
Meeting Logistics

DayTimeMeeting IDZoom Link
Wednesday[sdc] Team ONAP3, Mon UTC 9:00 / China 17:00 / Eastern 4:00 / Pacific 01:00see listsee ONAP-Meeting invite

Meeting Attendees

Michael Morris

Vasyl Razinkov

André Schmid

Anderson Ribeiro

Agenda & Minutes

Review open action items from last week

Main purpose is to sync between Committers and discuss open reviews, other topics below

Open Reviews :

Open review

Pending reviews

Best practice for code to be reviewed by a committer from a different company than the submitter so please keep an eye on submissions from other companies in order for code review process to proceed efficiently. 

Reviews open that have been contributed and reviewed by Ericsson team,  would be great if these can be reviewed by committers from another company so they can be progressed

Istanbul Global Requirements
  1. REQ-439 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
    In Progress

    REQ-443 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  2. Target is to reach silver level more info : CII Badging Program. Any volunteers
Meeting Frequency

Agreed to have a standing meeting once a month, additional meetings to be called on demand. If anybody has an agenda item to add to the monthly meeting or if anybody would like a meeting to be called in between monthly meetings please contact Michael Morris

Action Items

  • All to follow up on reviews

