Versions Compared


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This page is used for the ONAP R2+ Resource IM drafting and discussion.

Current Resource Information Model UML Documentation: ONAP Resource 2017-11-08.docx




UML Comparison

This section illustrates the core IM design related to VNF resource from different sources.  


Run Time Model (VNF Instance)


Design Time Model



  • AAI: 

Image Removed


(omit several types for simplicity)


Attribute Comparison

This section compares the different IM design from different sources.



  • VNFC Run Time Model

    AAI (aai_schema_v11 vnfc)
  • ECOMP IM (VNFC Instance)ETSI IFA008 (VnfcInfo)CommentDescriptionvnfc-namevnfcInstanceIdidentifier of the vnfc instancenfc-naming-code

    Xu Yang: Need specification/reference for the value of this attribute? Xu Yang: Should the attribute name aligned to "vnfc"?

    James Forsyth: No, in a network function we should not care if it's physical or virtual

    short code of the vnfc instancenfc-function

    Xu Yang: Should the attribute name aligned to "vnfc"?
    Jimmy Forsyth: No, in a network function we should not care if it's physical or virtual

    description of the vnfc instanceprov-status

    Xu Yang: need further clarification on how this attribute is used
    James Forsyth: Service assurance systems use this status in their logic to determine the provisioning status.  Values such as: PROVISIONED, PREPROVISIONED, CAPPED might be stored in this attribute

    Trigger for operational monitoring of this resource by Service Assurance systemsorchestration-statusvnfcState

    Xu Yang: Is it the same as vnfcState (i.e., start or stop)?
    James Forsyth: Used for lifecycle management.  We don't know what vnfcState is.

    Xu Yang: vnfcState describes the state of a VNFC instance, possible values are: STARTED, STOPPED. STARTED means the VNFC instance is up and running, and STOPPED means the VNFC instance has been shut down (but not terminated/deleted). Similar to the VM power on/off concept.

    Orchestration status of this VNF, mastered by APP-Cipaddress-v4-oam-vip

    Xu Yang: Is this attribute mandatory? and applicable for all kinds of VNFCs?
    James Forsyth: Not mandatory and this field should be deprecated in ONAP

    Oam V4 vip address of this vnfcin-maint

    Pamela Dragosh: DCAE monitors this flag. If set it does not "observe" alarms/traps/etc. during control loop.

    whether in maintenance modeis-closed-loop-disabled

    Xu Yang: used by DCAE?
    James Forsyth: There are closed loop actions that DCAE might have policies for, and operations can turn off those actions with this flag

    Pamela Dragosh: Yes actually Policy has the rules that check for this. DCAE does not. DCAE does however check the in-maint flag.

    used to indicate whether closed loop function is enabled on this nodegroup-notation

    Xu Yang: need further clarification on how this attribute is used
    James Forsyth: In some applications, a two or more VMs or VNFCs is referred to by a name, and group-notation represents the name.  Might want to use instance-group to replace this over time.

    Group notation of VNFCmodel-invariant-idvduIdthe SDC model id for this resource modelmodel-version-idthe SDC model version for this resource modelresource-version

    Xu Yang: Is it used internally in AAI? can be omitted in the general model.
    James Forsyth: It's used internally in AAI to enforce concurrency control, other systems use it to pass to AAI on updates and delete operations.  It can be omitted from the general model

    Used for optimistic concurrency.  Must be empty on create, valid on update and deletel3-interface-ipv4-address-listl3 interface addresses, ipv4l3-interface-ipv6-address-listl3 interface addresses, ipv6relationship-listassociation (VM, Docker, LXC)AAI: relationship with vserver, vf-module and generic-vnf


VNFC Design Time Model


Xu Yang: Should the attribute name aligned to "vdu"?


Xu Yang: not fully aligned, need to analysis which information need to be exposed


Xu Yang: aligned with AAI model


Describes network connectivity between a VNFC instance (based on this Vdu) and an internal Virtual Link (VL).


Describes CPU, Memory and acceleration requirements of the Virtualisation Container realising this Vdu.


Describes storage requirements for a VirtualStorage instance attached to the virtualisation container created from virtualComputeDesc defined for this Vdu.


The key indicates the boot index (lowest index defines highest boot priority). The Value references a descriptor from which a valid boot device is created e.g. VirtualStorageDesc from which a VirtualStorage instance is created.


Describes constraints on the NFVI for the VNFC instance(s) created from this Vdu.


Defines the virtualised resources monitoring parameters on VDU level.


Describes the configurable properties of all VNFC instances based on this VDU.


Specifies affinity or anti-affinity rules applicable between the virtualisation containers (e.g. virtual machines) to be created based on this VDU.


Identifier(s) of the affinity or anti-affinity group(s) the VDU belongs to.


VNF Run Time Model


Xu Yang: use case for alternative name?
James Forsyth: Customer want aliases, so this is an alias for a VNF


Xu Yang: Is there any reference/specification for the value of this attribute?
James Forsyth: This attribute should be deprecated, it was used prior to SDC modelling


Xu Yang: deprecated?
James Forsyth:
This attribute should be deprecated, it was used prior to SDC modelling


Xu Yang: Need clarification, similar to vnfc instance model.
James Forsyth: Service assurance systems use this status in their logic to determine the provisioning status.  Values such as: PROVISIONED, PREPROVISIONED, CAPPED might be stored in this attribute


Xu Yang: Need clarification on how this attribute is used.
James Forsyth: Used for lifecycle management.

Xu Yang: Are the valid values "in-service-path" and "out-of-service-path"? Don't understand what do these values mean, in use or not in use by a service?


Xu Yang: deprecated?
James Forsyth Yes


Xu Yang: Please clarify the usage of this attribute.
James Forsyth: Deprecated


Xu Yang: only used by SO?
James Forsyth: Used by anyone who wants to check it, set by SO

Xu Yang: could you elaborate more on the valid values and their meaning?


Xu Yang: only used by SO?
James Forsyth: Not being used anymore, deprecated.


Xu Yang: only used by VCE?
James Forsyth: Predates SDC modelling, deprecated


Xu Yang: Need clarification on how this attribute is used.
James Forsyth: indicates who manages a specific resource, whether it's the service provider or a customer


Xu Yang: Is this attribute mandatory? and applicable for all kinds of VNFs? (same question as VNFC instance model)
James Forsyth: Not mandatory, and it can be applicable for all kinds of VNFs, depending on the requirements of the VNF


Xu Yang: same as above
James Forsyth: Not mandatory, and it can be applicable for all kinds of VNFs, depending on the requirements of the VNF


Xu Yang: same as above
James Forsyth: Not mandatory, and it can be applicable for all kinds of VNFs, depending on the requirements of the VNF


Xu Yang: same as above
James Forsyth: Not mandatory, and it can be applicable for all kinds of VNFs, depending on the requirements of the VNF


Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes


Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes


Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes


Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes


Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes


Xu Yang: only used by uCPE?
James Forsyth: Yes


Xu Yang: Is it used internally in AAI? can be omitted in the general model.
James Forsyth: It's used internally in AAI to enforce concurrency control, other systems use it to pass to AAI on updates and delete operations


Xu Yang: deprecated?
James Forsyth: Yes


Xu Yang: deprecated?
James Forsyth Yes


Xu Yang: deprecated?
James Forsyth Yes


Xu Yang: deprecated?
James Forsyth Yes


Xu Yang: deprecated?
James Forsyth Yes


Xu Yang: It seems to be used internally in AAI, need clarification on the usage of this attribute.
James Forsyth Deprecated, use model-version-id


Xu Yang: Is it used internally in AAI? Can be omitted in general model
James Forsyth It's never been populated, yes can be omitted


Xu Yang: Is it used internally in AAI? Can be omitted in general model
James Forsyth It's never been populated, yes can be omitted


Xu Yang: Please clarify the usage of this attribute.
James Forsyth Has to do with routing, not applicable for all VNFs


Xu Yang: What's the difference between vnf-type and nf-type?
James Forsyth - we are getting rid of vnf-type and replacing with nf-type, nf-function, and nf-role


Xu Yang: what controller?
James Forsyth: Not sure if it's being populated


Xu Yang: Is this attribute mandatory? and applicable for all kinds of VNFs?
James Forsyth There should be an edge to a network that has a gateway assigned to it, so this attribute should be deprecated


Xu Yang: same as above
James Forsyth There should be an edge to a network that has a gateway assigned to it, so this attribute should be deprecated


Xu Yang: only used by VCE?
James Forsyth Not sure


Xu Yang: Is the description correct?
James Forsyth - The edge rules has the exhaustive list of possible relationships for generic-vnf


relationship with l-interface, availability-zone, lag-interface, l3-network, pserver, vserver, service-instance, vf-module, volume-group, vnfc and logical-link


"Y" indicates operator-supplied VNF instance target deployment node required. Present prompt to operator: "Enter target node for deployment of this VNF instance"


"Y" indicates operator-supplied VNF name required. Present prompt to operator: "Enter the name for this VNF instance"


Software version of the VNF. This is changed when there is any change to the software that is included in the VNF


Name to identify the VNF Product. Invariant for the VNF Product lifetime.


Identifier of the specific VNF Package on which the VNF is based.


Possible values: NOT_INSTANTIATED (VNF instance is terminated or not instantiated, and the identifier of the VNF instance exists), INSTANTIATED (VNF instance is instantiated).


Information specific to an instantiated VNF instance. Shall be present if the VNF is in INSTANTIATED instantiation state.


Additional VNF-specific metadata describing the VNF instance.


VNF-specific attributes that affect the lifecycle management of this VNF instance by the VNFM, or the lifecycle management scripts.


VNF Design Time Model



Children Display


Human readable name for the VNF Product. Can change during the VNF Product lifetime.


Xu Yang: need clarfication on how this attribute is used.


Software version of the VNF. This is changed when there is any change to the
software that is included in the VNF Package.


Identifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNF described in this version of the


Information about localization languages of the VNF (includes e.g. strings in the


Defines descriptors of virtual compute resources to be used by the VNF.


Defines descriptors of virtual storage resources to be used by the VNF.


Represents the type of network connectivity mandated by the VNF provider between two or more CPs which includes at least one internal CP.


Describes external interface(s) exposed by this VNF enabling connection with a VL.


Describes specific DF(s) of a VNF with specific requirements for capacity and


Describes the configurable properties of the VNF (e.g. related to auto scaling and
auto healing).


Describes the modifiable attributes of the VNF.


Includes a list of events and corresponding management scripts performed for the VNF.


Describes the associated elements (i.e. VDUs and/or VLs) of a VNFD for a certain purpose during VNF lifecycle management.


Xu Yang: Indicators are vendor-specified information which can indicate the VNF behaviour.


Declares the VNF indicators that are supported by this VNF.


Rule that determines when a scaling action needs to be triggered on a VNF
instance e.g. based on certain VNF indicator values or VNF indicator value
changes or a combination of VNF indicator value(s) and monitoring parameter(s).


PNF Run Time Model


PNF Design Time Model


Network Run Time Model


Network Design Time Model

ExternalVirtualLink Design Time Mode


maopeng zhang

is the resource instance referred to the run-time resource instance? If it is in the run-time, why is it in the design time?


Identifier of the resource instance (uuid of the specific use of the resource model in this service). This identifier is regenerated whenever a user makes a change on the resource instance.


Metadata of resources (VFs, VFCs, PNF) will include new field resourceVendorModelNumber. The value for this field is the part number defined by the vendor, e.g. “MX960”.


  • ExternalVirtualLink Run Time Model



