

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Jorge, Bobby, Kristin, Joseph, Ali, Charles, Temoc, Drew, Daniel, Kevin, Ritu, Chenfei and Mike B


Discussion items

  • Story 103 : Yesterday Worked on the get query for A&AI closed loop. Today working on the junit test..

   AliStory 102 : Yesterday worked on the Junit test and went through lots off issues and had resolved mostly. Today will be fixing the last issue. 
  Charles Story 101 : Work in progress 
  Temoc Story 55 : Yesterday, fixed the issues what faced last couple of days. Will be continuing today. 
  Drew Story 197 : Completed. Working on the integ. monitor/audit story in the backlog. 
   DanielStory 194 : Yesterday, worked on the code modification of format what app-c using. Will be continuing today and need to work on the get query 
  Kevin Story 195 : Working on Junit  

Working on support tasks

Story 162 : Work in progress 

  Ritu Story 57 : Working with A&AI and also discussing with Chenfei/Joseph
  Mike B Story 111 : Work in progress 

Action items
