

  • AT&T: Kevin Wan

  • Reliance Jio: Ning So, Chao Kan, Uday Joshi, Dinesh, and L. Meng
  • Spirent: Rajesh Rajamani


  • Clarify project plan, logistics and method of collaboration 

Discussion items

    1. Begin project planning phase with three companies
    2. OTF project logistics:

                                                               i.      Create project email list under ONAP: Kevin

                                                             ii.      Using OTF wiki pages as official project documentation place holder

                                                           iii.      Weekly project meeting on Wednesday 2-3 PM EST.  Kevin to publish weekly meeting bridge on ONAP Wiki.

                                                           iv.      Publish weekly meeting minutes: Ning

    1. Begin OTF project description and scope discussion using email list
    2. Begin OTF project definition and architecture investigation using email list
    3. Begin ONAP testing gap analysis using email list