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Rancher access

the IP changes according to the env where the setup is created, use the ui to identify the ip where Rancher is installed and access its external IP.

K8 access!/service?namespace=default

the IP changes according to the env where the setup is created, use the ui to identify the ip where Rancher is installed and access its external IP.

SDC docker dependency structure and troubleshooting info:

SDC Troubleshooting

Useful commends

Retrieve all pods in the system in the ONAP name space or use --all-namespace to show pods from all namespaces

root@rancher:~# kubectl get pods -n onap

NAME                                                                         READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE

dev-sdc-be-7dfd76f8b7-hc26c                                       2/2            Running                     0          2d

dev-sdc-cs-7d7787b7f5-6ch55                                       1/1            Running                     0          2d

dev-sdc-es-9477ccd7c-8jt5p                                          1/1            Running                     0          2d

dev-sdc-fe-59dbb59656-v7kwn                                       2/2           Running                      0          2d

dev-sdc-kb-7cfbd85c7b-pgpnj                                        1/1            Running                     0          2d

dev-sdc-onboarding-be-745c794884-6c9tf                        2/2            Running                     0          2d

dev-sdc-wfd-6f7c9d778b-hbzlf                                       1/1            Running                     0          2d

For more info on the pods

root@rancher:~# kubectl get pods -n onap -o wide

NAME                                                                         READY       STATUS              RESTARTS      AGE               IP              NODE

dev-sdc-be-7dfd76f8b7-hc26c                                          2/2           Running                    0               2d     k8s-3

dev-sdc-cs-7d7787b7f5-6ch55                                          1/1           Running                    0               2d      k8s-3

dev-sdc-es-9477ccd7c-8jt5p                                             1/1           Running                    0               2d      k8s-4

dev-sdc-fe-59dbb59656-v7kwn                                         2/2           Running                    0               2d      k8s-2

dev-sdc-kb-7cfbd85c7b-pgpnj                                           1/1           Running                    0               2d      k8s-9

dev-sdc-onboarding-be-745c794884-6c9tf                           2/2           Running                   0                2d       k8s-4

dev-sdc-wfd-6f7c9d778b-hbzlf                                          1/1           Running                    0               2d    k8s-8

Retrieve all the services defined in the system

root@rancher:~# kubectl get services -n onap

NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                            PORT(S)                                                                      AGE

sdc-be                         NodePort            <none>                                 8443:30204/TCP,8080:30205/TCP                                       2d

sdc-cs                         ClusterIP         <none>                                 9160/TCP,9042/TCP                                                          2d

sdc-es                         ClusterIP         <none>                                 9200/TCP,9300/TCP                                                          2d

sdc-fe                         NodePort          <none>                                 8181:30206/TCP,9443:30207/TCP                                       2d

sdc-kb                         ClusterIP         <none>                                 5601/TCP                                                                        2d

sdc-onboarding-be         ClusterIP         <none>                                 8445/TCP,8081/TCP                                                          2d

sdc-wfd                       NodePort        <none>                                 8080:30256/TCP                                                               2d

View k8 context

root@rancher:~# kubectl config get-contexts


*                  oom            oom          oom

View the helm chart releases and there state :

root@k8s:~# helm list

NAME    REVISION            UPDATED                          STATUS                CHART                 NAMESPACE

dev        2            Mon Apr 16 23:01:06 2018          FAILED  onap-2.0.0        onap    

dev        9            Tue Apr 17 12:59:25 2018            DEPLOYED                 onap-2.0.0                onap

View the repositories from which charts are retrieved
root@rancher:~# helm repo list

Config upgrade

should use the local/onap syntax to let K8 decide based on the parent chart (local/onap)

helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml

update container

disable the pods wait for pods to stop and start them


cd ~
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml --set sdc.enabled=false
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml --set sdc.enabled=true


helm list -a
dev-sdc         2               Wed Oct 17 18:06:08 2018        DEPLOYED        sdc-3.0.0               onap
helm del dev-sdc --purge

helm list -a //to confirm its gone

kubectl get pods -n onap | grep sdc //check the pods are done

helm deploy dev local/onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --namespace onap
Update config map

in case you want to update the env json for sdc.

update the file under oom/kubernetes/sdc/resources/config/environments/AUTO.json

stop pods make the charts and start the pods

helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --set sdc.enabled=false
make /root/oom/kubernetes/sdc
make /root/oom/kubernetes/onap
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --set sdc.enabled=true

To check status of a pod
kubectl -n onap describe pod dev-robot-5cfddf87fb-65zvv
Log into the docker in a pod
kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-sdc-onboarding-be-745c794884-ss8w4 bash

Log into ta specific container in a pod

in case there a number of containers in the same pod  use -c

kubectl -n onap exec -it dev-sdc-onboarding-be-745c794884-ss8w4 -c <container name as it is defined int the deployment yaml for the pod> bash

View container logs

in case there a number of containers in the same pod  use -c

kubectl -n onap logs -it dev-sdc-onboarding-be-745c794884-ss8w4 -c <container name as it is defined int the deployment yaml for the pod>

show config maps
kubectl get configMap -n onap
View config map as yaml
kubectl get configMaps -n onap dev-sdc-environments-configmap -o yaml

Delete full deploy

then check that all pods are stopped.

look for all Terminating to be gone if not wait till they are.

helm del dev --purge

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide

Look for persistent volumes claims

that have not been removed.

       kubectl -n onap get pvc

Delete them if the do not go down
kubectl -n onap delete pvc  dev-sdnc-db-data-dev-sdnc-db-0

Look for persistent volumes that have not been removed.
kubectl -n onap get pv

Remove them persistent volumes
kubectl -n onap delete  pv  pvc-c0180abd-4251-11e8-b07c-02ee3a27e357

To delete a pod stuck in terminating
kubectl delete  pod dev-sms-857f6dbd87-6lh9k -n onap

full install
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml

configuring access to SDC using portal

portal application is the only on with an exposed external port.

Look for the external IP of the node that has portal IP in the UI interface for the instances.

kubectl get service -o wide -n onap

define the IP in you local machine to allow so that the browser can resolve it to the correct IP

to access the portal usethe link below after the resolving has been updated.

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