Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • therefore you have to fork the responding odl subproject (we did it directly with github)
  • go to your branch/tag of the version you found out before
  • apply your fixes
  • change for the specific artifact the groupId to yours

deploy your fix

  • create oss.sonatype account
  • edit your profile and create new access token
  • configure your maven settings.xml

Image Added

  • create gpg key and publish for your email address (the same with which your sonatype account is registered)
  • build local artifacts (these should be there after a build)
    • <artifactId>-<version>.jar
    • <artifactId>-<version>-javadoc.jar
    • <artifactId>-<version>-sources.jar
  • sign your artifacts and pom files
Code Block
gpg -ab {your-project-path}/pom.xml
gpg -ab {your-project-path}/target/{artifactId}-{version}.jar
gpg -ab {your-project-path}/target/{artifactId}-{version}-sources.jar
gpg -ab {your-project-path}/target/{artifactId}-{version}-javadoc.jar
  • deploy
Code Block
# deploy bundle with javadoc and sources
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file \
    -DpomFile={your-project-path}/pom.xml \
    -Dfile={your-project-path}/target/{artifactId}-{version}.jar \
    -Dsources={your-project-path}/target/{artifactId}-{version}-sources.jar \
    -Djavadoc={your-project-path}/target/{artifactId}-{version}-javadoc.jar \
    -Durl= \
    -DrepositoryId={your server id of maven settings file}
# deploy jar
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file \
      -Dfile={your-project-path}/target/{artifactId}-{version}.jar \
      -Durl= \
      -DrepositoryId={your server id of maven settings file} \
      -DgroupId={groupId} \
      -DartifactId={artifactId} \
      -Dversion={version} \
  • go to and login
  • go to Staging Repositories

Image Added

  • first check your artifacts on the very bottom and then close your submission (will take a while)
  • last step: release artifactsTBD

apply you fix to the distribution
