This page describes the corresponding information model of the proposal: Simplified K8s Resource Model

The detailed k8s-resource model (A&AI object) is defined below, updated in 2021.8.9's resource IM call:

And the draft IM is as follow:

(Note: only the K8sResource class is for approval. Tenant, GenericVnf and VfModule are temporary classes representing the existing A&AI objects, and not part of the proposal.)

Gendoc: VnfModel-2021-08-15-184725.docx

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  1. Unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to look more deeply into the AAI objects in this diagram. But I'm wondering how the AAI objects GenericVnf and VfModule are represented in our current Resource IM. I guess GenericVnf maps to VnfInstance? But what would VfModule map to?

    I also wonder if we have a description for K8sResource. The closest thing that I found in the presentation material is this:

    • "Store Resources definitions about Controllers (eg.Deployments), Compute (Pods, Containers), Storage (PV/PVC),Network (Pod Interfaces, Services) and Configuration resources (eg. ConfigMaps, Secrets)."
    1. I think that we should treat k8s resource quite broadly i.e. we should be able to model any k8s resource which can be managed by kubernetes. 

  2. Input from Lukasz during resource IM call:

    We can continue the discussion on this wiki, or in the following calls.