE-2019-10247
dme2-3.1.200-oss.jar/META-INF/maven/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-xml/pom.xml (pkg:maven/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-xml@9.3.12.v20160915, cpe:2.3:a:eclipse:jetty:9.3.12:20160915:*:*:*:*:*:*, cpe:2.3:a:jetty:jetty:9.3.12:20160915:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2017-7656, CVE-2017-7657, CVE-2017-7658, CVE-2018-12536, CVE-2018-12545, CVE-2019-10241, CVE-2019-10247
kotlin-stdlib-1.3.20.jar (pkg:maven/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib@1.3.20, cpe:2.3:a:jetbrains:kotlin:1.3.20:*:*:*:*:*:*:*) : CVE-2019-10101, CVE-2019-10102, CVE-2019-10103

Previous Versions of Oparent

Code Block
titleoparent Jakarta branch - JDK 11 (IN DEVELOPMENT)



Code Block
titleoparent Istanbul branch - JDK 11

Code Block



Code Block
titleoparent Honolulu branch - JDK 11


Code Block
titleoparent Guilin branch - JDK 11


Code Block
titleoparent Frankfurt Branch - JDK 11 - NO LONGER SUPPORTED

Code Block
titleoparent El Alto branch JDK 8 - NO LONGER SUPPORTED
        <version>2.1.0< <version>1.2.3</version>

Remove redundant configuration items

Once the POMs have been modified to inherit from oparent, you can now remove the redundant configuration items such as nexus (distributionManagement) location, coding styles, license checks, coding style checks, sonar setup, etc. from your own project POM files.  Any necessary changes to the above can now be managed centrally without your project having to incur additional overhead.


Notes on Releasing OPARENT

  1. Update the dependencies/pom.xml and dependencies-clm/pom.xml with any updated versions of upstream projects.
    1. this should be done with the security team to identify the acceptable or better version
    2. project team repos should also be validated to make sure they understand any implications on client code before they up-rev
    3. The merge of this change should create a maven merge job log that can be referenced
    4. This should be X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT as the revision.
  2. Discuss at the PTL call that an updated version of OPARENT will be released.
  3. Use the LF self-release process to create the releases/X.Y.Z.yaml file that points to the maven merge job and the release number
  4. The self release jobs should run and publish the maven artifact for X.Y.Z release.
  5. After that job runs you need to up-rev the Patch version of oparent
    2. This changes the revision to X.Y.Z+1-SNAPSHOT (or whatever X,Y,Z combination is appropriate) in all the affected files.
  6. oparent repository would now be ready for step 1.
