

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Jorge, Ritu, Saryu, Daniel, Drew, Charles, Ali, Kevin, Tarun and Temoc


Discussion items

  • Made the changes for controller and will be doing pull request today.

    Also working with Ravi for minor changes of script.


Submitted the changes what Jorge suggested

Will send the link to Ritu to check 


Yesterday worked on pull request for SONAR critical.

Today Will be fixing the AFC issues and also working on comments provided in pull request by Daniel 


Yesterday fixed and submitted the build issue and submitted changes for adding the authentication for guard rest call.

Also worked on App-c service test 


Yesterday, worked the guard simulator and rest management class issues.

 Facing some issues in Junit and will be working to resolve today. 


Yesterday worked on issues ran into AFT lab.

Resolved the issue of moving the state management and pushed into Linux foundation. 

  Jorge Working on support tasks  

There was some issue in last patch and will be looking into that.

Also working on the comments provided for VFC code. 

  Saryu Working on API documentation and architecture. 

Completed the A&AI code and submitted for review

Also found the way to REXX test data and will be trying today

Also working on comments provided by Daniel 


Worked on the bug raised by internally

Will be continuing the testing of guard. 

Action items
