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A&AI: Active and Available Inventory (component of ECOMP runtime)

  • Real-time views of Resources, Services, Products, Customer Subscriptions, and their relationships

ASDC: AT&T's Service Design and Creation (component of ECOMP)

  • visual modeling and design
  • creates internal metadata used by all ECOMP applications, both design time and runtime
  • Includes catalog of standard (resource) items
  • Can read Yang, HEAT, TOSCA, YAML, BPMN/BPEL
  • Four asset types: Resource, Service, Product, and Offer
    • Resource: a fundamental capability, either hardware or software
      • Infrastructure (the Cloud resources, e.g., Compute, Storage)
      • Network (network connectivity functions & elements)
      • Application (features and capabilities of a software application)
    • Service: a well-formed object with one or more resources
    • Product: includes one or more services packaged with commercialization attributes for customer ordering and billing of the underlying service(s)
    • Offer: bundling of products with specific Marketing configurations for selling to customers

ASTRA: Web application firewall provided by Czar Securities and developed by AT&T

BPEL: Business Process Execution Language (OASIS Standard)

  • XML-based language that allows Web services in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) to interconnect and share data.

BPMN: Business Process Model and Notation (wikipedia) or Business Process Management Notation (ecomp.pdf)

  • graphical representation for specifying business processes

BRMS: Business Rules Management System

BSS: Business Support Systems

CCD: Common Configuration Dashboard (application within ECOMP)

CLAMP: Control Loop Automation Management Platform (ecomp_ug)

  • a system to design and execute control loops within ECOMP that monitor systems, take corrective actions, and inform personnel about malfunctions

CMA: Change Management Application (within ECOMP)


  • Manages the state of an Application, Infrastructure, or Network resource
  • Single service/network domain scope

DCAE: Data Collection, Analytics and Events (component of ECOMP runtime)

Drools: Red Hat's Business Rules Management System solution

ECOMP: Enhanced Control, Orchestration, Management & Policy (from ecomp.pdf)

  • product/service independent capabilities
    • policy-driven, metadata-driven
    • dynamic capacity
    • consistent failure management
    • near real-time reconfiguration
    • component and workload shaping, placement, execution, and administration
    • for the design, creation and lifecycle management of a cloud environment with network services
    • for carrier-scale, real-time workloads
    • does not directly support legacy physical elements

ECOMP Portal:

  • provides access to design, analytics and operational control/administration via a common role-based menu or dashboard. Includes SDK to drive UI consistency.

EMS: Element Management System

ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute

FCAPS: Fault Configuration Accounting Performance Security


  • (Cloud) Infrastructure creation template language for Open Stack

IAM/IDAM: Identity and Access Management

  •  security and business discipline that "enables the right individuals to access the right resources at the right times and for the right reasons"

ICE: Incubation & Certification Environment

  • for vendors & 3rd parties to develop solutions using ECOMP and AIC

IPS: Intrusion Prevention System

MANO: management and organization of NFV

  • ETSI's MANO does not include Controller and Policy components, as ECOMP does
  • ETSI's MANO resource description does not include complete meta-data for lifecycle management of infrastructure as well as VNFs (ECOMP does)

MOP: Method of Procedure

  • a set of deployment instructions

MSO: Master Service Orchestrator (component of ECOMP runtime)

  • automates activities, tasks, rules and policies needed for on-demand creation, modification or removal of network, application or infrastructure services

NEP: Network Equipment Provider

NFV = VNF: Network Function Virtualization

NFVI: network functions virtualization infrastructure

NS: network services

OA&M: Operations, Administration & Management


  • nonprofit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society.

OMF: Operational Management Framework (of ECOMP)

OpenDaylight: the largest open source SDN controller

OpenStack: Open source software for creating private and public clouds

OPNFV: Open Platform for NFV Project


  • the definition and execution of workflows or processes to manage the completion of a task
  • will not involve human intervention/decision/guidance in the vast majority of cases

OSS: Operation Support System

POLO: Portal Open Loop operation

  •  a mechanism within ECOMP to trigger APP-C functions

RCA: Root Cause Analysis

SLA: Service Level Agreement

  • a contract between a service provider (either internal or external) and the end user that defines the level of service expected from the service provider. SLAs are output-based in that their purpose is specifically to define what the customer will receive.

SDN: Software-Defined Networking


  • Proprietary (non-ECOMP?) network definition service
  • Its operators accept Comma Separated Value files describing networks

TEM: Telecom Electronics Manufacturer

TOSCA: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (OASIS spec)

  • Specifies cloud infrastructure


VF: Virtual Function

VFC: Virtualized Function Component (draft_ecomp_0_1 p. 45)

  • component of a VSP
  • Examples: Hypervisor, VM recovery details, and cloning

VID: Virtual Instantiation Deployment

  • instantiate services or components that are required by infrastructure customers (draft_ecomp_u_g p 113)

VIM: Virtualized Infrastructure Manager

  • part of MANO
  • Controls and manages the NFVI compute, storage, and network resources

VNF = NFV: Virtual Network Functions

  • applications such as routers, switches, firewalls

VNO: Virtual Network Operator

VSP: Virtual Software Product

XACML++:  eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (OASIS standard, extended)

  • a declarative fine-grained, attribute-based access control policy language, an architecture, and a processing model describing how to evaluate access requests according to the rules defined in policies. It is an Attribute-Based Access Control system (ABAC), where attributes (bits of data) associated with a user or action or resource are inputs into the decision of whether a given user may access a given resource in a particular way.


  • machine parsable data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages such as Perl and Python

YANG: A Data Modeling Language for the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)

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