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  1. Chuyi-

        Very nice job starting to use Papyrus. Based on the NS model we currently have in the model, I have the following comments/questions. The first question I would have is whether you are trying to show a design time or run-time model? You have elements of both in your diagram. Other comments:

    1. It is the NsVirtualLinkDesc that has a relationship to the NSD, not the NsVirtualLink
    2. It is the NsVirtualLinkDesc that has an attribute called virtualLinkDf which is a datatype VirtualLinkDf, not a class VirtualLinkDf as you have in your picture.
    3. Both QoS and ConnectivityType are datatypes and not classes.
    1. Hello, Jessie, thank you for your comments, here are my answers:  

          I think this is a design time model, and I want you to help point out what difference should be between design model and run time model.

         How to correct virtualLinkDf, should it still inside the class NsVirtualLinkDesc? And  so is QoS and Connectivity?

  2. If you are describing the NsVirtualLinkDesc and its relationship to the NSD, it is a design time model.

    I've attached the model as it is currently in the ONAP Papyrus model. Note, it says it is a "service" model, but if we are implementing the NS at the resource layer, then we will have to move it to the resource model. Also note that ETSI does not define the composite/atomic pattern and does not model the NS as a composite resource, so I'm not convinced this is correct. OnapServiceModel.docx See section 1.2.13

    1. Hello ,Jessie, it has been put under R3 Resource IM Clean Version, you can go to check.

  3. Hi Chuyi-

         Nothing should be in Resource IM Clean right now as the model has not been approved. It should stay in discussion.

    1. Hi, Jessie,    

         I think maybe you misunderstand the "clean version", clean doesn't mean final, it is a state that demonstrates the current situation we have a consensus. This doesn't mean no more changes,but quite the opposite ,that means we may need a further supplement based on the clean version.