

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Pam, Bobby, Kristin, Tarun, Ritu, Drew, Temoc, Kevin, Joseph, Ravi, Daniel and Jorge


Discussion items


Story 103 : Friday, completed the code for AAI get query and also Junit Test for event manager. Sent the sample code to Ritu
                : Started check in the code and will try to complete everything.

  TarunMet with Pam for design and working on BRMS template 
  Temoc Story 55 : Able to submit the code and working on comments provided by Jorge. Jorge will be discussing with Temoc later today 
  Drew Closed all the US in the last sprint. Working the Skeleton for Health check features. 
  Daniel Story 104 : Faced some issues last Friday, Will be working on today.
  Kevin Story 195 : Friday, finished the comments provided by Jorge/Ralph for state management and working on rest.

Working on support tasks
Story 119 : Planning to work on Drools-PDP.

  Ritu Story 57 : working on Junit test. 
  Ravi One of the Policy UI is not working on. Working on that issue with Tarun 

Action items
