This table represents the known exploitable and non-exploitable vulnerabilities in third party packages used in the project.

RepositoryGroupImpact AnalysisAction



Its source is in ONAP Portal SDK

Request exception


Its source is in ONAP Portal SDK

Request exception


False positive

VID doesn't use createBeanDeserializer() function in the BeanDeserializerFactory class

False positive


No fix is available for this vulnerability;

Its source is in ONAP Portal SDK

Request exception


No fix is available for this vulnerability;

Its source is in ONAP Portal SDK

Request exception


Its source is in ONAP Portal SDK

Request exception


False positive

VID doesn't use the problematic function createBeanDeserializer in the BeanDeserializerFactory class

No fix is available for this vulnerability

False positive

vidxercesIts source is in ONAP Portal SDK

Request exception

vidorg.hibernateIts source is in ONAP Portal SDK

Request exception


False positive

VID doesn't use the check function in file

False positive source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vidcommons-codec Its source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
viddom4jIts source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vid jquery

No use of parseHTML function;

No use of AJAX calls in Jquery (only make such calls with Angular)

False positive
vidorg.apache.wicketIts source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vidorg.springframework Its source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vidorg.springframework Its source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vidorg.springframework Its source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vidorg.springframework Its source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vid org.owasp.esapi Its source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception
vidorg.owasp.antisamyIts source is in ONAP Portal SDKRequest exception

VID has a dependency for HTTP requests: jersey-jetty-connector which uses the jetty-http dependency. These vulnerabilities related to having a jetty server but jetty-http doesn't creates one.

False positive
