Versions Compared


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Code Block
titleSet SDNC cluster node route
root@release-rancher:~# kubectl -n onap get pod -o wide | grep sdnc-0
dev-sdnc-sdnc-0 2/2 Running 0 5h38m release-k8s-11 <none> <none>
root@release-rancher:~# source ~/integration/deployment/heat/onap-rke/env/windriver/Integration-SB-04-openrc (source your openstack env file)
root@release-rancher:~# openstack server show -f json release-k8s-11 | jq .addresses
root@release-rancher:~# ssh -i ~/.ssh/onap_dev ubuntu@ -- sudo ip route add via dev ens3


23. To repeat create infra step, you can delete infra vf-module stacks first and the network stacks from Openstack Horizon Orchestration->Stack page, then clean up the record in sdnc DHCP_MAC table before rerun ` infra`
24. To repeat create customer step, you can delete customer stack, then clear up tunnles by running ` gmux_public_ip` and ` brg_public_ip`. After that you can rerun create customer command

Checklist for Dublin Release

  1. Model distribution by ` onap init`. this will onboard VNFs and 4 services, i.e. infrastructure,  brg, bng and gmux
  2. Run Robot ` onap distributevCPEResCust`. This step assumes step 1 successfully distributed the 4 models
  3. Add customer SDN-ETHERNET-INTERNET (need to put into vcpe init)
  4. Add route on sdnc cluster node `ip route add via dev ens3`
  5. Initialize SDNC ip pool by running from Rancher node `kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-sdnc-sdnc-0 -- /opt/sdnc/bin/ VGW 10.5.0 22 250`
  6. Install python and other python libraries
  7. Change the openstack env parameters and the customer service related parameter in
  8. Run ` init`
  9. Insert a service workflow entry in SO catalogdb
Code Block
titleInsert customer workflow into SO service table
root@sb04-rancher:~# kubectl exec dev-mariadb-galera-mariadb-galera-0 -- mysql -uroot -psecretpassword -e "INSERT INTO catalogdb.service_recipe (ACTION, VERSION_STR, DESCRIPTION, ORCHESTRATION_URI, SERVICE_PARAM_XSD, RECIPE_TIMEOUT, SERVICE_TIMEOUT_INTERIM, CREATION_TIMESTAMP, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID) VALUES ('createInstance','1','vCPEResCust 2019-06-03 _04ba','/mso/async/services/CreateVcpeResCustService',NULL,181,NULL, NOW(),'6c4a469d-ca2c-4b02-8cf1-bd02e9c5a7ce')"

Typical Errors and Solutions
