

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Kristin, Bobby, Tarun, Joseph, Ali, Charles, Daniel, Drew, Kevin, Mike, Temoc and Ritu


Discussion items

  • Story 103 : Yesterday, code changes and check-in completed. Will be continuing rest of the tasks.

   TarunStory 42 : Yesterday, finished the check style issue fixing and met with Pam/Jorge for new Policy rule template.  


Story 102 : Code changes completed and merged and everything good to go.
          : Working on MSO simulator 
  Charles Story 101 :Friday, merged the changes. today will be working on some cleaning stuffs. 
  Temoc Story 55 : Yesterday, met with Mike and discussed template drl file for Junit. Will be continuing today. 
  Drew Yesterday submitted the Junit for test transaction features.
Planning to submit another pull request and will be reaching out to Kevin for integ audit and monitor tasks. 
  Daniel Story 104 : Yesterday submitted the pull request but can not move forward until A&AI code submitted. 
  Kevin Yesterday finished all the changes to state management modules, merged and pushed the review package.
Worked on another branch set up.
Couple of tasks added for state management in JIRA. Will have to discuss with Jorge 
  Ritu working on Junit, will be submit on Monday 
  Mike B Story 173 : Met with Pam/Jorge for documentation. Will be continuing
Story 111 : Zero SONAR blockers but will have run another report to check. 

Action items
