Define a Vendor Virtual Software Product (VSP)

At this point, we can proceed to define our vendor virtual software product. Hover over the "Add" box in the Onboarding Catalog and click on "New Vendor Virtual Software Product":

In the form that comes up, give the new software product a name of your choosing, and from the "Vendor" list, select the licensing model we created in the first part of this tutorial.

For "Category", select "Firewall (Application L4+)", as shown. Enter any description, and then click "Save".

The software product will be added to the Onboarding Catalog, and the product details page will be displayed. Click on the "Warning" icon under "License Agreement", in the section to the left.

On the resulting page (which can be reached from the "General" link in the left-hand sidebar), select the appropriate version of the license:

Select the license agreement.

When those two parameters have been set, a "Feature Groups" selector will appear. Choose the appropriate feature group.

Save the information you've entered so far by clicking on the "disk" icon toward the upper right of the page. DOC-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS Do NOT "Check In"!

Now, we can upload the ZIP file containing the Heat templates and scripts that describe our product. Click on "Overview" to return to the main page for the product we're creating. Click on the "Select File" button in the right-hand section of the page (or drag and drop your zip file). The zip file we're using for this tutorial is as of 20170608 for 1.0.0 in the reference page.

Repackage the ZIP - by following Pre-Onboarding

The Heat template and environment file will be processed by SDC and a page showing the contents of the uploaded zip file will be displayed. The warnings in the right panel can be ignored. This page can be reached from the "Attachments" link in the left sidebar. Click on proceed on validation and then click on Submit

Now, we can "Check In", and then "Submit" our software product. If no problems are encountered, an alert showing the the product has been successfully submitted will be briefly displayed.

Define a New Virtual Function (VF)

Next, we need to return to the SDC home screen to create a new virtual function (VF) based on the virtual software product (VSP) we just created. Hover over the arrow to the right of "Onboard" in the bread crumb trail; a menu will appear. Select "Home".

Note the "Vendor Software Product Repository" icon in the upper right corner of the SDC "Home" screen. Click on it.

A form showing the various products in the repository will appear.

Select the product we created, and click the "Import VSP" icon to the right of the descriptive line that appears when the product is selected.

The "General" page for our new VF will be displayed. Click on "Create".

The VF will be created, which can take some time, depending on its complexity.

Once this process has completed, an alert will tell you that the new VF is now available. Note that the various elements in the left sidebar, which were previously disabled, are now all enabled.

On the "Icon" page, we can select an icon to represent our VF — the icons shown are based on the "Category" we selected earlier; we'll click on the "Firewall" icon to select it.

Click on "Deployment Artifact" to generate/update and display the deployment configurations.

The "Information Artifact" page can be used to attach a variety of different data and metadata to the VF.

The "TOSCA Artifacts" page shows the TOSCA orchestration information generated by SDC from the VF's specifications.

Data properties can be added to the VF on the "Properties" page.

New properties can be added by clicking on the "Add Property" link which brings up a specification form. A wide variety of property types are pre-defined.  We will not be adding a "Property" here.

Clicking on left pane "Composition" under "Properties" takes us into the actual Design Studio, where a graphical representation of our underlying VSP is shown on the canvas. To return to the VF specification, click on "VF: tutorial firewall" in the bread crumbs above the canvas.

Dont need to connect the two parts of the firewall - they are already in the same network

The "Activity Log" page tracks all changes to the VF.

The "Deployment" page shows the resources related to the deployment of the VF, and a variety of information can be inspected from here.

Finally, the "Inputs" page show the parameters used to set up the VF. Details can be viewed by clicking on the various disclosure arrows.

At this point, our new VF needs to be submitted for testing as part of the ONAP workflow. Do not check in the VF at this point, simply click on "Submit For Testing".

A form will appear, prompting you for a message to the test team. Enter one and click "Save".

You will be returned to the SDC Home screen, where our VF now shows as being "Ready for testing".

  • No labels


  1. Hi can someone share example of a Manifest.json file as outlined in the vFW artifacts example ? Cannot find anything in the demo repositories!

    Or update the link "<< ToDO Replace with nexus site artifact reference vFW"  Thanks !

    1. Check out testsuite repo in robot/assets/asdc/base_vfw

  2. meantime found the zip file under link: Reference Documents as the last file ... 

  3. Hi, i got the error message SVC4060 - Status Code 400 during the VF creation. Any ideas whats going wrong?


      1. Is there any progress with it?

      2. I also met this error, I am using the template from the reference page, is this problem solved?

    1. Is it solved ? iam also getting the same error ?

  4. from a look at the error it looks like in the heat you are tring to onboard has an issue in it.

    it is not a titan error.

    what is the VF you are trying to onboard?

  5. I am also getting the same error.  All the docker instance are in Error syncing pod status.

    "sdc-fe" in pod "sdc-fe-1144227534-4sx1v" is waiting to start: PodInitializing.

    [2017-10-11T12:50:54+05:30] ERROR: Running exception handlers
    [2017-10-11T12:50:54+05:30] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
    [2017-10-11T12:50:54+05:30] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /root/chef-solo/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
    [2017-10-11T12:50:54+05:30] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
    [2017-10-11T12:50:54+05:30] ERROR: 404 "Not Found"
    [2017-10-11T12:50:54+05:30] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
    [2017-10-11T12:50:56+05:30] INFO: Started chef-zero at chefzero://localhost:8889 with repository at /root/chef-solo
    One version per cookbook
    [2017-10-11T12:50:56+05:30] INFO: Forking chef instance to converge...
    [2017-10-11T12:50:56+05:30] INFO: *** Chef 12.19.36 ***
    [2017-10-11T12:50:56+05:30] INFO: Platform: x86_64-linux
    [2017-10-11T12:50:56+05:30] INFO: Chef-client pid: 927
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] INFO: Setting the run_list to ["role[elasticsearch]"] from CLI options
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] WARN: Original Run List: [role[elasticsearch]]
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[sdc-elasticsearch::ES_6_create_kibana_dashboard_virtualization]]
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] INFO: HTTP Request Returned 404 Not Found: Object not found: chefzero://localhost:8889/environments/AUTO
    Error expanding the run_list:
    Unexpected API Request Failure:
    Object not found: chefzero://localhost:8889/environments/AUTO
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] ERROR: Running exception handlers
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /root/chef-solo/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] ERROR: 404 "Not Found"
    [2017-10-11T12:50:57+05:30] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)

  6. Hello, I downloaded the ONAP heat template and env file for Beijing release on Jun.13th, 2018, all 20 VMs were up. After I login to the portal, I did the license onboarding without any issue, when I try to onboard the VSP, I don't see the Attachment button on the left panel, there is no way for me to upload the zip file that has the heat template. Any idea?


    1. In the ONBOARDING PROCEDURE, you have to choose network package intead of manual. 

  7. The same issue I also met. Could anyone help on it?