Use CaseStatusDescription

E2E Network Slicing


into Release

WIKI PAGE: E2E Network Slicing Use Case in R7 Guilin

JIRA: REQ-342 - Getting issue details... STATUS , AAI-2916 - Getting issue details... STATUS , AAI-2917 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IMPACT: (see Jiras) Impacts to mS to extract fields from SDC. Need to investigate. E2E Slicing.  Key contact: Swaminathan Seetharaman

Schema Update (for Guilin): Add model-role to model object

Configuration & Persistency



WIKI PAGE: Configuration & Persistency Service R7

JIRA: Test Only

IMPACT: Test Only

Schema Update (for Guilin): None

Intent Based NetworkingNot accepted

WIKI PAGE: Intent-Based Network

JIRA: REQ-329 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IMPACT: INVESTIGATION. Identified A&AI. Contact Huang ZongHe . Presented at the Architecture S/C. Possibly moved to POC status:

Linked to: ONAPARC-589 - Getting issue details... STATUS Arch S/C recordings: ONAPARC 2020 Meetings


CC VPN Transport Slicing


into Release

WIKI PAGE: Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list#ccvpnTransportSlicingCCVPN-TransportSlicing

An End-to-End 5G Network Slice consists of RAN, Transport and Core network slice sub-nets. This requirement is devoted to the realization Transport Slice sub-nets. It implements TN NSSMF, of which the functionality includes the modeling, orchestration and assurance of a Transport Slice. While TN NSSMF is a self-contained entity and thus this requirement can be independent, ensuring the integration with the E2E Network Slicing is an important aspect of this requirement. Standards-based interfaces and architectural framework (e.g., ETSI ZSM, IETF) are used by this requirement.

Storing Slice ID, and which Element participating in the Slice. Swaminathan Seetharaman ;


JIRA: REQ-347 - Getting issue details... STATUS , AAI-2920 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Schema Update (for Guilin): Adding endpoint object

PNF Software Upgrade


into Release

WIKI PAGE: Support xNF Software Upgrade in association to schema updates

JIRA: REQ-324 - Getting issue details... STATUS , AAI-2935 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IMPACT: Lead: Zu Qiang (Ericsson) , Support xNF Software Upgrade in association to schema updates. VNF S/W version into A&AI.

Done in eComp? ported to ONAP (confirmed) (from Chris Rapposelli-Manzo). Email sent from Lukasz to Zu Qiang (Ericsson)

Generic-VNF object in A&AI will have software-version attribute. It should be optional and should be of string type. Exemplary values are: "1.0", "1.0.1", "2.0.0"

It is in the S/W but Not in Swagger file yet (version 19). Perhaps swagger not generated yet. How is the swagger file updated?

Targeted for V20? still needs to generated and published. (will be other changes too)

Schema Update (for Guilin): Software version added for generic-vnf

CNF OrchestrationT/O

WIKI PAGE: Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list#SupportforContainerizedNetworkFunctionorchestrationthroughONAPserviceorchestrator

JIRA: REQ-341 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IMPACT: DDF Presentation:

Provide CNF orchestration support through integration of K8s adapter in ONAP SO

  • Support for provisioning CNFs using an external K8s Manager

  • Support the Helm based orchestration

  • leverage the existing functionality of Multi cloud in SO

  • Bring in the advantages of the K8s orchestrator and

  • Set stage for the Cloud Native functioanl scenarios to be demosntarted through ONAP

Led by Seshu Kumar Mudiganti  Srinivasa Addepalli  Lukasz Rajewski

Schema Update (for Guilin): None

ETSI Alignment


into Release

WIKI PAGE: Guilin release - functional requirements proposed list

and model planning page: ONAP R7 Modeling High Level Requirements

JIRA: REQ-334 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IMPACT: Note: if AAI needs some minor schema changes for ETSI modeling, one of the ETSI-Alignment participating companies will update the AAI schema. It is part of the user stories.

Fernando Oliveira  leading this work.  Byung-Woo Jun

Schema Update (for Guilin): TBD



into Release


JIRA:  REQ-340 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IMPACT: Lead Olivier Phénix  , Mike Elliott  (AMdocs OOM)

schema, multiple tenant pointing to same A&AI instance. Retreive operate on their own PNFs. (not available in A&AI yet).

How to support multiple ONAP components on same cluster. Access Control. Can't tag PNFs.

Schema Update (for Guilin): Edge rule added for pnf to owning entity relationship

Bulk PM / PM Data Control ExtensionAccepted into Release

JIRA:  DCAEGEN2-2164 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IMPACT: Slight schema update to include sdc blueprint info

Schema Update (for Guilin): Not delivered yet

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