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Table of Contents

Meeting Minutes - 1/20/2021

Key Questions: 

#1 What does ONAP offer to an enterprise customer (IoT, Financial, Healthcare, Gaming, etc) that we can't get from existing cloud offers or outside the Cloud.

#2 What does ONAP offer on top of that outside of the telco space?

Different Scenarios

1) 3rd party vendors using ONAP to serve their enterprise customers (operating model - managed services)

2) Operators offering solutions to Enterprises (based on 5G Techno - Network Slicing, Virtual Edge, etc) supported by 3rd party vendors

  • Feedback from Carriers:
    • Fernando Oliveira- Investment in Gaming, Edge Computing - possibility to re-use ONAP as a key orchestrator
    • Catherine Lefevre -  Edge Computing is the area where AT&T have invested (i.e. Akraino) in conjunction with ONAP possibilities; We have a  Gaming division inherited from TimeWarner but not yet explored added-value of ONAP in this space

3) Enterprise customers running ONAP themselves (on their premises), supported/trained by 3rd party vendors

Additional thought(s)

#1 Investigate what Openstack is offering to Enterprise Business?

#2 Contact Cheng Huang, gyaoguang wang - leading ONAP Support for Vertical Industry (DDF Topic in Feb 2021)

#3 Maybe reconnect with Helen Chenabout Healthcare

#4 Ask TSC members, EAUG if any contact point from their Enterprise Business

#5 Kick-off a survey to get feedback about interest and use cases

Meeting Minutes (LFN Event) - 2/2/2021

Meeting Minutes - 2/17/2021 

  • Review action items from LFN Event
  • Importance
    • to rebrand ONAP and its components outside the "Network" domain
    • to be able using ONAP components independently
    • to demonstrate with some real cases ONAP components with other systems/applications (not CNF, PNF, VNF)
    • to use ONAP (or a subset of ONAP) as a black box
  • Survey - key items (in progress)
    • Comments: Need to re-adjust the survey and also ONAP message based on "Enterprise" Terminology
    • What are your goals about Cloud migration?
    • Are you already hosting your IT applications in public cloud or private cloud managed by a 3rd party vendors? If not - Where are you in your virtualization journey?
    • What are the different major steps being part of your migration?
    • Which OSS/BSS systems/IT applications will not be part of your virtualisation journey? Hybrid model (Private on prem/Cloud & Public Cloud)
    • (After introducing ONAP) which consumption model do you think you would like to adopt? Or will you adopt another one not listed below? Need to re-adjust the consumption model for Enterprise Business

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  • Have you any regulatory requirement to be considered?
  • Any particular device/standard to be supported and connected to your IT application(s) ?
  • Size of production deployment (small/medium/large)? Define "size' for Enterprise Business
  • What would you consider "as a service" for your Enterprise Business (which application, what type of IT support, etc?)

Meeting Minutes - 3/3/2021 

  • Suggestion to reschedule this meeting on Wednesday at 7am PST (to be discussed on 3/4 during the next ONAP TSC)
  • Creation of a new EUAG (End User Advisory Group) dedicated to Enterprise Businesss (under preparation) - LFN Board to be voted on March 24th, 2021
    • Kenny will provide criteria to be part of this new EAUG (not company membership) but people involved in deployment, design, implementation, etc. 
    • Open beyond "carriers" 
  • Intro about DARPA Program with Trudy Morgan (Cloud Computing Expert)
    • Focus on 5G Network Security
    • 4 years program
    • E2E Open Source 5G Network across the US
    • ONAP Added-Values: ONAP for Orchestration including Network Slicing, AI/ML/DL
    • Mostly all the components are open source components except RAN part
    • Some ONAP pages about Network Slicing
    • SDOs: ETSI, 3GPP
    • Current status:
      •  Amar Kapadia(representing LFN/ONAP Community) is currently setup an ONAP test-bed to demonstrate E2E Network Slicing capabilities
      • Lab currently open but required VPN connection, located in San Diego

Meeting Minutes - 3/17/2021 @7am PST

  • 5G Super Blueprint
  • Discussion about ONAP/ODA Integration
    • How ONAP could improve/build Network Service Visualization/Customer Facing Service (CFS)?
    • Currently Network Slicing activities are trying to work on this area 
    • TAC Whitepaper is in progress
      • Additional information about CSMF
      • What are CSMF functionalities supported by ONAP today?
      • Will ONAP support any CFS capability?

Meeting Minutes - 3/31/2021 @7am PST 

  • Trudy Morgan : Present first ONAP/OPS-5G use cases 
    • 5 year effort - all work being done in the LF. Work will be up-stream w/o forking code
    • NIWC: Naval Information Warfare Center 
    • Research project - all work is unclassified.
    • Deck presented today: OPS 5G Use Case.pdf 

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  • 5G Super Blueprint Roadmap is also considering the OPS 5G program inputs.
  • Goal is to use as much OSS as possible, but may need commercial solutions initially in areas that are less OSS mature like RAN i.e. 5UE, Commercial gNB
  • From a testing perspective, the goal is to us Nationwide network to enhance DoD ability to test 5G Core security (Multisite OPS 5G Joint Independent Testing Option) but it will also dependent on Magma deployment model.
  • ONAP capabilities to support this program:
    • Orchestrate/Instantiate and Magma Orchestrator (instead of SO)
    • ONAP Network Slicing functionalities
    • LCM
    • Control Loop mechanisms (including ONAP/Acumos)
    • Akraino/ONAP Blueprint
  • Believe that we need to be proactive on this
  • Would like Aarna to provide a regular update on progress to this team.  Set aside the first 5-10 mins of every meeting for that purpose.
  • Need to make sure that standard process workflow is followed for feeding requirements into the community
  • ONAP Enterprise Task Force will be the first entry point for OPS 5G program supported by the Requirements, Architecture and Security subcommittee representatives.

Meeting Minutes - 4/14/2021 @7am PST 

  • Latest ONAP/OPS 5G updates from Amar Kapadia
    • ONAP/Magma discussions on April 8th - Deep Dive about ONAP
    • Current understanding is that we could use REST API (northbound ITF) or Mesh
  • OPS 5G meeting on April 9th - focus on E2E Network Slicing

Welcome and Introduction Neil Hoff, NIWC PAC 

Super Blueprint and 2021 Roadmap, including slicing Amar Kapadia, Linux Foundation 

OPS-5G Technical Area 3 (SABRES) – Secure Slicing Dr. Erik Kline, USC/ISI 

MAGMA - Target release for network slicing and timeline for requirements development Amar Padmanabhan, Facebook 

ONAP - How network slicing will be orchestrated by ONAP Swaminathan Seetharaman, Wipro 

OUSD(R&E) comments / discussion

Key take away: Align people on "what it is a Slice" terminology

  • How could ONAP interact with Magma GW/Magma Controller?

    Some additional info about Magma

    • First deployment of 5G-FWA in June 2021 (Brazil)
    • Can be deployed on ARM/ESXI
    • Horizontal scaling
    • NB ITF = REST (to be connected with ONAP) or Mesh

3 options:

#1 Create a dedicated controller via SDNC and handle Magma GW like any other device

#2 Have an adapter for the magma in ONAP Service Orchestrator and use it as a resource orchestrator for the specific jobs.      Disadvantage: create something specific

#3 5G PNF Plug & Play and consider Magma GW as a PNF?

    Current proposal: Avoid to create something specific but re-use what it is already developed in ONAP (SO/SDNC/SDNR) and orchestrate directly the Magma GW via gRPC

            Need to understand what it is behing the Magma GW and explore if there  is a possibility to interact directly with the devices? Maybe not acceptable

            Advantage: full re-use of the current E2E Network slicing capabilties developed in ONAP - 5G Super Blueprint_ONAP_Magma proposal (V1)

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            Other Info:

Magma Core Orch is decsribed here

Meeting Minutes - 4/28/2021 @7am PST 

  • Can we conclude Magma is an IMS.
  • Review the 4 ONAP/Magma action items identified on 4/14/2021
  • Deep Dive Magma/ONAP ITFs to determine what need to be implemented on top of what has been developed in ONAP
  • 5G Blueprint based on Guilin/Honolulu?

Action Items (In Progress)

  •  (Catherine) To follow up with Swaminathan Seetharaman about scope/functionalities/roadmap supported by CSMF
  •  (Catherine): Does anybody explore any ONAP/ODA Integration
  •  (Kenny): Invite Walmart (Date to be confirmed)
  •  Rework our ONAP Added Values Message in alignment with Vertical Industry & Enterprise Business
  •  Contact Enterprise Business Units within our own company
  •  Prepare the Survey (In progress)

Action Item (Closed)

  •  Kenny): Setup onboarding process for DARPA Program
  •  (Veronica): Provide the Orange Invite to be shared with the ONAP community
  •  (Kenny) Collect any EUAG Use Cases
  •  (Kenny) add an item to TSC call - 3/25 about EUAG for Enterprise
  •  (Kenny) add an item to TSC call - 3/4 - new schedule for Task Force - Enterprises + introduce agenda (3/31) - Alla GoldnerTimo Perala (requirement subcommittee) and Chaker Al-Hakim(architecture subcommittee) to attend
  •  (David): Follow-up with Amar Kapadiaabout TSC presentation about current status regarding OPS-5G & LFN Activities
  •  (Catherine): Recheck the ONAP Calendar

ONAP For Enterprise - Roadmap (Latest Update: Jan 11th, 2022)

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Meeting Minutes 

Working Group Activities

Recent Presentation Material