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CPS-1812 - Getting issue details... STATUS





Additional InformationSign Off
1CPS-E-08.eNCMP is to merge CM Notification Subscriptions Create request for the same CM Handle & XPath(s)
  • Prevent unnecessary subscription updates to nodes already involved in a subscription to the same path
  • For possible combinations, see table below


Last lights out: upon subscription Delete request only when there is no more subscription for a cm-handle & xpath combination a subscription-delete request wil be send to the relevant DMI(s)

3CPS-E-08.eAmalgamation per DMI: all subscription updates originating from a single client request should be send to a single DMI in one request (message). Of course there can be several message if more than 1 DMI is involved.

4CPS-NCMP-I-01CM Handle deletion should update subscription detailsdo NOT delete dmi-subscription entry until owning subscription is deleted, see issue #4 below
5CPS-E-08.ebackward compatible with 'basic' created/delete operations.. TBDcould use versioning in API–methods and schema's to handle this?!

Error Handling

Error ScenarioExpected behaviorSign-off
1DMI Downrejected
2DMI Not responding withing 30 secpending
3create for non-existing cm handle idrejected
4delete for non-existing cm handle id(silently?) ignore
5any operation on non-existing xpathignore? (no or minimal validation, see issue #5)
6delete for non existing name/client-idTBD
7delete for no existing cm-handle idTBD
8error upon error

An error scenario on a second subscription for the same cm-handle/xpath as a previous subscription which did not complete successfully (yet)

to be discussed, see tabel below


1Maximum number of cm data subscriptions

2Maximum, Average CM Handles/subscription 

3Maximum, Average XPaths/CmHandles

4Status update processing time limitBased on the numbers above working out the current state of each cm handle/xpath combination could be slow!


  1. CM Notification Forwarding Check: When forwarding CM Notification NCMP will not check the content to see if the is a valid active subscription. It is assumed that the DMI Plugin as acted on the 'delete subscription' request (that request is NCMPs responsibility). And of course there wil be timing issues it also possible a CM Notification was send just after the subscription-delete was send (from client) but before the whole change had acted upon that. 
  2. Retry: NCMP wil only report when actions are pending or rejected. NCMP will not implement a retry mechanism
  3. Wildcards: Wildcards or similar functionality where one string represent 0 or more xpaths is not covered as part of this requirement but it should be kept in mind as a future possibility
  4. Dynamic Topic: Topic for CM Data Notifications back to client will be hardcode for now


1Targets is a collection of xpathscan be implemented as a json array of strings
2for the DMI plugin cm-handle-id and xpath are the key to a unique subscriptionthe client-id and subscription name are not relevant for the DMI (should not be included in the request) as this would break the concept of merging!

Issues & Decisions

#IssueNotes Decision
1Is it intended that CM Notification subscription request  cover (all) descendants of the given xpath too?!e.g.. if a child is removed and there is a subscription for the parent node, will a notification be send (grandchild, child leaf updates etc.) I hope NOT!
  • Risk of client effectively subscribing to ALL data in a cm handle by specifying top level datanode(s)
  • Complexity (i.e. cost of) of merge operation. It might even required NCMP to check relevant dat model
  • Future use of wildcards, could be a viable alternative for including descendants

2Could xpath point to an element that does not exist (yet)if not how, how can I client be informed about a create event? 
3Should NCMP support re-homing, moving of a CM Handle from one DMI to another?assume only trough delete & create 
4CM Handle Delete: Should DMI or Clients be sent a subscription update (assume no)do NOT delete dmi-subscription entry until owning subscription is deleted
(just ignore upon future delete if cm handle is gone altogether)

5Validation of xpathoptions order of implement and also performance cost!
  1. none
  2. xpath-parser
  3. model check
  4. instance check

6can DMI plugin 'reject' a subscription create (for a given cm-handel-xpath combination)As NCMP might not validate as per issue#5 the DMI=plugin or component further down might have to reject an invalid xpath...

Priyank Maheshwari 

yes currently DMI can use response to say which cm handles are not accepted i.e. rejected' (but not 'pending')

7implementation question: should 'rejected' DMI-subscriptions be storedI would think not
8Dimensioning of DB depends on #cm handles, #subscrptions and #xpaths per subscription, this could be too big for fast processing of updates!Need to agree maximum and possibly realistic average/total number of entries based on the characteristics  above
9Maximum (error) message size, theoretically all cm handles and all xpaths combinations could be rejected or pending leading to a very large error message!

Solution Proposals 

Current state handling for 'basic' (not merged) subscription create/delete (under development)

Scenario 1
1) Create Sub from Client: CH-1, CH-2
2) All handled by DM1
3) NCMP to DMI request Create sub:  CH-1, CH-2
DMI responds within 30 seconds: Status OK

NCMP Send message to client: Statsu OK (no list with Rejected/Pending)

Scenario 2
1) Create Sub from Client: CH-1, CH-2
2) All handled by DM1
3) NCMP to DMI request Create sub:  CH-1, CH-2
DMI does NOT respon with 30 seconds

NCMP Send messge to client: Pending [CH-1, CH-2]

Scenario 3
1) Create Sub from Client: CH-1, CH-2
2) All handled by DM1
3) NCMP to DMI request Create sub:  CH-1, CH-2
DMI responds within 30 seconds: Rejected [CH-2]

NCMP Send message to client: Rejected [CH-2]

Scenario 4:
4 diffrent DMIs each handling 2 Cm Handles, create sub for all CHs 

Scenario 4-part a
DMI1 CH-1, CH-2 All accepted within 30 secs
DMI2 CH-3, CH-4 Mixed result witing 30 seconds e.g. Rejected [CH-4]
DMI3 CH-5, CH-6 No result after 30 seconds
DMI4 CH-7, CH-8 No result after 30 seconds

NCMP -> Client : Rejected [CH-4], Pending [ CH-5, CH-6, CH-7, CH-8 ]

4-part b
DMI3 PLugin responds after 40 seconds; status OK
NCMP -> Client : Rejected [CH-4], Pending [ CH-7, CH-8 ]

4-part c
DMI4 PLugin responds after 50 seconds; Rejected [CH-7]
NCMP -> Client : Rejected [CH-4, CH-7]

Note. The above algorithm depends ons storing (in DB using yang modelled data) a cm-handle status for each cm-handle for each subscription!

Merge → Split

  • NCMP treats a Client Subscription as one or more (small) DMI Subscriptions, each of which wil have there own state.
    Each DMI Subscription is related to 1 or more client subscriptions.
    If there is no more related client subscription the DMI Subscription can be deleted (once accepted by DMI Plugin)!

Data Model (not a great diagram...)


Create Combinations

Existing Subscription A-10Client Create Subscription B-35 RequestDMI Create RequestData Model
1CH-1, [ /p/c1, p/c2 ]CH-1, [ /p/c1 ]None
Client  Subscription
DMI Subscription
A10CH-1/p/c1[ A-10, B-35 ]
B35CH-1/p/c2[ A-10 ]
2CH-1, [ /p/c1, p/c2 ]CH-1, [ /p/c2, /p/c3 ]CH-1, [ /p/c3 ]
Client  Subscription
DMI Subscription
A10CH-1/p/c1[ A-10 ]
B35CH-1/p/c2[ A-10, B-35 ]

CH-1/p/c3[ B-35 ]
3CH-1, [ /p/c1]
CH-2, [ /p/c1]
CH-2, [ /p/c1]
CH-3, [ /p/c1]
CH-3, [ /p/c1]
Client  Subscription
DMI Subscription
A10CH-1/p/c1[ A-10 ]
B35CH-2/p/c1[ A-10, B-35 ]

CH-3/p/c1[ B-35 ]
4CH-1, [ /p/c1]CH-1, [ /p/c1/gc1 ]CH-1, [ /p/c1/gc1 ] (see issue #1)
Client  Subscription
DMI Subscription
A10CH-1/p/c1[ A-10 ]
B35CH-1/p/c1/gc1[ B-35 ]

Delete Combinations

NCMP Existing ANCMP Existing BClient Delete A RequestDMI Delete Request
1CH-1, [ /p/c1, p/c2 ]CH-1, [ /p/c1 ]CH-1, [ /p/c1, p/c2 ]CH-1, [ p/c2 ]
2CH-1, [ /p/c1]
CH-2, [ /p/c1]
CH-2, [ /p/c1]
CH-3, [ /p/c1]
CH-1, [ /p/c1]
CH-2, [ /p/c1]
CH-1, [ /p/c1]
3CH-1, [ /p/c1]

CH-1, [ /p/c1]
CH-2, [ /p/c1]
CH-1, [ /p/c1]None

Error-Upon-Error Combinations

Previous InteractionCurrent InteractionExpectationNotes
1any operation on rejected for non-existing cm-handleoperation for same non-existing cm-handlelisted in 'rejected' immediatelybehavior as normal
2create operation rejected by DMIcreate for same cm-handle/xpathtry again ?!
3create pendingcreate for same cm-handle/xpathTBD send again or just remain pending?!
4create pendingdelete for same cm-handle/xpath

5delete pendingdelete for same cm-handle/xpath

6delete pendingcreate for same cm-handle/xpath


Proposed JIRAs

PriorityComponent DescriptionJIRAEstimates








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