

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Jorge, Bobby, Kevin, Joseph, Ali, Charles, Temoc, Drew, Daniel, Ritu and Saryu


Discussion items

  • Story 103 : Working on to restore the certification for A&AI repository.

   AliStory 102 : Submitted the code changes and merged. Working on what discussed yesterday with Jorge 

Story 202 : Working on to fix the pull request to merge the code.

Story 201 : Not able to find the URL for guard simulator, analyzing on that. 

  Temoc Story 55 : Yesterday, submitted the code changes to merge. Today looking into XML Jar task. 
  Drew Story 227 : Code changes completed and pending for review.  
  Daniel Story 104 : Yesterday, set up the environment and able to test the real template and working on firewall. DCP is working fine with architect. 

Story 156 : Yesterday, worked on the comments provided by Pam and reviewed the Drools changes and Junit.

Story 195 : Got response from Pam for SONAR issues, working on that.

  Jorge Working on support tasks 
  Ritu Working on issue for passing the Junit test. 
  Saryu Story 136 : Working on documentation and have meeting with Pam later today 

Action items
