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Jakarata Release Updates



  • DCAE R10 Vulnerability - SECCOM Report (DCAEGEN2-3006)
  • R10 M4 - DCAEGEN2-3108  Feature Freeze (03/24/2022 → 03/31/2022)
    • No new feature/enhancements will be accepted for Jakarta; any submission marked as WIP should be made active by 03/18 if to be included for J release.
    • Only exception will be bug-fixes and vulnerability updates
    • All outstanding reviews should be closed and code merged by 03/21/22 (M4 - 3 days)
    • New snapshots validated and containers should be released  followed by OOM patch update
  • R10 RC activities

Open J issues

Pending Jira creation

  1. PM-Mapper readiness failure (OOM charts) - Submitted OOM patch -
  2. MOD ingress - UI not accessible on one of UNH lab instance (not a code issue; will be investigated separately)

Review Jakarta committed EPIC/Stories

Review commitments/stretch-goal items from DCAE R10 Jakarta M2 Release Planning   

  1. DCAEGEN2-3031 -PM-mapper OOM config switched to unauthenticated.PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS under OOM review; SliceAnalysis & KPI changes merged in OOM; Sliceanalysis require further chart update to remove AAF (DCAEGEN2-3034);  DR dependency on HTTPS to be tracked via separate JIRA (DMAAP-1714). 
  2. DCAEGEN2-3037 - Scope for PM-Mapper will be delivered for J release; DFC impact to be assessed in Kohn release; ; Linked with DMAAP-1714
  3. ML MS (REQ-1074) - On Track; expected to be closed by M4 -  Niranjana Y
  4. DCAEGEN2-3063 (IBN/CCVPN) - user-14b30
    1. DCAE SliceAnalysis patch - - Merged
    2. OOM patch - - OPEN
    3. DCAEGEN2-3120 - Enhance sliceanalysis MS to use DCAE SDK dmaap-client lib  - High Priority (to be addressed once branching is done)

Jakarata - Helm migration 

Discuss DCAE transformation planned items for J release - DCAEGEN2-2773

Open items

      • MOD, CMPv2, Bulk-PM re-enabled in daily/gating
      • Bulk-PM fails on gating
        • Issue with readiness; patch already submitted
  • BBS-Eventprocessor (dcaegen2/services) - Builds and sub-component repo will be removed post ARC meeting/review (M2).  - Vijay Venkatesh Kumar DCAEGEN2-2967 
    • Jobs removed; code to be deleted from master branch after M4 (copy remains under Istanbul and prev release branches) 
      • DCAEGEN2-3087 - helm generator should use "log.path" rather than "logDirectory"  (Kohn)

EPIC DCAEGEN2-3119 created for DCAE Helm Transformation - Post migration and deferred activities

DCAE J release versioning and branching

Review Jakarta versions and open OOM updates

  • see "Jakarta Artifacts Tracker" below


  •  TCA-gen2 version update for 1.3.2 required in OOM - Denilson Jose 

(covered under this patch -

Branching for J release - Targetting 04/11/2022 for all DCAE repositories.

Review PMSH open itemsReviews open/deferred items and assess priority

Topics/Demos' for future meetings

<Topics can be added below by presenters as they are ready>

TBD - OpenSSF Best Practice Goals for DCAE and Secure programming consideration - Tony Hansen 


onap/org.onap.ccsdk.dashboard.ccsdk-app-os:1.4.4NO1.4.407/21/2021 - 1.4.4 released (Support for special char in generated PG password
which caused issues on Daily/gating runs)
05/04/2021 - 1.4.3 released
05/03/21  - 1.4.3 Dashboard user/pg insert error
onap/ - 1.3.2 released
2/21/22 - 1.3.2 vulnerability updates
09/07/21 - 1.3.1 (master) released (includes Update DCAE-SDK to load config and policies from mounted files + Vulnerabilities fixes + Add AaiSerializer to prevent the duplication entry + Fix AAI HTTPS connection issues)

03/19/21 - 1.7.1 released to fix null pointer issues; merged into OOM

02/15/21 - 1.7.0 released
02/14/21 - 1.7.0 vulnerability updates
09/09/21 - 1.6.1 released
08/24/21 - 1.6.1 SDK version bump from 1.5.0 to 1.8.7 in order to enable config file support

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.hv-ves.hv-collector-main:1.10.0YES1.10.02/24/21 - 1.10.0 released
2/23/21 - 1.10.0 vulnerability updates
2/21/21 - 1.10.0 (currently 1.9.2) scramsha-512 support added
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.restconfcollector:1.3.2YES1.3.2 (jakarta)
1.2.7 (istanbul)
2/28/22 - 1.3.2 image release submission
## [1.3.2] - 2022/02/23
         - [DCAEGEN2-3043] - Vulnerability updates for J release (gson, logback-core)

## [1.3.1] - 2022/01/20
         - [DCAEGEN2-2857] - RESTConf - Switch CBS client library to 1.8.7 or higher
1/21/22 - 1.2.7. image released
1/18/22 - 1.3.0 base image update + 1.2.7 - log4j upgrade to 2.17.1

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.snmptrap:2.0.6YES2.0.62/11/2022 - 2.0.6 released 02/09 (OOM update pending)
10/27/2021 - 2.0.6 - SNMP Trap collector - STDOUT complaince
07/22/2021 - 2.0.5 CBS client 2.2.1 upgrade
02/26/2021 - 2.0.4 release submitted
02/17/2021 - 2.0.4 py39 support + revise pysnmp version
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.ves.vescollector:1.11.0YES1.11.02/14/22 - 1.11.0 vulnerability updates
1/28/22 - 1.11.0 switch VEScollector base image to integration onap image
1/20/22 - 1.10.3 released
1/19/22 - 1.10.3 log4j issue; upgrade to 2.17.1
12/18/2021 -1.10.2 released
12/14/2021 - 1.10.2 Remediation for Log4Shell vulnerability
onap/ - 4.6.1 released
08/25/2021 - 4.6.1 Upgrade clamp-plugin to 1.1.1 (Fix dcaepolicyplugin dependency)
06/10/2021 - 4.6.0 released
06/07/2021 - 4.6.0  dmaap-1.5.1 plugin inclusion

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.consul-loader-container:1.1.1NO1.1.108/23/21 - 1.1.1 released
08/23/21 - introduce to remove without error
02/8/21 - Support for yaml uplaod and consul key removal
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.healthcheck-container:2.4.0YES2.4.012/12/21 - 2.4.0 release (dynamic Add health checks for DCAE microservices deployed after
the initial installation of dcaegen2-services)
11/18/2021 - 2.3.0 released (enhanced logging + base image to latest node.js LTS release)
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.k8s-bootstrap-container:3.3.6YES3.3.602/18/22 - 3.3.6 released
02/15/22 - 3.3.6 Fix for inventory upload issue
09/14/21 - 3.3.5 release (misc blueprint revision for istanbul)
09/08/21 - 3.3.4 released; OOM merge pending (new 3.3.5 to include misc blueprint updates)
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.tls-init-container:2.1.0NO2.1.02/11 - 2.1.0 (dynamic cert)
<2/11 - 1.0.3 (El-alato)
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.configbinding:2.5.4NO2.5.409/14/21 - OOM change submitted under
5/4/21 - 2.5.4 released; OOM update pending
3/29/21 - 2.5.4 change merged

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.deployment-handler:4.4.1NO4.4.12/24/21 - Consul removal in DH will be deferred
9/23 - 4.4.1 - default tenant_id fix

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.inventory-api:3.5.2NO3. - seccom vulnerability update
3.5.0 (Guilin) - exception 7/13 - 3.5.1 for classnotfound error

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.policy-handler:5.1.3NO5.1.30x/x//21 - 5.1.3 docker file issue with volumen mapping and required new container to be rebuild
03/05/21 - 5.1.2 released; OOM update pending

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.servicechange-handler:1.4.0NO1.4.0 7/17 - 1.4.0 for java11
8/6 - startup issue (DCAEGEN2-1718)
8/6- Version updated for re-release
onap/ - 2.1.1 released
04/12/2021 - 2.1.1 integration-java11:8.0.0 update

onap/ - 2.3.1 release 2.3.1 container
- Switch to CBS client lib 2.2.1
- Dockerfile update to remove volume mapping
- OJSI SQL security vulnerability fix
- Misc code cleanup
05/27/21 - 2.2.0 released

03/29/22 - 1.4.0 released
03/29/22 - 1.


4.0 introduced to fix CBS/consul lookup

02/28/22 - 1.3.3 release submitted
## [1.3.3] - 2022/02/23
         - [DCAEGEN2-3048] - Vulnerability fixes for J release (xstream,jackson-core,jackson-databind,gson)
1/21/22 - 1.3.2 released
1/18/22 - 1.3.2 log4j fix - upgrade to 2.17.1

onap/ - 1.8.0 released
2/14/22 - Allow supports unauthenticated topic and connection without TLS
- Make cert paths field optional in configuration.
- Allow to skip ssl context load.
- Make PublisherConfig and SubscriberConfig fields optional.
- Remove Auth Header when AAF credentials are empty
1/24/22 - 1.8.0 CBS SDK integration
09/09/21 - 1.7.2 released
onap/ - 1.8.0 released
02/14/22 - 1.8.0 vulnerability updates
08/31/21 - 1.7.1 released
08/24/21 - 1.7.1 Update DCAE SDK version from 1.6.0 to 1.8.7
08/11/21 - 1.7.0 released
08/10/21 - 1.7.0 - switch AAI variable syntax from config + v11 to v23 apis
onap/ - 2.1.6 released
2/14/2022 - 2.1.6 Vulnerability updates
2/10/22 - 2.1.6 Fix bug in triggering control loop for PCI collision/confusion - by replacing Config DB with CPS
10/22/21 - 2.1.5 fix for ves fault layout for collision detection (DCAEGEN2-2943)
09/09/21 - 2.1.4 released
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.onboardingapi:2.13.0YES2.13.011/12/21 - 2.13.0 image released
09/23/21 - v3 spec integartion (helm support)
02/15/2021 - component spec schema fix to include required parameters for config_map support
01/29/2021 - component-spec-schema updated to support: kafka stream subscribes and publishes, config maps as volumes
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.distributorapi:1.1.0NO1.1.09/14 - 1.1.0 released
8/19 - 1.1.0 python 3.8 support

onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.designtool-web:1.0.2NO1.0.23/30 - 1.0.2 - nonroot change
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.genprocessor-http:1.0.2NO1.0.27/13 - 1.0.2 - Guilin sec vulnerability updates
3/30 - 1.0.1 - nonroot change
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.genprocessor-job:1.0.2NO1.0.27/8 - vulnerability update
3/30 - 1.0.1 - nonroot change
1.2.4 (Istanbul)
3/4/22 - 1.3.2 release submitted
## [1.3.2] - 2022-01-04
- [DCAEGEN2-3028] Change version format to MMddHHmm (removed YY)
- [DCAEGEN2-3008] Update helmgen-core from snapshot to released version
- [DCAEGEN2-3088] Set spring-boot-maven-plugin to 2.6.2
- [DCAEGEN2-3052] Update helmgen-core to 1.0.3 (includes vulnerability fixes for J)
2/18/22 - 1.2.4 released
2/15/22 - 1.2.4 NFE exception fix on Istanbul branch
onap/ (Istanbul)08/02/2021 -1.1.1 fixed elasticsearch entry + Released
05/11/2021 - 1.1.1 DL feeder released (base image + non-root)
04/19/2021 - 1.1.1 - DL feeder  integration-java11:8.0.0 update + non rootdb (switch mariadb to pg)
04/12/21 - 1.1.1 - DES integration-java11:8.0.0 update + non rootdb (switch mariadb to pg)
2/24/2021 - 1.1.1 for non-root db access
7/29 - java11 upgrade; suggested 1.1.0 version
4/6  - 1.0.2 being released
3/21 - 1.0.2 for non-root
onap/  (Istanbul)09/03/21 - 1.1.1 released
04/12/21 - 1.1.1 - DES integration-java11:8.0.0 update + non rootdb (switch mariadb to pg)
2/24/2021 - 1.11 docker build error
9/11 - Std o/p log
4/6  - 1.0.2 being released
3/21 - 1.0.2 for non-root
onap/ - 2.2.2 released
03/21/22 - 2.2.2 ## [2.2.2]
### Changed
* Bug fix for Create MG (DCAEGEN2-3118)
3/14/22 - 2.2.1 released
  * Swagger Indentation Error (DCAEGEN2-3103)
2/8/22 - 2.0.0 released
Nov-DEC/21 - 2.0.0 several changes (refer
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.adapter.acumos:1.0.7YES1.0.702/24/22 - 1.0.7 released
12/15/2021 - 1.0.7 new v3 schema support for helm flow integration
09/13/2021 - 1.0.6 release file submitted; verified in Highstreet lab
onap/ (CCVPN/IBN support)
03/22/22 - 1.1.0 released
[SLICEANALYSIS] Release image 1.1.0

    - Jakarta changes in slice-analysis-ms for IBN Cloud leased line update and CCVPN closed-loop.
3/16/22 - 1.1.0 CCPVN/IBM update under review
3/16/22 - 1.0.7 released
[SLICEANALYSIS] Release image 1.0.7

     - Use onap/integration-java11 image
     - Switch CBS client library to 1.8.7
     - Fix null pointer exception while fetching slice-config
     - Remove security vulnerabilities
     - Calculate slice utilization data
     - Migrate SliceAnalysis MS to use unauthenticated topic
     - Update onset message test data
2/10/22 - 1.0.7 vulnerability updates
12/16/21 - 1.0.7 use onap/integration-java11 image
onap/ (Istanbul)5/10/21 - 1.1.1 released (non root + base image change)
04/13/21 - 1.1.1 merged
04/12/21 - 1.1.1 - DES integration-java11:8.0.0 update + non rootdb (switch mariadb to pg)
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.ves-openapi-manager:1.1.0YES1.1.02/24 - 1.0.1 released 
02/19 - Introduced for H release
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.deployments.dcae-services-policy-sync:1.0.1NO1.0.104/23/2021 - 1.0.1 released
04/22/2021 - 1.0.1 - include onap pem certificate + file umask fix
02/25/2021 - 1.0.0 released
onap/ - 1.0.4 released
3/16/22 - 1.0.4 release in gerrit
2/10/22 - 1.0.4 vulnerability fixes
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.auth-service:1.0.0POC1.0.1 (Not released04/30 - 1.0.1 : int base image 8.0.0
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.catalog-service:1.0.0POC1.0.2 (Not released04/30 - 1.0.1 : int base image 8.0.0
onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.mod.ui:1.0.0POC1.0.0 (Not released)
helmgenerator-core (java library)YES1.0.210/13/21 - [DCAEGEN2-2936] Convert streams_publishes and streams_subscribes json strings under applicationConfig to map
10/04/21 - *  [DCAEGEN2-2911] Refactor the code to make it more testable
    - Converted some static methods to instance methods
*  [DCAEGEN2-2911] Distributor throws an error if distribution fails
*  [DCAEGEN2-2917] Add helm repo registry step when initializing the helm client
    - Add "helm repo add ..."
    - Add "helm deployment update" before linting
Service  SDK : 1.8.8Yes1.8.802/09/21 - 1.8.8 released
02/08/21 - 1.8.8 - Spring-Boot version to 2.5.9
08/02/21 - 1.8.7 released
07/30/31 - 1.8.7 Make CBS-Client config and policy file paths configurable by environment variables
