

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Jorge, Bobby, Tarun, Ravi, Ali, Joseph, Kevin, Ritu, Saryu, Drew, Daniel, Charles, and Temoc


Discussion items

  • Story 103 : Friday, checked in my code successfully without any issues.
       : Working on to update Junit test for A&AI simulator and will meet with Ali today

   TarunStory 211: Working on health monitor issues.
Story 113 : Will be working on SONAR critical issue and will be submitting the changes today 
  Ali Story 102 : Friday, code changes completed and merged the pull request. Today Working on the Junit test for simulator.
                : Today Will be submitting the changes.
                : Need to meet with Jorge to check anything to be done beyond Junit
  Charles Story 201 : Friday worked on to move the simulator. Today will be working on to modify  the code to merge with Joseph's code. 
  Temoc Story 55 : Friday, got into null pointer exception issue and analyzing to resolve the issue and  Will be fixing SONAR Blocker issue also. 
  Drew Story 214 : Working on Test transaction feature but it is blocked now. Have 2 pull request pending for review. 
   DanielStory 104 : Friday was doing internal work and bug fixes. Today will be testing Joseph's code for A&AI. 
  Kevin Story 156 : Completed the code changes and pull request is done. Awaiting for review feedback from Pam/Jorge
Story 195 : Working on SONAR clean up. 
  Jorge Working on support tasks 
  Ritu Will be submitting the Junit test today and will wait for review. Don't have DCAE view but will put the code there. 
  Saryu Story 136 : Working on Architecture Wiki 
   RaviStory 147 : Friday, worked on and resolved elastic script, Dockers and cosmetics issues. Today will be merging the code. 

Action items
