

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Jorge, Bobby, Kristin, Mike Z, Tarun, Joseph, Ali, Charles, Temoc, Daniel, Drew, Ritu and Saryu


Discussion items

  • Story 103 : Yesterday worked on to fix the code to get environment properties and refreshed PDP drools code.
  •  Worked on KSS shares AAI to set up test data with Jimmy. Have scheduled meeting with Daniel, Charles, Ali to discuss today

Yesterday, Changed Junit code for BRM gateway and Drools and submitted the same.

Working on  ONAP source certification task requested by Pam .

  Ali Story 102 : Yesterday worked on the user stories of guard as per Kristin request and will be con 
  Charles Yesterday worked guard simulator and got into some issue. Working on to fix that issue 
  Temoc Working on the guard simulator, properties and to push URL. 
  Drew Yesterday worked on Junit for file system, test manager class but went through some issue Going through the guide provided by Jorge and will be fixing the issue 

Yesterday, started to look Policy use case and got some feedback from Ritu and will be able to close quickly.

working on Junit testing also.

  Jorge Working on support tasks 
  Ritu Yesterday worked on to push two patches. Need help for Junit test 
  Saryu Working on API documentation 

Action items
