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Code Block
title tosca.datatypedatatypes.asd.extCpdData
    version: 0.1
    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root  
    description: "Describes the datatype for external connection point definition data"
        description: "The identifier of this extCpdData"
        required: true
        type: string
        description: " >
            This property describes for a particular ExtCpd instance 
            what service it exposes."
        required: true
        type: string 
        description: >
          Refers in an abstract way to the network or multiple networks that 
          the ExtCpd shall be exposed on (ex: OAM, EndUser, backhaul, LI, etc)
        required: true
        type: string       
        description: >
          Details container implementation specific requirements on 
          the NetworkAttachmentDefinition
        required: false
        type: datatypetosca.datatypes.asd.networkInterfaceRequirements
        description: >
          Information on what helm chart input parameters that 
          are required to be configured for this extCpd
        required: false
        type: datatypetosca.datatypes.asd.paramMappings
        description: >
          Kubernetes API resource name for the resource manifest for the service, ingress
 controller or pod
          ingress controller or pod
        required: false
        type: string

Code Block
title tosca.datatypedatatypes.asd.networkInterfaceRequirements
    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root  
    version: 0.1
    description: "Describes the datatype for network interface requirements"
        description: >
               Information about whether the CP instantiated from this Cp is 
               in Trunk mode (802.1Q or other). 
When operating in "trunk mode", 
          When operating in "trunk mode", the Cp is capable of carrying traffic for several VLANs. 
               Absence of this property implies that trunkMode is not configured for
 the Cp i.e. 
           for the Cp  i.e. It is equivalent to boolean value "false".
        required: true
        type: boolean
        default: false
        description: > 
              Identifies whether application expects IP address assignment to be managed
 by the cluster 
          managed by the cluster infrastructure (CNI IPAM plugin), or 
              configured by orchestrator via for example helm input parameter, 
              or if IP assignment is handled by the application itself.
        required: true
        type: string
          - valid_values: ["infraProvided", "orchestrated", "userManaged"]
        default: "infraProvided"
        description: > 
            Indicates what type of network interface the application expects.
            Kernel based virtual netdev based on CNIs such as “ovsovs | bridge | macvlan
 | ipvlan, or  
       macvlan | ipvlan, or  PCIe dev directly visible in application 
            namespace with kernel or userspace driver or
 bonded with the Bond 
       or bonded with the Bond CNI, or userspace-CNI based network interface (requires DPDK
            (requires DPDK-OVS/VPP vSwitch).
          required: true
        type: string
          - valid_values: ["kernel.netdev", "direct.userdriver", "direct.kerneldriver", "", "userspace"]
        default: "kernel.netdev"
      interfaceOption interface_option:
        description: > 
            This attribute describes verified realization options for the 
            network interface in question.
 Currently listed options 
         Currently listed options (virtio and memif) are applicable for the interfaceType “userspace”.
        required: false
        type: list
              type: string
                  - valid_values: [“virtio", "memif“]
        description: > 
             Identifies switch-plane redundancy method the application uses, 
             and that node infrastructure is required to comply with.
             "infraProvided", “left” and “right”: The container sees a 
             single vNIC that a) the infrastructure bonds over both switchplanes 
             switchplanes or b) that is connected to the network via only left or 
             right the switchplane.
             The other cases are for a mated pair of vnics connecting to 
             same network, but where one vNIC connects
             via left switch plane and the other via right switch plane, 
             and where the application manages the redundancy. 
             "activePassiveBond": the application bonds with move of MAC address. 
             "activeActiveBond“: bonded left/right links must be part of a multi-chassis LAG 
             "activePassiveL3": application will move application IP address between the vNICs.
             "activeActiveL3": the application uses anycast/ECMP.
        required: true
        type: string
          - valid_values: ["infraProvided", "actPassBond", "actActBond", "actPassL3", "actActL3", "Left", "Right"] 
        default: "infraProvided"
      nicOptions nic_options:
        description: > 
             Identifies for the direct.userdriver interface type, the physical 
             nics the driver is verified to work with.
             Allowed values for nic types must be handled via a registry or be standardized.
        required: false
        type: list
              type: string 

Code Block
title tosca.datatypedatatypes.asd.paramMappings
    version: 0.1
    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root  
    description: "Describes the datatype for parameter mapping"
        description: >
              When present, this attribute specifies the name of the deployment artifact
  input parameter
           artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator can 
              configure the loadbalancerIP parameter of the K8s service 
              or ingress controller that the ExtCpdextCpdData represents.
         required:  false
   Note: The format of the type:Content string
strings is specific for each different externalIPs:
        description: >
     orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.). 
  When present, this attribute specifies the name of the deployment artifact input parameter
Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
       through  which  the orchestrator can configure the extermalIPs parameter of the K8s service 
              Whether the optional parts of the format are orpresent ingressdepends controller,on orhow the pod
 network interface annotation, that the ExtCpd represents.
       parameter required:is false
declared in the helm chart. An example  typeis: list
    type: string
      nadNamerequired: false
        descriptiontype: >string
              Specifies, for an ExtCpd respesenting a secondary network interface,
        description: >
              When present, this attribute specifies the name(s) of the NetworkAttachmentDefinitionsdeployment the
 orchestrator has created
           artifact input parameter asthrough base forwhich the networkorchestrator interfacecan the
 ExtCpd represents. 
        required: false
        type: list
configure the extermalIPs parameter of the K8s service entry_schema:
or ingress 
         type: string
or the pod network interface annotation, that the description: >
              Specifies, for an asdExtCpd respesenting a secondaryextCpdData network interface,
              Note: theThe namespaceformat whereof the NetworkAttachmentDefinitionsContent (NADs)strings areis located.
specific for each different 
          Attribute may be omitted iforchestration thetemplating namespacetechnology isused same as the application namespace.
        required: false
        type: string (Helm, Teraform, etc.). 
              Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
              Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the 
              parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is: 
        required: false
        type: list
           type: string
        description: >
              Specifies, for an extCpdData respesenting a secondary network interface,
              the name(s) of the deployment artifact input parameter(s) through which 
              the orchestrator can provide the names of the network attachment 
              definitions (NADs) the orchestrator has created as base for the network 
              interface the extCpdData represents. 
              Note 1: When the extCpdData represent a networkRedundant/mated-pair of 
              sriov interfaces, there are references to 2 or 3 related NADs needed 
              to be passed, while for other interface types only one NAD reference 
              is needed to be passed.
              Note 2: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different 
              orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.). 
              Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
              Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the 
              parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is: 
              Note 3: A direct attached (passthrough) network interface, such as an sriov 
              interface, attaches to a network via only one of the two switch planes 
              in the infrastructure.
              When using a direct attached network interface one therefore commonly in a 
              pod uses a mated pair of sriov network attachments, where each interface 
              attaches same network but via different switchplane.
              The application uses the mated pair of network interfaces as a single 
              logical “swith-path-redundant” network interface – and this is represented 
              by a single extCpdData. 
              Also there is a case where a third “bond” attachment interface is used in 
              the pod, bonding the two direct interfaces so that the application do not 
              need to handle the redundancy issues – application just uses the bond interface.
              In this case, all three attachments are together making up a logical 
              “switch-path-redundant” network interface represented by a single extCpdData. 
              When three NADs are used in the extCpdData the NAD implementing the bond attachment 
              interface is provided through the parameter indicated in the third place in 
              the nadNames attribute.
        required: false
        type: list
           type: string
        description: >
              Specifies, for an extCpdData respesenting a secondary network interface,
              the name of the deployment artifact input parameter through which the orchestrator 
              can provide the namespace where the NetworkAttachmentDefinitions (NADs) are located.
              Attribute may be omitted if the namespace is same as the application 
              Note: The format of the Content strings is specific for each different 
              orchestration templating technology used (Helm, Teraform, etc.). 
              Currently only a format for use with Helm charts is suggested:
              Whether the optional parts of the format are present depends on how the 
              parameter is declared in the helm chart. An example is: 
        required: false
        type: string 

Code Block
title tosca.datatypes.asd.enhancedClusterCapabilities
    version: 0.1
    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root 
    description: "Describes the datatype for parameter mapping"
        description: >
               Describes the minimal required Kernel version, e.g. 4.15.0. 
               Coded as displayed by linux command uname –r
        required: true
        type: string  
        description: > 
             Required kernel modules are coded as listed by linux lsmod command, 
             e.g. ip6_tables, cryptd, nf_nat etc.​ 
        required: false
        type: list
              type: string 
        description: > 
             Kernel modules, which must not be present in the target environment. 
Code Block
title tosca.datatype.asd.enhancedClusterCapabilities
    version: 0.1
    derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root 
    description: "Describes the datatype for parameter mapping"
        description: "Describes the minimal required KernelThe version, e.g. 4.15.0. Codedkernel modules are coded as displayedlisted by linux lsmod command, uname –r"

             required: true
  e.g., ip6_tables, cryptd, nf_nat etc. 
      type: string  
 Linux kernel SCTP module, which would conflict with description:use >of 
             Required kernel modules are coded as listedproprietary byuser linuxspace lsmodSCTP command, e.g. ip6_tables, cryptd, nf_nat etcstack provided by the application.​ 
        required: false
        type: list
              type: string   
        description: >   
                Kernel modules, which must not be present 
            List the custom resource kinds required to be supported in the target environment. 
            environment. The kernel modules are coded as listed by linux lsmod command, e.g. ip6_tables, cryptd, nf_nat etc. 
             Example: Linux kernel SCTP module, which would conflict with use of proprietary user space 
    list shall include those custom resource kinds which 
            are not delivered with the application.			 
        required: false
        type: list
          SCTP stack provided by the application.​ 
 type: tosca.datatypes.asd.customResourceRequirement
       required: false cluster_labels:
        typedescription: > list
             This attribute entry_schema:
allows to associate arbitrary labels to clusters.
        type: string   
   These  can requiredCustomResources:
indicate special infrastructure capabilities (e.g., NW acceleration, 
 description: >               
   GPU compute, etc.). The intent of these labels is Listto theserve customas resourcea kindsset requiredof to
 be supported in the target environment. 
      values that can help in application Theplacement listdecisions. shall
 include  those  custom  resource  kinds  which  areclusterLabels notfollow deliveredthe withKubernetes the application.			label key-value-nomenclature 
        required: false
        type: list( 
     It is recommended that labels follow a standardized meaning type: tosca.datatypes.asd.customResourceRequirement
      clusterLabels:e.g. for node 
        description: > 
             This attribute allows to associate arbitrary labels to clustersfeatures (
             These can indicate special infrastructure capabilities (e.g., NW acceleration, GPU compute, etc.). Example: 
 intent of these labels is to serve as a set of values that can help in application placement decisions. 
- true               
 clusterLabels  follow the Kubernetes label key-value-nomenclature (  required: false
        type: list
    It is recommended that labels follow a standardized meaning e.g. for node features (
              type: string
        description: a orlist areof mutuallythe agreedname betweenof ASDthe supplierrequired andK8s operators.plugin
        required: false
        Exampletype: list
         type: tosca.datatypes.asd.requiredPlugin

Code Block
title tosca.datatypes.asd.customResourceRequirement
     - true                version: 0.1
       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root 
       description: required:> false
        type: list   kind: "Redis", apiVersion: "" 
       properties: entry_schema:
   type: string   
   description: "the name of the description:custom >resource requirement"
              Annotations required to be supported.type: string 
             Example thatrequired: listtrue requirement
 for Kubernetes cluster infrastructure support for the Multus network attachment annotationsapi_version:
              requiredPodAnnotations: {"", ... } 
        required: false
        type: list
        entry_schema:description: "the api version of the custom resource requirement"
              type: string 
              typerequired: stringtrue  

Code Block
title tosca.datatypedatatypes.asd.customResourceRequirementrequiredPlugin
       version: 0.1
       derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root 
       description: "the required K8s plugin"
         description: > name:
            kind: "Redis", apiVersiondescription: "" 
       the name of the required K8s plugin"
              type: string 
         required: true 
  type: string 
       required: true 
    description: "the version of the required K8s apiVersion: plugin"
             type: string 
             required: true 
