This table represents the known exploitable and non-exploitable vulnerabilities in third party packages used in the project.

There are no known vulnerabilities in the optf/osdf and optf/has repos

RepositoryGroupImpact AnalysisAction
optf/cmsocom.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.9.7Confirmation of vulnerability.

Ensure that messages being de-serialized by Spring Boot are from trusted sources

OPTFRA-397 - Getting issue details... STATUS OPTFRA-390 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Confirmation of vulnerability.

Fixed & removed the jars

OPTFRA-395 - Getting issue details... STATUS

org.codehaus.plexusConfirmation of vulnerability

Fixed & removed the jars

OPTFRA-395 - Getting issue details... STATUS

commons-collectionsConfirmation of vulnerability

Fixed & removed the jars

OPTFRA-395 - Getting issue details... STATUS

xerces:xercesImplConfirmation of vulnerability

Fixed & removed the jars

OPTFRA-395 - Getting issue details... STATUS

commons-beanutils:commons-beanutilsConfirmation of vulnerability

Fixed & removed the jars

OPTFRA-395 - Getting issue details... STATUS


This dependency is pulled in by hibernate-core. dom4j is used internally in the hibernate library, which is not exposed to the external client.

The fix for CVE has been resolved in version 2.1.1 release which is included in spring-boot-data-jpa 2.1.0.RELEASE.

Request Exception.

To fix this would require upgrading spring-boot version to 2.1.0-RELEASE

OPTFRA-397 - Getting issue details... STATUS