

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Jorge, Bobby, Tarun, Joseph, Ravi, Ali, Daniel, Drew, Charles, Temoc and Kevin


Discussion items

  • Checked in A&AI Junit code for review.

   TarunStory 226 : Yesterday worked on internal build issues and have all the information for new controller and will be working on the changes 
  Charles Working on to fix the SONAR critical issues. 
  Temoc Working on authentication for guard interface but ran into build error and will be fixing today 
  Drew Will be continuing working Junit for rest management class and Pull request is merged but there are some issues in changes made by Jorge
Will be checking on that 
  Daniel Working on template changes for architecture.
Get query and Junit is not working and will be focusing today 
  Kevin Working on  Junit enhancement for state management
Working on SONAR blocker and critical issues. 
  Ravi Working on push policy script and BRMS template for new policy based on Pam recommendation  

Action items
