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 TSC 2021-12-16

  • #AGREED the TSC approves remediating log4j as the top priority for the ONAP community requiring immediate action to correct in both Istanbul and master branches.
  • #AGREED The log4j vulnerability will mandate an Istanbul maintenance release. The maintenance release should be limited to log4j remediation only.
  • #AGREED OK for RelEng to proceed with the JCasC migration today
  • #AGREED the TSC approves the Istanbul Award definitions

 TSC 2021-12-09

  • #AGREED the TSC approves the Jakarta release as having met the M1 milestone with the condition that the M1 tasks for the E2E Network slicing use case are to be closed by M2.
  • #AGREED ok to archive the dmaap/mirroragent repo.
  • #AGREED the TSC accepts the results of the Modeling Subcommittee nominations as sufficient to certify Xu Yang  and Chuyi Guo  as new ONAP Modeling Subcommittee Co-Chairs.

 TSC 2021-12-02

  • #AGREED M1 for Jakarta will be moved to  with remaining milestones to remain as-is

  • #AGREED the TSC approves the promotion of  Image AddedREQ-441 - LOGS MANAGEMENT - PHASE 1: COMMON PLACE FOR DATA  from Best Practice to A Global Requirement (tracked as 

  • for Jakarta) and Image AddedREQ-1072 - Standardized logging fields and  Image AddedREQ-1073 - Using basic image from Integrationto be established as Best Practices beginning with Jakarta


 TSC 2021-11-04

  • #AGREED Release sign off scheduled for  at the PTL meeting. TSC attendance is required.  


 TSC 2021-10-28

 TSC 2021-10-21

  • #AGREED the TSC approves the following recommendations: 1) Approve RC milestone with condition that remaining release management tasks are resolved by Sign Off.  2) Move Sign Off out one week to Nov 4


 TSC 2021-09-30

  • #AGREED the TSC approves the Honolulu maintenance release with the component level release notes for CCSDK, Multicloud, OOM & OOF to be completed by   
  • #AGREED the TSC approves the Jakarta release schedule as presented today in (v. 3) of with the actual publishing of the schedule to be held in draft pending the outcome of the agile transformation workshop

 TSC 2021-09-23

  • #AGREED: the way forward for Best Practice & Global Requirement tracking will be: 
    • Istanbul: SECCOM Recommendations about GR/Best Practices
    • Jakarta: Define tracking process being approved by TSC prior M1

 TSC 2021-09-16

  • #AGREED the TSC approves the Istanbul release as passing the M4 milestone with the condition that
    • The Global requirements tasks status is understood by Sept. 23
    • The following Project and Use Case tasks are to be closed by   Sept 30:  DOC-760 DOC-761 USECASEUI-596 USECASEUI-597 USECASEUI-602 CCSDK-3444 INT-1965 INT-1966 MSB-612 MSB-614 MULTICLOUD-1389 MULTICLOUD-1390 MULTICLOUD-1392 OOM-2807 SDNC-1596 SO-3751 SO-3756 DCAEGEN2-2900 DCAEGEN2-2898 VFC-1877 CPS-606 MSB-610 REQ-914 REQ-902

 TSC 2021-09-09

  • #AGREED extending Honolulu community award nominations to 

 TSC 2021-09-02

  • #AGREED the TSC approves the Istanbul release as passing the M3 milestone with the condition that the following items are to be closed by M4 on 16 Sep 2021 :     CCSDK-3355     DMAAP-1633     MSB-608     MULTICLOUD-1368     INT-1937     INT-1935     SDNC-1578     SO-3683     SO-3687     USECASEUI-591     VFC-1874     VNFSDK-791
  • #AGREED the TSC confirms Michał Jagiełło   as the new Integration PTL
  • #AGREED the TSC wishes to pursue this agreement \[as captured in the meeting minutes\] with TM Forum 
  • #AGREED TSC approves the Technical Community Document in the form attached hereto as Technical Community Document v2.0.pdf  with the above agreed upon change \[of adding "or via the TSC Proxy wiki page." \] to as being hereby confirmed, approved, and adopted


 TSC 2021-08-26


  • #AGREED ESR UI/ESR Server is to be removed from ONAP beginning with Istanbul
  • #AGREED where the copyright statement names ONAP specifically remove the year.
    i.e. for RTD copyright it would read: 

    © Copyright ONAP. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Revision 5862ac2c.


 TSC 2021-07-29


  • #AGREED the TSC approves the signoff of the Honolulu release with the public announcement to be made on May 11
  • TSC approved Ranny Haiby as the new ONAP MAC representative

 TSC approves rename the "K" release from Kyoto to Kohn in honor of Dan Kohn 

