SDN-R is able to handle NetConf notification from connected NetConf Servers. To receive NetConf notifications a mountpoint object (network-topology/netconf/node) must exist in MD-SAL and its (clustered-)connection-status must be "connected".

There are in prinipal two ways to create a mountpoint within MD-SAL:

  • via a NetConf or RestConf message
  • via NetConf-Call-Home

The deviceManager component on SDN-R is listening to the connection-status changes for NetConf mountpoints. If the connection-status changes to "connected" the NetConf create-subscription message for netconf notifications is send to the NetConf-server. From now on the NetConf client service is sending NetConf notifications to SDN-R (ODL) devicemanager listener. Every listener on NetConf Notification for this NetConf-Server will trigger the specific handler to process the message.

There are two ODL Listerner interfaces used by devicemanger:

  • ODL Netconf Client related 
    • After subscription of NetConf notification stream for mountPoint, using org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.netconf.notification._1._0.rev080714.NotificationsService, notifications are forwarded to the listener.
    • Related interface class: org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.onf.params.xml.ns.yang.microwave.model.rev170324.MicrowaveModelListener extends org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.NotificationListener extends java.util.EventListener
  • ODL MDSAL DataTree related
    • After regsitration of the listern, all Data Tree changes of related elements are forwarded to the listerner.
    • Object id for nodes is specified like this: 
      private static final InstanceIdentifier<Node> NETCONF_NODE_TOPO_IID = InstanceIdentifier
      .child(Topology.class, new TopologyKey(new TopologyId(TopologyNetconf.QNAME.getLocalName())))
    • Related interface class:<Node>

The PNF NetConf Server needs to support capabilites to provide notifications. The related YANG specs are: 

  • <capability>urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:microwave-model?module=microwave-model&amp;revision=2017-03-24&amp;features=pure-ethernet,hybrid-microwave</capability>

  • <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0?module=notifications&amp;revision=2008-07-14</capability>

Websocket (WS) based notifications, are provided by different services.

  • Via port 8185 the ODL MDSAL DataTree offers a WS service for changes in the DataTree, like Creation/Deletion/Change of a mountpoint.
  • Via port 8085 the 


  • No labels


  1. Question to the last line (interaction) in the sequence diagram "Forward event as VES".
    Is there any reference available, how that VES event looks like? Any example Header + body? Which domain is used? Anything?

  2. Here a reference to further information regarding VES:

    Here an answer for SDN-R Implementation:

    Using the collector as test entity: 

    • with script "~/odl/evel-test-collector/scripts/linux/
    • Configuration adapted in "evel-test-collector/config/collector.conf" for last lines to provide credentials:
    • vel_domain =
      vel_port = 30000
      vel_path =
      vel_username = admin
      vel_password = admin
      vel_topic_name =

    Related configuration in SDN-R is here $ODL_HOME/etc/


    As example here log with start of collector and showing the received heartbeat message:

    herbert@devherbert:~/odl/evel-test-collector/scripts/linux$ ./ 
    Logfile: ../../logs/collector.log
    Verbose mode on
    Registering for GET at /eventListener/v3
    Registering for POST at /eventListener/v3
    Registering for GET at /eventListener/v3/clientThrottlingState
    Registering for POST at /eventListener/v3/clientThrottlingState
    Registering for POST at /testControl/v3/commandList
    Registering for GET at /testControl/v3/commandList
    Serving on port 30000...
    ==== Fri Jul 12 19:10:24 2019 =================================================
    Valid JSON body (no schema checking) decoded:
    "event": {
    "commonEventHeader": {
    "domain": "heartbeat",
    "eventId": "testpattern-ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015",
    "eventName": "heartbeat_Controller",
    "eventType": "Controller",
    "lastEpochMicrosec": 360782828936,
    "priority": "Low",
    "reportingEntityId": "",
    "reportingEntityName": "sdnr",
    "sequence": 0,
    "sourceId": "",
    "sourceName": "sdnr",
    "startEpochMicrosec": 360782828936,
    "version": 3.0
    "heartbeatFields": {
    "additionalFields": [
    "name": "eventTime",
    "value": "2019-07-12T17:10:24.7Z"
    "heartbeatFieldsVersion": 1.0,
    "heartbeatInterval": 120
    Authenticated OK - - [12/Jul/2019 19:10:24] "POST /eventListener/v3 HTTP/1.1" 202 0
  3. Herbert Eiselt Thanks a lot for that example of HeartBeat!
    What I noticed there is, that Event Listener v3 is used. It might make sense to update to v5 - or even better -to v7 (corresponds to VES 7.x spec).

    There might be some additional features and domains defined in v7, which would support those VES mappings better, than with v3.