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ONAP For Enterprise - Roadmap (Latest Update: Jan 11th, 2022)

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Meeting Minutes 

Working Group Activities

Recent Presentation Material

Meeting Minutes - 1/20/2021

Key Questions: 

#1 What does ONAP offer to an enterprise customer (IoT, Financial, Healthcare, Gaming, etc) that we can't get from existing cloud offers or outside the Cloud.

#2 What does ONAP offer on top of that outside of the telco space?

Different Scenarios

1) 3rd party vendors using ONAP to serve their enterprise customers (operating model - managed services)

2) Operators offering solutions to Enterprises (based on 5G Techno - Network Slicing, Virtual Edge, etc) supported by 3rd party vendors

  • Feedback from Carriers:
    • Fernando Oliveira- Investment in Gaming, Edge Computing - possibility to re-use ONAP as a key orchestrator
    • Catherine Lefevre -  Edge Computing is the area where AT&T have invested (i.e. Akraino) in conjunction with ONAP possibilities; We have a  Gaming division inherited from TimeWarner but not yet explored added-value of ONAP in this space

3) Enterprise customers running ONAP themselves (on their premises), supported/trained by 3rd party vendors

Additional thought(s)

#1 Investigate what Openstack is offering to Enterprise Business?

#2 Contact Cheng Huang, gyaoguang wang - leading ONAP Support for Vertical Industry (DDF Topic in Feb 2021)

#3 Maybe reconnect with Helen Chenabout Healthcare

#4 Ask TSC members, EAUG if any contact point from their Enterprise Business

#5 Kick-off a survey to get feedback about interest and use cases

Meeting Minutes (LFN Event) - 2/2/2021

Meeting Minutes - 2/17/2021 

  • Review action items from LFN Event
  • Importance
    • to rebrand ONAP and its components outside the "Network" domain
    • to be able using ONAP components independently
    • to demonstrate with some real cases ONAP components with other systems/applications (not CNF, PNF, VNF)
    • to use ONAP (or a subset of ONAP) as a black box
  • Survey - key items (in progress)
    • Comments: Need to re-adjust the survey and also ONAP message based on "Enterprise" Terminology
    • What are your goals about Cloud migration?
    • Are you already hosting your IT applications in public cloud or private cloud managed by a 3rd party vendors? If not - Where are you in your virtualization journey?
    • What are the different major steps being part of your migration?
    • Which OSS/BSS systems/IT applications will not be part of your virtualisation journey? Hybrid model (Private on prem/Cloud & Public Cloud)
    • (After introducing ONAP) which consumption model do you think you would like to adopt? Or will you adopt another one not listed below? Need to re-adjust the consumption model for Enterprise Business

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  • Have you any regulatory requirement to be considered?
  • Any particular device/standard to be supported and connected to your IT application(s) ?
  • Size of production deployment (small/medium/large)? Define "size' for Enterprise Business
  • What would you consider "as a service" for your Enterprise Business (which application, what type of IT support, etc?)

Meeting Minutes - 3/3/2021 

  • Suggestion to reschedule this meeting on Wednesday at 7am PST (to be discussed on 3/4 during the next ONAP TSC)
  • Creation of a new EUAG (End User Advisory Group) dedicated to Enterprise Businesss (under preparation) - LFN Board to be voted on March 24th, 2021
    • Kenny will provide criteria to be part of this new EAUG (not company membership) but people involved in deployment, design, implementation, etc. 
    • Open beyond "carriers" 
  • Intro about DARPA Program with Trudy Morgan (Cloud Computing Expert)
    • Focus on 5G Network Security
    • 4 years program
    • E2E Open Source 5G Network across the US
    • ONAP Added-Values: ONAP for Orchestration including Network Slicing, AI/ML/DL
    • Mostly all the components are open source components except RAN part
    • Some ONAP pages about Network Slicing
    • SDOs: ETSI, 3GPP
    • Current status:
      •  Amar Kapadia(representing LFN/ONAP Community) is currently setup an ONAP test-bed to demonstrate E2E Network Slicing capabilities
      • Lab currently open but required VPN connection, located in San Diego

Meeting Minutes - 3/17/2021 @7am PST

Meeting Minutes - 3/31/2021 @7am PST 

Action Items (In Progress)

  •  (Kenny): Setup onboarding process for DARPA Program
  •  (Kenny): Invite Walmart to the meeting on 3/17(TBC)
  •  Rework our ONAP Added Values Message in alignment with Vertical Industry & Enterprise Business
  •  Contact Enterprise Business Units within our own company
  •  Prepare the Survey (In progress)

Action Item (Closed)

  •  (Kenny) Collect any EUAG Use Cases
  •  (Kenny) add an item to TSC call - 3/25 about EUAG for Enterprise
  •  (Kenny) add an item to TSC call - 3/4 - new schedule for Task Force - Enterprises + introduce agenda (3/31) - Alla GoldnerTimo Perala (requirement subcommittee) and Chaker Al-Hakim(architecture subcommittee) to attend
  •  (David): Follow-up with Amar Kapadiaabout TSC presentation about current status regarding OPS-5G & LFN Activities