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Comment: add class diagram of VNFD

This page is used for the deposition of clean version ONAP R2+ Resource IM.




NOTE: The terminology in the diagrams needs further discussion.

Resource General View Diagram

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  • Resource model includes design time model (ResourceCatalogItem) and run time model (ResourceInstance). Based on one ResourceCatalogItem, zero or more ResourceInstance(s) can be instantiated.
  • “Resource” is a generalization of many objects, for example, VNF, PNF, entitlement, etc. In the above diagram, only VNF and PNF are shown. More specifically,
    • VnfCatalogItem is derived from ResourceCatalogItem, VnfInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. Based on one VnfCatalogItem, zero or more VnfInstance(s) can be instantiated.
    • PnfCatalogItem is derived from ResourceCatalogItem, PnfInstance is derived from ResourceInstance. One PnfCatalogItem is used to describe one PnfInstance.
  • VnfCatalogItem can be composed of one or more VnfcCatalogItem(s) and zero or more VlCatalogItem(s). Correspondingly, VnfInstance can be composed of zero or more VnfcInstance(s) and zero or more VlInstance(s). It should be noted that a VnfInstance comprises zero VnfcInstance is a special case that the VnfInstance object is created but not instantiated.
  • Based on one VlCatalogItem, zero or more VlInstance(s) can be instantiated. And Based on one VnfcCatalogItem, zero or more VnfcInstance(s) can be instantiated.  

VNFD General View Diagram

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NOTE: This diagram is depicted mainly based on ETSI IFA011/IFA015. Not all elements in the VNFD(VnfCatalogItem) are depicted.

  • Design Time Model
    • VNF Descriptor
      Image Added
      The basic class diagram of the information model of the VNF Descriptor is illustrated above.
      It's mainly designed based on ETSI IFA011 v2.3.1, with the change of simplifying the representation of VnfExtCpDesc (it only refers to VnfcCpDesc in the current design).
      Please note that not all the classes are illustrated in the above figure, e.g., virtual CPU, logical node, monitoring parameter, element group, etc.

  • Run Time Model
  • VnfcCatalogItem (or VNFD) is composed of one or more DeploymentFlavor(s), one or more VnfcCatalogItem(s), one or more VnfExtCpd(s) and zero or more VlCatalogItem(s).
  • DeploymentFlavor references VnfcCatalogItem and VlCatalogItem.
  • VnfcCatalogItem is composed of one VirtualComputeDesc, one or more VirtualStorageDesc(s), zero or more SwImageDesc(s) and one or more VduCpd(s).
  • A VirtualStorageDesc can reference a SwImageDesc.
  • VnfExtCpd and VduCpd are derived from Cpd.
  • VnfExtCpd can either map to a VduCpd, or map to a VlCatalogItem.
  • VduCpd can reference a VlCatalogItem.

Detailed Model Design: