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The CLAMP Control Loop Runtime Lifecycle Management uses the following system level dialogues. These dialogues enable the CLAMP runtime capabilities described in Section 2 of TOSCA Defined Control Loops: Architecture and Design. Design Time dialogues will be described in future releases of the system.

1 Commissioning Dialogues

Commissioning dialogues are used to commission and decommission Control Loop Type definitions and to set the values of Common Parameters.

1.1 Commissioning a Control Loop Type Definition using the CLAMP GUI

This dialogue corresponds to a "File→Import" menu on the CLAMP GUI. The documentation of future releases of the system will describe how the Design Time functionality interacts with the Runtime commissioning API. CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory [REST] Commission Control Loop Type Definition Store Control Loop Type Definition [REST] Type Definition Commissioned

1.2 Commissioning a Control Loop Type Definition using SDC

SDC SDC Policy_Distribution Policy_Distribution CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory [DMaaP] CSAR containing Control Loop Type Definition [REST] Commission Control Loop Type Definition Store Control Loop Type Definition [REST] Type Definition Commissioned [DMaaP] Deployment Completed

1.3 Setting Common Parameters for a Control Loop Type Definition

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_Runtime Participant ParticipantCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definitions [REST] Type Definitions returned Select Control Loop Type Definition for Parameterization [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Common Parameter Definitions alt[Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants] Read Control Loop Type Definition Generate fields for Common Parameters for GUI [REST] Return GUI fields Common Parameter Definitions Render UI for Common Parameters Get values for Common Parameters from user [REST] Set values for Common Parameters Store values for Common Parameters [REST] Common Parameter values stored [Control Loop Type Definition already Commissioned on Participants] [REST] Cannot set Common Parameters onControl Loop Type Definition that hasbeen commissioned on participants

1.4 Priming a Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_Runtime Participant ParticipantCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory Participants Participants [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definitions [REST] Type Definitions returned Select Control Loop Type Definition for Priming on Participants [REST] Prime Control Loop Type Definition on Participants alt[Control Loop Type Definition not Primed on Participants] Read Control Loop Type Definition Read Common Parameter Values for Control Loop Type Definition alt[Common Parameter values set for Control Loop Type Definition] [DMaaP] Update Participants with Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters [REST] Control Loop Type Definition priming ordered on participants [Control Loop Type Definition already primed on Participants] [REST] Common Parameters not seton Control Loop Type Definition [Control Loop Type Definition already primed on Participants] [REST] Cannot set Common Parameters onControl Loop Type Definition that hasbeen primed on participants Participant Responses [DMaaP] Result of Update with Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters Store result of Control Loop Type Definition Update on Participant Supervision loop[forever] Read Control Loop Type Definitions loop[over each Control Loop Type Definition] alt[Control Loop Type Definition Participant priming underway] read result of Control Loop Type Definition Updates from participants alt[Updates completed on all participants] set Control Loop Type Definition as primed on Participants [Updates not completed] alt[Priming of Control Loop Type Definition on participants timed out] set Control Loop Type Definition priming as timed out on Participants Log error [Wait for updates to complete] [Control Loop Type Definition Participant priming not underway]

1.5 De-Prime a Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

This dialogue allows a Control Loop Type Definition to be de-primed so that it can be deleted or its common parameter values can be altered.

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_Runtime Participant ParticipantCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory Participants Participants [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definitions [REST] Type Definitions returned Select Control Loop Type Definition for de-priming on Participants [REST] De-prime Control Loop Type Definition on Participants alt[Control Loop Type Definition primed on Participants] alt[Control Loop Instances do not exist for Control Loop Type Definition] [DMaaP] Update Participants, removing Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters [REST] Control Loop Type Definition de-priming ordered on participants [Control Loop Instances exist for Control Loop Type Definition] [REST] Control Loop Type Definition cannot bede-primed on participantsit is in use on control loops [Control Loop Type Definition not primed on Participants] [REST] Control Loop Type Definition has notbeen primed on participants Participant Responses [DMaaP] Result of Update to remove Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters Store result of Control Loop Type Definition Update on Participant Supervision loop[forever] Read Control Loop Type Definitions loop[over each Control Loop Type Definition] alt[Control Loop Type Definition Participant de-prime underway] read result of Control Loop Type Definition Updates from participants alt[Updates completed on all participants] set Control Loop Type Definition as de-primeed on Participants [Updates not completed] alt[De-priming of Control Loop Type Definition on participants timed out] set Control Loop Type Definition de-priming as timed out on Participants Log error [Wait for updates to complete] [Control Loop Type Definition Participant de-prime not underway]

1.6 Decommissioning a Control Loop Type Definition in CLAMP

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definitions [REST] Type Definitions returned Select Control Loop Type Definition for Decommissioning [REST] Decommission Control Loop Type Definition alt[Control Loop Type Definition not primed on Participants] Delete Control Loop Type Definition [REST] Type Definition Decommissioned [Control Loop Type Definition is Commissioned on Participants] [REST] Control Loop Type Definition cannot be decommissionedit is primed on participants

1.7 Reading Commissioned Control Loop Type Definitions

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definitions [REST] Type Definitions returned

2. Instantiation Dialogues

Instantiation dialogues are used to create, set parameters on, instantiate, update, and remove Control Loop instances.

Assume a suitable Control Loop Definition exists in the Commissioned Control Loop Inventory. To get a Control Loop instance running one would, for example, execute dialogues 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4.

2.1 Creating a Control Loop Instance

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeCommissioned_CL_Inventory Commissioned_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definitions [REST] Type Definitions returned Select Control Loop Type Definition to use to create Control Loop Instance [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Instance Specific Parameter Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definition Generate fields for Instance Specific Parameters for GUI [REST] Return GUI fields Instance Specific Parameter Definitions Render UI for Instance Specific Parameters Get values for Instance Specific Parameters from user [REST] Request Creation of Control Loop Instance Create Control Loop Instance Store First Version of Control Loop Instance [REST] Control Loop Instance Updated

Note that this dialogue creates the Control Loop Instance in the Instantiated Control Loop Inventory. The instance is sent to the participants using the process described in the dialogue in Section 2.3.

2.2 Updating Instance Specific Parameters on a Control Loop Instance

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory [REST] Read Control Loop Instances Read Control Loop Instances [REST] Control Loop Instances returned Select Control Loop Instance on which to Update Parameters Step version of Control Loop Instance as Major/Minor/Patch [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Instance Specific Parameter Definitions Read Control Loop Type Definition Generate fields for Instance Specific Parameters for GUI [REST] Return GUI fields Instance Specific Parameter Definitions Render UI for Instance Specific Parameters Get values for Instance Specific Parameters from user [REST] Request Update of Control Loop Instance Update Control Loop Instance Store New Version of Control Loop Instance [REST] Control Loop Instance Updated

2.3 Updating a Control Loop Instance with a Configuration on Participants

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_Runtime Participant ParticipantInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory Participants Participants [REST] Read all configuration versions of Control Loop Instance Read all configuration versions of Control Loop Instance [REST] All configuration versions of Control Loop Instance returned Select configuration version of Control Loop Instance for Instantiation Participants [REST] Instantiate selected configuration version of Control Loop Instance on Participants alt[Selected configuration version of Control Loop Instance not instantiated on Participants] Read configuration version of Control Loop Instance [DMaaP] Update Participants with configuration version of Control Loop Instance [REST] Instantiation of configuration version of Control Loop Instance ordered on participants [Selected configuration version of Control Loop Instance instantiated on Participants] [REST] configuration version of Control Loop Instance already instantiated on participants Participant Responses [DMaaP] Result of update of configuration version of Control Loop Instance on participant Store result of update of configuration version of Control Loop Instance on participant Supervision loop[forever] Read Control Loop Instances loop[over each Control Loop Instance] alt[Control Loop Instance configuration version update underway on participants] read result of Control Loop updates from participants alt[Updates completed on all participants] set configuration version of Control Loop Instance as Instantiated on Participants set overall configuration version of Control Loop Instance state as Instantiated [Updates not completed] alt[Instantiation of Control Loop Instance on participants timed out] set configuration version Control Loop Instance Instantiation as timed out on Participants Log error [Wait for updates to complete] [Control Loop Instance configuration version update on participants not underway]

2.4 Changing the state of a Control Loop Instance on Participants

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_Runtime Participant ParticipantInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory Participants Participants [REST] Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances [REST] All Instantiated Control Loop Instances returned Select Control Loop Instance on which to change state and specify new state [REST] Change state of selected Control Loop Instance on Participants alt[Selected Control Loop Instance instantiated on Participants] [DMaaP] Request change of state of Control Loop Instance [REST] Change of state of Control Loop Instance ordered on participants [Selected Control Loop Instance not instantiated on Participants] [REST] Control Loop Instance not instantiated on participants Participant Responses [DMaaP] Result of State Change of Control Loop Instance on participant Store result of State Change of Control Loop Instance on participant Supervision loop[forever] Read Control Loop Instances loop[over each Control Loop Instance] alt[Control Loop Instance State Change underway on participants] read result of Control Loop State Change from participants alt[Updates completed on all participants] set Control Loop Instance state as changed on Participants set overall Control Loop Instance state as changed [Updates not completed] alt[Control Loop Instance State Change on participants timed out] set Control Loop State Change as timed out on Participants Log error [Wait for updates to complete] [Control Loop Instance State Change on participants not underway]

2.5 De-instantiating a Control Loop Instance from Participants

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_Runtime Participant ParticipantInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory Participants Participants [REST] Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances Read all Instantiated Control Loop Instances [REST] All Instantiated Control Loop Instances returned Select Control Loop Instance to de-instantiate [REST] De-instantiate selected Control Loop Instance on Participants alt[Selected Control Loop Instance instantiated on Participants] [DMaaP] Update Participants to remove Control Loop Instance [REST] De-instantiation of Control Loop Instance ordered on participants [Selected Control Loop Instance not instantiated on Participants] [REST] Control Loop Instance not instantiated on participants Participant Responses [DMaaP] Result of update of Control Loop Instance on participant Store result of update of Control Loop Instance on participant Supervision Read Control Loop Instances loop[over each Control Loop Instance] alt[Control Loop Instance de-instantiation update underway on participants] read result of Control Loop updates from participants alt[Updates completed on all participants] set Control Loop Instance as de-instantiated on Participants set overall Control Loop Instance as de-instantiated [Updates not completed] alt[Control Loop Instance de-instantiation Update timed out on participants] set Control Loop Instance de-instantiation as timed out on Participants Log error [Wait for updates to complete] [Control Loop Instance de-instantiation update on participants not underway]

2.6 Deleting a Control Loop Instance

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory [REST] Read all Control Loop Instances Read all Control Loop Instances [REST] All Control Loop Instances returned Select Control Loop Instance to delete [REST] Delete selected Control Loop Instance alt[Selected Control Loop Instance exists] Delete control loop instance [REST] Control Loop Instance deleted [Selected Control Loop Instance does not exist] [REST] Control Loop Instance does not exist

2.7 Reading Control Loop Instances

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory [REST] Read all Control Loop Instances Read all Control Loop Instances [REST] All Control Loop Instances returned

3. Monitoring Dialogues

Monitoring dialogues are used to monitor and to read statistics on Control Loop Instances.

3.1 Reporting of Monitoring Information and Statistics by Participants

CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_Runtime Participant ParticipantInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory [DMaaP] Participant and Control Loop Element Monitoring and Statistics report Store Participant and Control Loop Element Monitoring and Statistics report alt[Fault reported on Participant] log fault on Participant Record fault on Participant loop[Over all Control Loop Elements in Participant Report] alt[Fault reported on Control Loop Element] log fault on Control Loop Element and Control Loop Record fault on Control Loop Element and Control Loop

3.2 Viewing of Monitoring Information

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory Overview of all Control Loop Instances [REST] Read all Control Loop Instances Read all Control Loop Instances [REST] All Control Loop Instances returned Display overview of status of all Control Loop Instances Details of a Control Loop Instance [REST] Read Control Loop Elements for Control Loop Instance Read Control Loop Elements for Control Loop Instance [REST] Control Loop Elements returned Display status of Control Loop Elements in Control Loop Instance Overview of all Participants [REST] Read all participants Read all participants [REST] All participants returned Display overview of status of all participants Details of a Participant [REST] Read Control Loop Elements for Participant Read Control Loop Elements for Participant [REST] Control Loop Elements returned Display status of Control Loop Elements in Participant Filtered Monitoring Set filter for Control Loop Instances, Control Loop Elements, and Participants [REST] Read Control Loop Elements that match filter Read Control Loop Elements that match filter [REST] Control Loop Elements that match filter returned Display status of Control Loop Elements that match filter

3.2 Viewing of Statistics

CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_GUI CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory Statistics of all Control Loop Instances [REST] Read summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances Compile summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances [REST] Summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances returned Display summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances Statistics of a Control Loop Instance [REST] Read statistics for Control Loop Elements for Control Loop Instance Compile statistics for Control Loop Elements for Control Loop Instance [REST] Statistics for Control Loop Elements returned Display statistics for Control Loop Elements in Control Loop Instance Statistics of all Participants [REST] Read summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances Compile summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances [REST] Summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances returned Display summary statistics for all Control Loop Instances Statistics of a Participant [REST] Read statistics for Control Loop Elements for Participant Read statistics for Control Loop Elements for Participant [REST] Statistics for Control Loop Elements returned Display statistics for Control Loop Elements in Participant Filtered Statistics Set filter for Control Loop Instances, Control Loop Elements, and Participants [REST] Read statistics for Control Loop Elements that match filter Read statistics for Control Loop Elements that match filter [REST] Statistics for Control Loop Elements that match filter returned Display statistics for Control Loop Elements that match filter

3.3 Statistics Housekeeping

CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory Control Loop Instance Statistics loop[forever] Read Control Loop Instance Statistics Summarise Control Loop Instance Statistics Store summarised Control Loop Instance Statistics Delete Control Loop Instance Statistics on which retention period has expired Participant Statistics loop[forever] Read Participant Statistics Summarise Participant Statistics Store summarised Participant Statistics Delete Participant Statistics on which retention period has expired

4. Supervision Dialogues

Supervision dialogues are used to check the state of Control Loop Instances and Participants.

4.1 Supervise Participants

CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory loop[forever] Read Participants loop[Over each Participant] alt[Participant has not reported in last reporting window] Log Participant as having missed a report Increment missed report counter on Participant alt[Participant has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter] Raise a Participant Offline alarm on participant Mark participant as being offline [Participant has reported in last reporting window] Clear missed report counter on Participant alt[Participant marked as being offline] Clear Participant Offline alarm on participant Mark participant as being online

4.2 Supervise Control Loops

CLAMP_Runtime CLAMP_RuntimeInstantiated_CL_Inventory Instantiated_CL_Inventory loop[forever] Read Control Loop Instances loop[Over each Control Loop Instance] loop[Over each Control Loop Element] alt[Control Loop Element has not reported in last reporting window] Log Control Loop Element as having missed a report Increment missed report counter on Control Loop Element [Control Loop Element has reported in last reporting window] Clear missed report counter on Control Loop Element alt[Control Loop Element in incorrect state in last reporting window] Log Control Loop Element as being in incorrect state Record Control Loop Element as being in incorrect state [Control Loop Element not in incorrect state in last reporting window] alt[Control Loop Element was in incorrect state on previous report] Log Control Loop Element as being in correct state Record Control Loop Element as being in correct state alt[Control Loop Element reported fault in last reporting window] Log Control Loop Element as being faulty Record Control Loop Element as being faulty [Control Loop Element did not report fault in last reporting window] alt[Control Loop Element reported fault on previous report] Log Control Loop Element fault as cleared Mark fault Control Loop Element as being cleared alt[Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter] Raise a Control Loop Offline alarm on Control Loop Instance Mark Control Loop Instance as being offline [No Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on missed report counter] alt[Control Loop Instance marked as being offline] Clear Control Loop Instance Offline alarm on Control Loop Mark Control Loop Instance as being online alt[Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance in incorrect state in last reporting window] Log Control Loop Instance as being in incorrect state Record Control Loop Instance as being in incorrect state alt[Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on incorrect state reports] Raise a Control Loop Instance in Incorrect State alarm on Control Loop Instance Mark Control Loop Instance as being in an incorrect state [No Control Loop Element in incorrect state in last reporting window] alt[Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance was in incorrect state on previous report] Log Control Loop Instance as being in correct state Record Control Loop Instance as being in correct state alt[Control Loop Instance in Incorrect State alarm raised on Control Loop Instance] Clear Control Loop Instance in Incorrect State alarm on Control Loop Instance alt[Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance reported a fault in last reporting window] Log Control Loop Instance as being faulty Record Control Loop Instance as being faulty alt[Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance has exceeded alarm threshold on faulty reports] Raise a Control Loop Instance Faulty alarm on Control Loop Instance [No Control Loop Element faulty in last reporting window] alt[Control Loop Element in Control Loop Instance was faulty on previous report] Log Control Loop Instance as being fault free Record Control Loop Instance as being fault free alt[Control Loop Instance Faulty alarm raised on Control Loop Instance] Clear Control Loop Instance Faulty alarm on Control Loop Instance

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