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DateAttendeesAgenda / Notes


  • Luke Gleeson Discussion around CPS-1221 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
    • Requirement DT (Lukasz Rajewski) : support modifications across multiple Anchors and/or multiple fragment under on anchor
      • Scope: CPS Only (for now)
    • Architectural Issues(Tony Finnerty )
      • Distributed transactions hard to support in MicroServices environment, strategy is 'eventual-consistency' instead
    • Possible future solutions
      • Batch Operation against multiple anchors (cm handles) 
      • Support Yang-Patch operation for non-passthrough (cached) data
    • Conclusion. Lukasz will process feedback and await completion of multi-root functionality before considering new requirements for CSP
  • Kohn/London status
    • Branch created (for CPS Core)
    • User Stories can go ahead and be merged
    • Bugs once merged  'cherry pick' to Kohn branch as needed
  • SoftwareStatus


  • SoftwareStatus
    • CPS-1294 - Getting issue details... STATUS Toine Siebelink will ass comment with stakeholder decision. handling of notification (kafka) errors in this use case
  • Discuss CPS-1301 - Getting issue details... STATUS it was agreed that the expected behavior is to insert prefix only when new modules occur as per the usual convention. This is a known and documented limitation in CPS and therefore not a bug. Agreed with David Terwilliger to take this as a high priority requirement for the London Release as part of a 'Feature' request from Fujitsu on CPS (the process was explained during the meeting)
  • New Joiners,welcome!
  • Code Freeze


  • SoftwareStatus
    • Lukasz Rajewski explained bug CPS-1258 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Toine Siebelink will revert back but is concerned this could be an ODL limitation which required a CPS based workaround before the data is parsed.
  • Michał Jagiełło explained CPS-1265 - Getting issue details... STATUS it was agreed that the RFC does allow Yang modules without a revision. CPS needs to be able to accept that (handle it as an empty String) This ticket has no been converted to a bug.
  • Code Freeze, when can we create new branch?Team agreed to await  M4  decision  on   because of possible issues with jobs that build release images from master  branch.  A Feature  branch  could  be  considered if it takes much longer.






  • Priyank Maheshwari demo of CPS-1034 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    Observation: when State goes to locked lock-reason details etc are NOT in the event
    Positive feedback, user story and work item related to it can now be closed (smile) 
  • SoftwareStatus
    • Aditya Puthuparambil has added Jira to handle different pre-fixes for module names in output and will this put on agenda for R11 backlog meeting
    • Joseph Keenan wil share proposal for data loading improvements with Tony Finnerty 
    • DT Team has several proposals in progress and wil arrange meeting with full team to discuss them next week
    • CPS-1126 - Getting issue details... STATUS remains main priority, several teem members are helping out now


  • Lee Anjella Macabuhay demo of  CPS-1168 - Getting issue details... STATUS / CPS-1133 - Getting issue details... STATUS to close W.I. 9 in R11
    • All good, user story and W.I. 9 can now be closed
  • Lee Anjella Macabuhay present findings on CPS-1153 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Scope of user story limited to this investigation, Lee Anjella Macabuhay wil create a follow up user story for implementation and a Spike re. the requirements for DB/Yang model updates probably without using Liquibase
    • Spike has proven dat model can be split without any consequences for the format of the data ie. the data is backward and forward compatible
  • Rudrangi Anupriya presented a proposal for CPS-1131 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Proposal is comprehensive but need to be converted to a CPS Wiki Page 
    • Some functional requires separate mention, further study and separate future Jiras such as
      • 'limit' query parameter(?) to return a limited amount of nodes
      • '*' representing all possible child containers or even descendants?
      • brackething i.e. combining several logical operators using brackets
    • The need/priority of cpsPath extensions should be driven by the real world need of business use cases.
    • any cpsPath extension need to consider the  impact of the SPI (Service Provide Interface) and thus the feasibility to remain database base technology  agnostic, think of an extension for regular expression support
  • Thanks Dylan Byrne for all your valued contributions to CPS and good luck with your future opportunities, maybe you wil find out way back to Open Source again (smile) 



  • SoftwareStatus
    • Demo by Dylan Byrne re. CPS-1133 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Enable/Disable Data Sync for Cm Handle
  • Arpit Singh & rajesh kumar Discussed their findings in regard to CPS-1128 - Getting issue details... STATUS , and gave a list of API's which can possibly be created and updated, along with new error codes that can implemented for certain error scenarios. They will share their documentation with us.


  • SoftwareStatus
    • Luke Gleeson  no updates from liquibase from last week.
    • Dylan Byrne  investigation on a bug  CPS-1150 - Getting issue details... STATUS   related to ODL having transitive dependency of guava which has some vulnerabilities. Tony Finnerty  suggested we should also check what version SDNC uses in order to select the correct version and still be compatible.
  • Questions came up during the meeting.
    • Rajesh kumar pointed about the response format of few of the endpoints to be in text format as opposed to json. He will reach out with consolidated details. Also there is a user story in backlog on the same lines CPS-1128 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Team to look into it.
    • Ahila P  pointed out that the list-node API in CPS-Core on retrieval of nodes is slower and she will come back with the sample data for the team to analyze further.
    • Arpit Singh  wanted to confirm on resolution about a bug raised in Istanbul release related to schema-set. (we were able to fetch the details of the deleted schema-set ) which is fixed in Jakarta. 


  • SoftwareStatus
    • Toine Siebelink will update CPS-1150 - Getting issue details... STATUS to include suggestion for using latest version of ODL YangTools and check for direct dependency of Guava (in NCMP test stubs?)
    • Aditya Puthuparambil suggested to create Jira for KT on Kubernetes deployment of ONAP/CPS CPS-1151 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Kohn Milestone Status M2
    • CPS read ie. tasks closed but TSC forum decided to postpone decision by 1 week.
  • Demo by Dylan Byrne re. CPS-1119 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • dataSyncEnabled missing from output, will be addressed in current user story
  • Demo by Luke Gleeson re. CPS-977 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Error handling for cspPath needs to be improved. return 4xx when invalid (conform cps-core). Handle(validate) blank string separately
    • Inconsistencies between kebab-case for yaml modelled data and camelCase json modelled data need to be addressed. New spike CPS-1152 - Getting issue details... STATUS created for that
    • Current dmi-registry model needs to be published with note on fact that additional-properties cannot be used. Created a user story to split between public and private models:  CPS-1153 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • SoftwareStatus
  • Agree with team potential endpoints for new API in CPS-1133 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Context: this endpoint will be an 'override' for a future more granular cache config which itself might enable dataSync (flag). The cache config will be developed using a new specialized interface
    • Agreed endpoint:  /v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data-sync?enabled=true/false
      PUT/POST - No Body
    • if CacheEnabled is set to false after being synchronized: remove data and set datastore sync state to NONE-REQUESTED
    • if CacheEnabled is set to false during being synchronization: check flag AFTER sync is completed, remove data and set datastore sync state if needed
    • Need to enhance query capabilities, possibly model driven! CPS-1138 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Need to add 'forwarding functionality' CPS-1139 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Toine Siebelink Dylan Byrne Luke Gleeson Lee Anjella Macabuhay Sourabh Sourabh Aditya Puthuparambil Andras Zoltan Kiss Priyank Maheshwari 
  • SoftwareStatus
  • Discuss open questions around CPS-1119 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Was discussed earlier in the day wasn't discussed as part of this meeting
  • Demo by Dylan Byrne re. CPS-1076 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Separate Commit will be pushed to add logging for the total number of minutes until the retry mechanism is expected to run again.
  • Demo by Luke Gleeson pending merge re. CPS-1045 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Demo by Lee Anjella Macabuhay  re.  CPS-1064 - Getting issue details... STATUS




  • SoftwareStatus
  • Demo by Lathishbabu Ganesan re. Data Sync CPS-1000 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Data Sync worked as expected (with workaround to get bookstore-data instead of first data-tree) (big grin)
    • Instance contention, retry and override  (update) are out of scope and will be handled in future user stories



  • SoftwareStatus
  • aditya puthuparambil raised questions about reporting Data-Sync state for CPS-1036 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Agreed that is outside the scope of current user story. Event schema can be update later depending on what stakeholder requirements are for this. Priyank Maheshwari will record open issue on this and contact stakeholders
    • Renu Kumari also question use of cm-handle-id as the value for event correlation id. Team agreed to propose a separate cm-handle-id field and use correlation if (in future) when need but not for cm-handle-id. Priyank Maheshwari will record open issue on this and contact stakeholders


  • SoftwareStatus
  • Jakarta Final Release Tasks: Getting issues...
  • Kohn M1 Tasks : Getting issues...
    Toine Siebelink  to check with Byung about need for architectural review


  • SoftwareStatus
    • Sourabh Sourabh wil create a bug related to OOM depency issue for logging
    • Discussed Async Response wrapping. The statuscode and message in the Async response event are as intended: the original code and message from the underlying component. And NOT a HTTP code inline with the synchronous response which is generated by NCMP
  • Kohn Milestone Status NEW (big grin)
  • CPS R11 Release Planning


  • SoftwareStatus
    • CPS-1020 - Getting issue details... STATUS stil being investigated by ERicsson Internal team. No action yet required form CPS Team
    • CPS-986 - Getting issue details... STATUS some confusion about logback.xml filename still used in OOM and possible duplication. Bruno Sakoto  wil work with Sourabh Sourabh to resolve this. Some additional info from Priyank Maheshwari :
      When a file in the classpath has one of the following names, Spring Boot will automatically load it over the default configuration:
          Spring recommends using the -spring variant over the plain ones whenever possible, as described here.
  • Ahila P looked for some clarification re the integration of RAN Simulator (Honeycomb). This wil connect using SDN-C(R). SO teh full stack vor writing using Passthrough Datastore is TBDMT → CPS-NCMP → DMI-Plugin → SDN-C(R) → Ran Simulator
  • Toine Siebelink and Ahila also discussed the possible removal of old preloaded data. This wil be handled by a new Jira: CPS-1021 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Priyank Maheshwari presented CPS-1017 Explore and Compare various caches and team agreed to proceed with option #2 'Embedded Distributed' which Priyank wil now execute a PoC for


  • SoftwareStatus
    • Dylan Byrne  CPS-877 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • Cannot be merged (yet) but should be pushed to Onap Gerrit for review
      • Dylan Byrne has created CPS-1010 - Getting issue details... STATUS  to check lock reason for passthrough. Consider internal state or new enum for reason to allow passthrough access when 'Lock' for data-sync etc.

      • Toine will check Strimzi related commit status with Fiachra Corcoran 

  • RC Milestone Status
    • RC postpone to CPS only depns on Integration )(team) related task, tracked by CPS-990 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • Discuss with Ahila P the feasibility of supporting these items:
    1. PATCH method support for list-nodes in CPS-Core API
      Ahila P wil proceed CPS Team with exact patch request
      CPS Team will examine possible solution but solution will be limited subset off usual Path-functionality just enough to support use-case required
    2. Support for CPS-E-05 interface which requires Cache to be enabled
      In progress see Work Item #4 on CPS R11 Release Planning
      Cache (datastore ncmp-operational) is read-only 
      Cache update are planned as further work items in R11 
      Writing to 'cache' is not planned for R11
    3. Ran-network Configuration update using NCMP
      This is already supported using ncm-passtrough-operational. CPS Team will organise a demo mid next week to show passthrough read and write scenarios, see  CPS-1004 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    4. Add CPS-TBDMT under CPS umbrella
      CPS Team is stil just 'hosting' CPS-TBDMT. Although it is a valuable addition to CPS it hasn't got the priority and are team is not resourced enough to take it further. 

  • A.O.B.
    • Some good news
      Reached 1000th Jira in CPS! Great work for small team!
    • Some bad news
      Renu Kumari wil be leaving Bell Canada. CPS Team wishes her well and thanks Renu for all her valuable contributions to CPS. Renu hopes to keep contributing in a private capacity but of course cannot dedicate as much time.
  • SoftwareStatus (time permitting)
    Stil intermittent build issue affect throughput for team. Aditya Puthuparambil has raised LNF IT Ticket:



No meeting, bank holiday in Canada and Ireland


  • SoftwareStatus
    • CPS-829 - Getting issue details... STATUS required change from SpringFox to SpringDoc library because of know issue
    • CPS-979 - Getting issue details... STATUS Sourabh Sourabh will present decision on WEbClient proposal to team once finalized
    • CPS-961 - Getting issue details... STATUS Agreed to replace IllegalStateException with custom (CpsParser) exception for consistency and future flexibility
    • CPS-898 - Getting issue details... STATUS Lee Anjella Macabuhay  will investigate separate handling of InteruptedException and 'isolation level' as suggested by Bruno Sakoto 
  • Joseph Keenan confirmed as comitter by TSC (big grin)
  • Demo by Renu Kumari of CPS-896 - Getting issue details... STATUS Good demo, all worked as expected, Renu just needs to update documentation before closing this user story


DateZoom Recording





















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