Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


Provide for Browser app table a paged resolution.

  • Entity with unique name
  • contains properties
  • filterable (logical and between properties), pagable(size:
  • Source: Table name with col columns und row rows. 
  • Header and content provided per server
  • Pagination with configurable row number (e.g. 10, 20, 50, 100)
  • Filter, configurable per column
  • Column type: Date, String, Long, Float
  • Multiple column filter: As specified ... link
  • , sortable (multiple properties,ascending, descending, default)
  • properties have unique names per entity (not translated - will be translated through seperate service if neccessary)
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)-functionalities
  • auth required, token based (has to be optimized - maybe independent from odl)
  • export function
  • additional result information:
  • page number (1..n,  if requested page>n page=n)
  • page size (number of current filtered elements)
  • result size (number of all elements for filter)
  • payload: JSON (no '-' for properties, entities)
  • yang spec !
  • Language 
  •  Localization
  • change events via websocket (needs subscription for this entity)
  • Term "Mountpoint" code consolidation
    • Server: The terms "mountpoint", "mountpoint-id" (different writings)  and "node-name" will be consolidated and replaced by the single term "node-id" in the code and in the database types.
    • ODLUX Apps: There are different names used for the same id. Should be consolidated to "Nodename"
  • Filter specification according to UX-Framework TablefilterOne column can be used to sort table: ascending, descending, default

Further points&questions:

  • Language
  • How to export Table data?
  • yang spec ?
  • JSON
  • Attribute: table name
  • get table size
  • get page n
  • get/set page size
  • set filter for each column

Interfaces to be considered (At the moment provided by ElasticSearch)

  • Tables (Fault, Logs, PM Data) (ES)
  • Maintenace (ES)
  • Inventory (ES)
  • Status bar (ES)
  • Required Network Elements / Unknown network elements (MDSAL)
  • MediatorApp (ES) (??)

Not to support



  • NetworkElementConnection (filter: isRequired:boolean, connectionState: enum<string>)
    • connection-state=enum("connected","mounted","unmounted","connecting","disconnected",("idle"))
  • NetworkElementConnectionLog
  • NetworkElementConfiguration (only proxy for restconf) → implemented in APIGateway
  • FaultCurrent
  • FaultLog
  • (Log)
  • PMData15m
  • PMData24h
  • MediatorServer
  • Inventory
  • Maintenance
  • Status


Code Block
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:{lowercase(REQ_METHOD)}-{entity}[-list]


Code Block
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:read-mediator-server-list
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:create-mediator-server
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:update-mediator-server
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:delete-mediator-server

for default request-methods:


Filter-Object: (See UX-Framework Tablefilter)

Each answer contains "output" to specify the request related to the table behind:

Code Block
"output": { 
           "size":20, <-- Number of requested objects
           "page":1,  <-- Page delivered back
           "total": 3 <-- Total number of Objects in overall list
     { <-- List of objects on this page. Number of objects are the really available one's on this page. Could be less requested.

Request Entity-Example:

Code Block
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:read-faultcurrent-list


  "output": {
	   "total": 3    
    "data": [
            "id": "Sim2230/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/rslIsExceeded",
            "node-id": "Sim2230",
            "counter": "2",
            "timestamp": "2017-01-01T01:00:00.0Z",
            "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
            "problem": "rslIsExceeded",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"
            "id": "Sim2231/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/rslIsExceeded",
            "node-id": "Sim2231",
            "counter": "3",
            "timestamp": "2017-01-01T02:00:00.0Z",
            "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
            "problem": "rslIsExceeded",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"
            "id": "Sim2230/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/signalLost",
            "node-id": "Sim2230",
            "counter": "4",
            "timestamp": "2017-01-01T03:00:00.0Z",
            "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
            "problem": "signalLost",
            "severity": "Major",
            "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"

Code Block
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:read-faultcurrent-list


	   "total": 3    
    "data": [
            "id": "Sim2230/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/signalLost",
            "node-id": "Sim2230",
            "counter": "4",
            "timestamp": "2017-01-01T03:00:00.0Z",
            "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
            "problem": "signalLost",
            "severity": "Major",
            "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"
            "id": "Sim2231/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/rslIsExceeded",
            "nodeName": "Sim2231",
            "counter": "3",
            "timestamp": "2017-01-01T02:00:00.0Z",
            "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
            "problem": "rslIsExceeded",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"
            "id": "Sim2230/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/rslIsExceeded",
            "nodeName": "Sim2230",
            "counter": "2",
            "timestamp": "2017-01-01T01:00:00.0Z",
            "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
            "problem": "rslIsExceeded",
            "severity": "Critical",
            "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"


NetworkElementConnection (network-element-connection)

Code Block
    "id": "safnoincaosnf",
    "node-id": "sim2",
    "host": "",
    "port": 12600,
    "status": "connected",
	"device-type":"wireless transport",
    "node-details": {
        "available-capabilites": [
                "capability-origin": "device-advertised",
                "capability": "urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0"
        "unavailable-capabilities": [
                "capability": "(urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-system?revision=2014-08-06)ietf-system",
                  "failure-reason": "unable-to-resolve"

create: (create-network-element-connection)

Code Block
POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:create-network-element-connection

	"input": {
    	"node-id": "sim2",
    	"host": "",
    	"port": 12600,

ConnectionLog (connectionlog)

Code Block

FaultCurrent (faultcurrent)

Code Block
	"id": "Sim2230/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/rslIsExceeded",
    "node-id": "Sim2230",
    "counter": "2",
    "timestamp": "2017-01-01T01:00:00.0Z",
    "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
    "problem": "rslIsExceeded",
    "severity": "Critical",
     "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"

FaultLog (faultlog)

Code Block
	"id": "Sim2230/LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO/rslIsExceeded",
    "node-id": "Sim2230",
    "counter": "2",
    "timestamp": "2017-01-01T01:00:00.0Z",
    "object-id": "LP-MWPS-TTP-RADIO",
    "problem": "rslIsExceeded",
    "severity": "Critical",
     "type": "ProblemNotificationXml"

PMData15m (pmdata-15m)

Code Block

PMData24h (pmdata-24h)

Code Block

MediatorServer (mediator-server)

read (read-mediator-server-list)

(POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:read-mediator-server-list)

Code Block

    	"name":"test mediator server"
create (create-mediator-server)

POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:create-mediator-server

Code Block
    	"name":"test mediator server"
delete (delete-mediator-server)

POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:delete-mediator-server

Code Block
update: (update-mediator-server)

POST /restconf/operations/data-provider:update-mediator-server

Code Block
    	"name":"test mediator server"

Inventory (inventory)

Code Block
	"tree-level": 1,
	"parent-uuid": "SHELF-",
	"node-id": "sim2",
	"uuid": "CARD-",
	"contained-holder": [ ],
	"manufacturer-name": null,
	"manufacturer-identifier": "ONF-Wireless-Transport",
	"serial": "sd-dsa-eqw",
	"date": "2008-10-21T00:00:00.0Z",
	"version": "unknown",
	"description": "WS/DS3",
	"part-type-id": "unknown",
	"model-identifier": "model-id-s3s",
	"type-name": "p4.module"

Maintenance (maintenance)

Code Block
	"node-id": "sim2",
	"object-id-ref": "",
	"problem": ""
	"description": "",
	"start": "2008-10-21T00:00:00.0Z",
	"end": "2008-10-21T00:00:00.0Z",
	"active": false


Code Block

Architecture Diagram
diagramNameWeb Client interfaces

PlantUML Macro

title Odlux Client Web server communication, remove item

actor "Web client" as Cl
entity Server as Server
entity "Elasticsearch Api" as EsCl
control "Elasticsearch Database" as EsDb
' control "Mountpoint register service" as MRS
' entity "SDN-Controller" as SDNC

Cl->Server: remove mountpoint
Server->EsCl: DEL from database
EsCl->EsDb: Start DEL within DB
EsCl->Server: 200 OK
Server->Cl: 200 OK
EsDb->EsDb: Finish DEL task

'CA->CA: create trusted certificate <b>trusted-ca</b>
'SDNC->SDNC: generate  <b>controller-private-key</b>
'SDNC->CA: certificate signign request
'CA-->SDNC: return <b>controller-cert</b>\nreturn <b>trusted-ca</b>
'group netconf-keystore 
'SDNC->SDNC: <b>add-keystore-entry(controller-private-key)</b>
'SDNC->SDNC: <b>add-private-key(controller-private-key, controller-cert)</b>
'SDNC->SDNC: <b>add-trusted-certificate(trusted-ca)</b>


Table Screenshot Examples

Table footer



Language (deferred)

things to translate:

  • table-header
  • header
  • menu-title
  • inline text

Code Block
/GET /lang
/GET /lang/{lang-code}/entity/{entity-name}
/GET /lang/{lang-code}/app/{app-name}

lang-code examples:

  • en-US
  • de-DE
  • de-AT
  • fr-FR


  • only uppercase + underscore
  • not too long
  • single words and complete sentences
Code Block
  "ROWS_PER_PAGE":"Rows per page",
  "ERROR_MSG_SERVER_UNREACHABLE":"The server is currently unreachable",
  "CURRENT_PAGE_RANGE_FORMAT":"{1}-{2} of {3}"
