Versions Compared


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WARNING: The Orange Openlab is no more available.

The recommended community lab is the Azure lab.

The ONAP Orange OpenLab is officially open since the 14th of February 14th. It is based on Amsterdam R1. it is a community lab, i.e. a stable environement environment (not a CI production lab on which ONAPcould ONAP could be daily automatically deployed).

The lab is physically located in Lannion in Brittany (France).

Physical description


Lab History

1/09/2021END of SUPPORT


Honolulu update


Guilin release+ Upgrade Openstack in Victoria
23/07/2020Maintenance release Frankfurt
12/06/2020Beta Frankfurt
11/12/2019El Altoreinstallation kubespray + ONAP only
28/06/2019Dublinreinstallation kubespray + ONAP only
07/02/2019Casablanca Maintenance releasereinstallation rancher + ONAP only
07/01/2019Casablanca R1OOM on Openstack Rocky (+ keystone wrapper) + Rancher
04/09/2018Beijing 2.0.0-ONAPOOM on Openstack Queens (keystone wrapper needed) + Rancher
14/02/2018Amsterdam R1heat based installer on OpenStack Pike

Openlab description


Physical description


So concretely we have more than 1000 vCPUs available on the system but all the resources are not fully allocated to the openlab. Some are used for Gating and daily chains.


ONAP POD deployed using XCI baremetal scripts ( based on OPNFV pdf and idf files.

Software installation

The Installation done using of the Infrastructure levergaes Bifrost & Kolla.

OpenStack version: Pike Queen HA.

Note Note: on this Lab a , an OOM-based installation is also available, and an Ansible-based deployement deployment is in progress, but out of scope of the OpenLab for the moment.

Who can access?

  • Any ONAP contributor (test, integration, VNF onboarding,..) can ask for an access
  • Orange can revoke the access if resources are used in an unappropriated unappropriate way



Send a mail to with  with:

  • Name
  • Company/university
  • Nature of the work you want to do on ONAP
  • Public ssh key
  • Start and end date


User will be automatically revoked after at the end date.

Once connected you shall see 2 files:

  • openstack_openrc

The README file will include includes the differnet ONAP endpointsdifferent ONAP endpoints.

How to connect to OpenLAB for Windows users once your account has been created:Connection to OpenLab for Windows users.pdf


14/05/2018 - ONAP University: ONAP Orange Open Lab slide deck, code

26/10/2018 - ONS Summit Europe. Orange OpenLab: a full automated tecoc stack for the community: slide deck