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The content of this template is expected to be fill out for M1 Release Planning Milestone.


Use the "Copy" and "Move" options (available under the ..., top right of this page) to duplicate this template into your project wiki.
Use the Wiki to document the release plan. Don't provide PowerPoint.
Use as much diagrams and flow charts as you need, directly in the wiki, to convey your message.


Project NameEnter the name of the project
Target Release NameFrankfurt
Project Lifecycle StateIncubation
Participating Companies AT&T, Ericsson, Fujitsu, IBM, Huawei


What is this release trying to address?

The Frankfurt release contains a number of enhancements primarily centered around 5G use cases.  

We also plan enhancements to the Service Logic Interpreter (SLI) - which currently runs within the OpenDaylight Karaf container - to allow it to run in a separate container, independent of OpenDaylight. We believe this effort will span 2 releases - so we will begin in Frankfurt, and with the goal of being able to run the SLI as an independent container in Guilin.


The following table lists the new functional requirements for the Frankfurt Release:

RequirementsCompanies Supporting Requirement

REQ-141 - Getting issue details... STATUS


REQ-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS


REQ-162 - Getting issue details... STATUS


REQ-154 - Getting issue details... STATUS


REQ-267 - Getting issue details... STATUS


REQ-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS



REQ-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS


REQ-174 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Minimum Viable Product

The following epics represent the minimum viable product of the SDNC Frankfurt Release:

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

The following epics represent stretch goals, which may be reduced in scope or deferred if necessary due to resource constraints:

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


List the functionalities that this release is committing to deliver by providing a link to JIRA Epics and Stories. In the JIRA Priority field, specify the priority (either High, Medium, Low). The priority will be used in case de-scoping is required. Don't assign High priority to all functionalities.


The following epics are committed for the CCSDK Frankfurt Release:

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

The following epics represent stretch goals, which may be reduced in scope or deferred if necessary due to resource constraints:

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution

Longer term roadmap

Indicate at a high level the longer term roadmap. This is to put things into the big perspective.

Release Deliverables

Indicate the outcome (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note, etc) of this release.

Deliverable NameDeliverable DescriptionDeliverable Location
SDNC Source CodeSource code for SDNC projectONAP gerrit
SDNC Maven ArtifactsCompiled code that can be referenced in other projects as maven dependenciesONAP Nexus
SDNC Docker Containers

Docker containers associated with SDNC project:

  • Ansible server container
  • Controller (OpenDaylight) container
  • DMAAP listener container
  • SDC (UEB) listener container
ONAP Nexus
DocumentationUser and developer guidesONAP Wiki
SDNC CI/CD automationScripts to automate compilation and deployment of maven artifacts and docker containers

ONAP gerrit

ONAP Jenkins


Subcomponents of each ONAP project may be found on the Resources and Repositories page on this wiki.  Please see the SDNC section of that page for subcomponent list of SDNC.

ONAP Dependencies

SDN-C depends on the following projects:

  • Active and Available Inventory (A&AI)
  • Common Controller SDK (CCSDK).
  • Service Design and Creation (SDC)
  • Data Movement as a Platform (DMaaP)
  • Documentation
  • Integration
  • External API
  • Modeling
  • Multi VIM/Cloud
  • Policy


High level architecture diagram

The following diagram shows the high level architecture of SDNC:

The major architectural components of the SDN-C controller are:

  • Device Data Models : Yang models that define interfaces to devices (virtual or physical) that the SDNC configures
  • Service Network Data Models : Yang models that define data maintained within the SDNC about the network used by the set of services supported by this SDNC instance
  • Service Chain Data Models : Yang models that define how services supported by an SDNC instance can be chained
  • Service Data Models : Yang models that define data maintained within the SDNC for the set of services it supports
  • Directed Graphs : programmable logic, updatable at run time with no restart, that define the behavior of the SDNC
  • Service Logic Interpreter : module provided by CCSDK which allows platform to execute directed graphs
  • API Handler : code (mostly generate from service Yang models) which implements RESTCONF API into SDNC.  Most API handlers should follow the following pattern:
    • Call directed graph named after invoked RPC, passing RESTCONF RPC parameters as Java Properties object.
    • Return results from directed graph invocation as response to RESTCONF RPC
  • Interface adaptors - code that allows directed graphs to invoke external interfaces

Platform Maturity

Please fill out the centralized wiki page: Frankfurt Release Platform Maturity

API Incoming Dependencies

API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)
A&AI : VNFAPI used to read/write information about VNFsDefined in seed codeIncluded in seed codeTBD
SDC : distributionAPI used to distribute artifacts from SDC to subscribersDefined in seed codeIncluded in seed codeTBD
DMaaPAPI used to receive DHCP event notification8/23/178/23/17DMaaP API

API Outgoing Dependencies

API NameAPI DescriptionAPI Definition DateAPI Delivery dateAPI Definition link (i.e.swagger)
HealthcheckAPI used to verify that platform is available and healthyIncluded in seed codeDelivered in seed codeTBD (requested Confluence OPEN API to be installed so this can be published on ONAP Wiki)
Generic VNF API

API used to request resources for VNFs. Will be deprecated in Beijing in favor of Generic Resource API.

Note: This API is deprecated in Frankfurt and will be removed in Guilin

Included in seed codeDelivered in seed codeTBD (requested Confluence OPEN API to be installed so this can be published on ONAP Wiki)
Generic Resource APIAPI used to request resources for VNFs. This API is a superset of the generic VNF API, which it replacesIncluded in Amsterdam releaseDelivered in AmsterdamTBD (requested Confluence OPEN API to be installed so this can be published on ONAP Wiki)

Third Party Products Dependencies

OpenDaylightOpenDaylight SDN Controller PlatformNeon SR1

Testing and Integration Plans

Provide a description of the testing activities (unit test, functional test, automation,...) that will be performed by the team within the scope of this release.

Describe the plan to integrate and test the release deliverables within the overall ONAP system.
Confirm that resources have been allocated to perform such activities.


This section is used to document a limitation on a functionality or platform support. We are currently aware of this limitation and it will be delivered in a future Release.
List identified release gaps (if any), and its impact.

Gaps identifiedImpact
To fill outTo fill out

Known Defects and Issues

Please refer to Frankfurt Defect Status


List the risks identified for this release along with the plan to prevent the risk to occur (mitigation) and the plan of action in the case the risk would materialized (contingency).

Please update any risk on the centralized wiki page - Frankfurt Risks


Fill out the Resources Committed to the Release centralized page.

Release Milestone

The milestones are defined at the Release Level and all the supporting project agreed to comply with these dates.

Team Internal Milestone

MilestoneDescription DateComments
M2/M3Functionality Freeze / API Freeze

  • Final API definitions (swagger, Yang) due
Jan 3, 2020Last day to submit Frankfurt swagger / Yang changes to Gerrit

  • M2/M3 Jiras ready for review
Jan 6, 2020Release manager reviews worksheets to assess readiness for M2/M3 milestone

  • TSC M2/M3 approval vote
Jan 9, 2020

M4Code Freeze

  • Code due for Frankfurt user stories
Feb 14, 2020Last day to submit Frankfurt code changes to Gerrit

  • M4 worksheets ready for review
Feb 17, 2020

Release manager reviews worksheets to assess readiness for M4 milestone, including the following checks:

  • All repos must have >= 55% code (line) coverage in Sonar
  • No failed Jenkins jobs
  • All CSIT tests pass
  • Healthchecks pass

  • M4 release builds available
Feb 19, 2020

  • TSC M4 approval vote
Feb 20, 2020

RC0Release Candidate 0

  • Code due for RC0 fixes
March 6, 2020Last date to submit code fixes for release candidate 0

  • RC0 release artifacts available
March 9, 2020

  • RC0 Jiras ready for review
March 9, 2020

  • TSC RC0 approval vote
March 12, 2020

RC1Release Candidate 1

  • Code due for RC1 fixes
March 20, 2020Last date to submit code fixes for Frankfurt release candidate 1

  • RC1 release artifacts available
March 23, 2020

  • RC1 Jiras ready for review
March 23, 2020

  • TSC RC1
March 26, 2020

RC2Release Candidate 2

  • Code due for final Frankfurt fixes
April 3, 2020Last date to submit code fixes for final Frankfurt release (RC2)

  • RC2 release artifacts available
April 6, 2020

  • RC2 Jiras ready for review
April 6, 2020

  • TSC RC2
April 9, 2020

Release Sign-OffFinal TSC Sign-OffApril 23, 2020
Frankfurt Release Sign-Off

Documentation, Training

Please update the following centralized wiki: Frankfurt Documentation

That includes

  • Team contributions to the specific document related to he project (Config guide, installation guide...).
  • Team contributions to the overall Release Documentation and training asset
  • High level list of documentation, training and tutorials necessary to understand the release capabilities, configuration and operation.
  • Documentation includes items such as:
    • Installation instructions
    • Configuration instructions
    • Developer guide
    • End User guide
    • Admin guide
    • ...


The Documentation project will provide the Documentation Tool Chain to edit, configure, store and publish all Documentation asset.

Other Information

  • Vendor Neutral

If this project is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, ensure that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc. have been removed. All ONAP deliverables must comply with this rule and be agnostic of any proprietary symbols.

  • Free and Open Source Software

FOSS activities are critical to the delivery of the whole ONAP initiative. The information may not be fully available at Release Planning, however to avoid late refactoring, it is critical to accomplish this task as early as possible.
List all third party Free and Open Source Software used within the release and provide License type (BSD, MIT, Apache, GNU GPL,... ).
In the case non Apache License are found inform immediately the TSC and the Release Manager and document your reasoning on why you believe we can use a non Apache version 2 license.

Each project must edit its project table available at Project FOSS.

Charter Compliance

The project team comply with the ONAP Charter.

  • No labels