This table represents the known exploitable and non-exploitable vulnerabilities in third party packages used in the project.

RepositoryGroupImpact AnalysisAction

False positive

Jackson: can be an issue if we leave on default typing

In SO we do not use default typing. We use strict parsing and validation of deserialized data.

There is no unknown source data  from which SO reads the application data (xml/json).

No Action.

All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.


Remote Code Execution (RCE) using class loader is the reported issue, current SO does not handle the specific scenarios.

No Action

All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.

SOcommons-collectionsPulled in by Springboot, indirect dependencyWill handle in the E - release SO-1778
SOdom4jPulled in by Springboot, indirect dependencyNo Action
SOio.springfoxUsed in the  vnfm-service and  vnfm-simulator moduleNeed to upgrade to 2.7.0,2.8.0 or 2.9.2 versions we will handle in the E release
SOjquery 1.10.2Has no direct usage, comes along with the spring boot in the catalog-db-adapter jar. Is not used in the SO functionalityNo Action
SOjs-yaml 3.4.6
  • Used only in the simulator code
  • js-yaml.min.js located at vnfm-simulator/vnfm-service/target/vnfm-service-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar/BOOT-INF/lib/springfox-swagger-ui-2.6.1.jar/META-INF/resources/webjars/springfox-swagger-ui/lib
No Action
SOorg.apache.tomcat.embedPulled in by Springboot, indirect dependencyNeed to upgrade to from 9.0.20 will handle  in the E release
SOorg.slf4j Pulled in by Springboot 1.5.13-RELEASE and also specified by SO

Need to upgrade to 1.7.26 will handle in the E release

SOorg.springframeworkPulled in by Springboot

Need to upgrade to 5.0.10 or 5.1.5

Will handle in the E - release SO-1778

SOorg.webjars jquery

Not used in the code comes from the springframework

  • jquery-1.10.2.js located at adapters/mso-catalog-db-adapter/target/mso-catalog-db-adapter-1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar/BOOT-INF/lib/spring-data-rest-hal-browser-3.0.10.RELEASE.jar/META-INF/spring-data-rest/hal-browser/vendor/js
No Action
SOjavax.servletNo direct reference in the code, this should be pulled in by the framework
SOorg.camunda.bpmUsed in the  bpmn module and core moduleNeed to upgrade 7.11.0-alpha1,7.11.0-alpha2 and 7.11.0-alpha3 we will in the E release
SOorg.jsonUsed in the  bpmn module, adapters module, mso-api-handler module,  comman modules and asdc-controllerAll of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.
SOcom.googlecode.libphonenumberPulled in by SpringbootNeed to upgrade to 7.2.3 or any above.
SOcom.squareup.okhttpUsed by so adapters and vnfm-simulatorAll of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.
SOcommons-codec//dependency is mentioned in the main project pom.xml//All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.
SOcommons-fileupload Used by so bpmn module.Need to upgrade to 1.4
SOjavax.mailPulled in by springboot.All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.
need to upgrade to 2.0.14Release or 2.1.6RELEASE and will be handled in the E-release. 
SOorg.springframework.securityUsed in so adapters, asdc-controller,bpmn,common,mso-api-handlers,docker and vnfm-simulator.need to upgrade to 5.0.12Eelease or 5.1.5RELEASE and will be handled in the E-release.
SOorg.webjars bootstrapPulled in by springboot.Need to upgrade to 4.1.3 and will handle in the E-release.
SOuikitPulled in by springboot.Need to uprade to 2.26.4,2.27.0,2.27.1,2.27.2,2.27.3, 2.27.4 and will handle in the E-release.
SOorg.apache.cxfUsed in so adapters,bpmn,common,cxf-logging,logger and docker.All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues. by adapters and common.All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.
SOorg.hibernateUsed in so adapters,asdc-controller,bpmn, common, mso-api-handlers,mso-catalog-db.(cfg, dialect, exceptions and annotations)Need to upgrade to 5.3.7.Final and will handle in the E-release
SOorg.hibernate.commonPulled in by SpringbootAll of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.
SOorg.mariadb.jdbcDriver is used by yaml files for maraidb connection in modules :adapters,mso-catalog-db,mso-api-handlers,bpmn and asdc-controller.All of the existing jackson databind have vulnerabilities issues.
SO libscom.fasterxml.jackson.core

False positive

Jackson: can be an issue if we leave on default typing 

In SO we do not use default typing. We use strict parsing and validation of deserialized data.

There is no unknown source data  from which SO reads the application data (xml/json).

No Action

All of the exisiting jackson have vunerabilities issues.

SO libscommons-codecThis is used for the decoding of the input. contains an Improper Input Validation vulnerability. The only way is to use extra validations added before the actual inputThere is no non vulnerable version of this component. We recommend investigating alternative components or a potential mitigating control.